Program support definition

Program support means the services necessary for the efficient administration of this part, including the delivery of program services to eligible businesses. “Program support” may include the administrative costs of providing project assistance, conducting a statewide laborshed study in coordination with the department of workforce development, outreach to business and marketing of programs, the procurement of technical assistance, and the implementation of information technology.
Program support means the direct and indirect program support costs that support providing services to a client.
Program support means the design, integration, installation, certification, and on-going support associated with the launch and provision of the Connectivity Service and Ancillary Services on the Retrofit Aircraft.

Examples of Program support in a sentence

  • Information, including business sensitive/confidential or proprietary data, that the Seller provides to the Buyer or Government or information already in the possession of the Buyer or Government may be viewed and utilized by the AbilityOne Program support contractor personnel during the course of its contract performance.

  • Program support documentation shall include: Over Target Baseline (OTB) or Restructure The contractor may conclude that the baseline no longer represents a realistic plan in terms of budget or schedule execution.

  • Program support may require significant coordination and interface with various DoD and non-DoD activities located in and out of CONUS.

  • The line item detail to be provided shall include: AbilityOne Program support for the efforts of the Commission; NPA financial support; compensation & benefits, travel & meetings; professional services; training; advertising and promotion; other operating expenses; and expenses reportable by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.

  • Program support costs typically include salary and wages for staff who work in Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, Legal, Property Management, etc.

  • The DMDC test environment is a shared test environment among many DMDC customers, as well as all TRICARE Program support contractors.

  • Program support will require significant coordination and interface with various DOD and non-DOD activities located in and out of CONUS.

  • Information, including business sensitive/confidential or proprietary data, that the offeror provides to the Government or information already in the possession of the Government may be viewed and utilized by the AbilityOne Program support contractor personnel during the course of its contract performance.

  • Program support materials are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value where cost is determined on a weighted average basis.

  • WAP Agency is not eligible to receive Program support when rework is required.

More Definitions of Program support

Program support means is the Grant Program where Recipients (whether individuals or entities) must use the Grant Award towards the Recipient’s general expenses associated with the specific cultural or artists programs, activities, events, or performances, as stated in the Recipient Application and the Grant Agreement.
Program support means the reasonable cost of incremental expenditures incurred by XXX and PPMOs in the implementation of the Project (which expenditures would not have been incurred absent the Project) including, cost of office supplies, communication, courier services, contract staff, staff travel and associated per diem, but excluding salaries of civil servants.
Program support is defined in Schedule B.
Program support is the Supplier’s service offerings for the Program provided by Supplier directly to an End User under Supplier’s standard support terms and conditions for such offerings, which terms and conditions are available for review at and which Supplier support offerings are in turn offered for resale by Buyer to End Users or are purchased by an End User directly from Supplier. Form Title: Agreement Title Form Owner: Global Procurement Page 1 of 14 Form Release: 8/98 Revision: 05/02
Program support means the money paid by ROCHE BIOSCIENCE to SIGNAL to support the Research Program.

Related to Program support

  • Program services means services that include all of the following provided they are pursuant to a program agreement: program needs assessment and development, job task analysis, curriculum development and revision, instruction, instructional materials and supplies, computer software and upgrades, instructional support, administrative and student services, related school to career training programs, skill or career interest assessment services and testing and contracted services.

  • Technical Support means the technical assistance for attempting resolution of a reported Case through error correction, patches, hot fixes, workarounds, replacement deliveries, or any other type of Product corrections or modifications.

  • Services Provider means a natural or legal person who holds a Dental Services Contract;

  • Alternative program means a non-disciplinary monitoring or practice remediation process approved by a physical therapy licensing board. This includes, but is not limited to, substance abuse issues.