Construction Monitoring. 1. Construction monitoring related to earthwork, in-situ ground improvements, and foundations may be required for specific projects.
Construction Monitoring. Each party shall keep the other informed of construction progress. Periodic inspections may be made by either party as deemed necessary during construction, and objections or issues relating to construction or construction related activities must be raised in writing.
Construction Monitoring. If dens are identified in the survey area outside the proposed disturbance footprint, exclusion zones around each den entrance or cluster of entrances will be demarcated. The configuration of exclusion zones should be circular, with a radius measured outward from the den entrance(s). No covered activities will occur within the exclusion zones. Exclusion zone radii for potential dens will be at least 50 feet and will be demarcated with four to five flagged stakes. Exclusion zone radii for known dens will be at least 100 feet and will be demarcated with staking and flagging that encircles each den or cluster of dens but does not prevent access to the den by kit fox.
Construction Monitoring. If BVNA is engaged by Client to provide a site representative for the purpose of monitoring specific portions of any construction work, as set forth in the proposal, then this Section 7 shall apply. If BVNA’s engagement does not include such construction monitoring, then this Section shall be null and void. In connection with construction monitoring, BVNA will report observations and professional opinions to Client. BVNA shall report to Client any observed work which, in BVNA’s opinion, does not conform to plans and specifications. BVNA shall have no authority to reject or terminate the work of any agent or contractor of Client. No action, statements, or communications of BVNA, or BVNA’s site representative, can be construed as modifying any agreement between Client and others. BVNA’s presence on the Project site in no way guarantees the completion or quality of the performance of the work of any party retained by Client to provide construction related services. Neither the professional activities of BVNA, nor the presence of BVNA or its employees, representatives, or subcontractors on the Project Site, shall be construed to impose upon BVNA any responsibility for methods of work performance, superintendence, sequencing of construction, or safety conditions at the Project site. Client acknowledges that Client or its general contractor is solely responsible for job site safety, and warrants and agrees that such responsibility shall be made evident in any Project owner’s agreement with the general contractor. Client also agrees to make BVNA an additional insured under any general contractor’s General Liability insurance policy. Prior to the commencement of the Work, Client shall provide BVNA with a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance. Such certificates shall be issued by an insurance carrier(s) acceptable to BVNA and shall be endorsed to include: (1) BVNA as additional insured; (2) thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or material change in any of the coverages; and (3) a waiver of subrogation as to BVNA. Each policy of insurance required shall be written by an insurance company with a minimum rating by A.M. Bests & Company of A-VI. This insurance shall be primary to any insurance available to BVNA. In the event BVNA expressly assumes any health and
Construction Monitoring. Maintain a daily presence on 95% of active construction sites.
Construction Monitoring. The Contractor shall, at all times, provide convenience of access and safe and proper facilities for the observation of all parts of the work. No work, except such shop work as may be so permitted, shall be done except in the presence of the Engineer or his assistants. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours in advance as to when he intends to start or resume the work. No material of any kind shall be used upon the work until it has been monitored and accepted by the Engineer. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the work and not again offered for use. Any materials or workmanship found at any time to be defective shall be remedied at once, regardless of previous monitoring. The observation of the work by the Engineer is intended to aid the Contractor in applying labor and materials in accordance with the contract, but such observation shall not operate to release the Contractor from any of its contract obligations.
Construction Monitoring. Archaeological monitors will be present during construction activity at selected locations based on the occurrence of recorded archaeological sites and ESAs. While the Draft MOA stipulates [Stipulation IV(a)(i)] that a comprehensive monitoring plan may be developed in consultation with the parties to the MOA, in absence of such a comprehensive plan, the following stipulations shall apply:
(1) The Applicant (Ocotillo Express LLC) shall ensure that archaeological monitors will be on site during construction to observe grading, trenching or other ground disturbing activities for any facilities, roads or other project components related to the undertaking near ESAs and in other areas designated for full-time monitoring, as detailed in Stipulation III, Appendix C and/or Appendix F.
(2) Ocotillo Express LLC shall ensure that archaeological monitors will meet the standards specified in Stipulation VIII(a), will be approved and permitted by the BLM, will be familiar with the types of historic and prehistoric archaeological resources that may occur in the APE, and will be directly supervised by a principal investigator (PI).
(3) Ocotillo Express LLC shall ensure that the PI will submit bi-weekly documentation of archaeological monitoring activities to the BLM by email. Documentation will include the location of archaeological monitoring activities for the reporting time period, as well as a description of any archaeological resources identified and any actions taken. The PI will prepare a monthly field monitoring verification report with the compiled monitoring observations, results, and actions taken for submission and approval to the BLM. The BLM will provide copies of biweekly and monthly archaeological monitoring reports to the consulting parties, unless otherwise directed by a consulting party.
(4) Upon completion of all archaeological monitoring tasks and requirements implemented pursuant to this Agreement, Ocotillo Express LLC shall ensure that the PI will submit within three months a final monitoring report to the BLM for review and approval. The final monitoring report will describe the monitoring program and its findings and results, and present a detailed professional description, analysis, and evaluation of any cultural resources that were encountered and evaluated during construction. The BLM will provide a copy of the monitoring report to the consulting parties. A tentative schedule for construction activities will be provided by the construction comp...
Construction Monitoring. CPC will monitor the construction of each project for compliance with the terms of the HTFC funding commitment, including its own building design and construction standards and those applicable by law to the project.
Construction Monitoring. During the period of construction for the Undertaking, including both the Initial Rehabilitation and substantial future Alterations, and in coordination with the applicable government agency or agencies, as appropriate, Trump’s Qualified Personnel will monitor the construction work to ensure conformity with the Final Design and will coordinate, on a schedule to be agreed upon, with GSA.
Construction Monitoring. KCAD will have a professional archaeologist who meets the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards present to conduct construction monitoring during certain ground disturbing activities associated with the proposed Undertaking. The FAA, SHPO, KCAD, and the Tribes agree to adhere to the Plan for Construction Monitoring as provided in Attachment 4.