Preparedness definition
Examples of Preparedness in a sentence
Perform activities in support of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness ( PHEP ) Cooperative Agreement between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) and the Department of State Health Services ( System Agency ) to advance public health emergency preparedness.
If determined applicable by the County, Contractor shall have a written Pandemic Preparedness Plan that complies with all applicable laws, regulations, orders, and agency guidelines regarding COVID- 19 and, at a minimum, meets the requirements in the Milwaukee County COVID-19 Response Preparedness Plan Checklist, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit E.
Milwaukee County COVID-19 Response Preparedness Plan Checklist (Exhibit E) g.
Please contact your DHS/FEMA GPD Headquarters Preparedness Officer to receive further guidance on the steps required to release this hold.
This NSGP award is for $3,278,443 for the following subrecipients, subaward amounts, and projects listed below: Subrecipient (Your Nonprofit), $ In addition to the Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR) submission requirements outlined in the Preparedness Grants Manual, recipients must demonstrate how the grant-funded project addressed the core capability associated with this project.