Examples of Project stage in a sentence
If negative impact is identified or anticipated the Comment/Explanation field needs to include: Project stage for addressing the issue; Responsibility for addressing the issue; Budget implications, and other comments.
Specific measures will be implemented at every Project stage aimed at providing continuous information to stakeholders and obtaining feedback from them.
Project stage 1 shall be evaluated for 50 marks and Project stage 2 shall be evaluated for 150 marks.For Project stage 1, there shall be an internal evaluation during the VII semester for 20 marks and semester end evaluation for 30 marks.
Students have to submit a report containing introduction to the project work, literature survey and problem definition for the project stage 1 at the end of VII semester.For Project stage 2, there shall be an internal evaluation during the VIII semester for 60 marks and semester end evaluation for 90 marks.
The Project stage 1 during the VII semester and Project stage 2 during the VIII semester.
The TMP(s) shall describe the measures that will be taken to avoid, remedy or mitigate the traffic effects associated with construction of the Project or Project stage.
Students have to submit a report containing the project work carried out during Project stage 1 and Project stage 2 putting together at the end of VIII semester.
The internal evaluation for Project stage 2 shall be on the basis of project reviews conducted by the Project Review Committee (PRC).
ATs are designed to assess how well the students achieve the CILOs.) Assessment Tasks/ActivitiesCILO No.Weighting*Remarks12345 Continuous Assessment: 100%Project stage 1 (Estimate): This is an individual assignment intended to equip students with the principlesand techniques of preparing acost estimate.✓ 15% Project stage 2 (Tender documentation):This is a group assignmentrequiring students to prepare a complete set of tender documents of a selected building project of a reasonable size and complexity.
Notably, this material will consist of pooled material, from two distinct cohorts, and the preparation will be suitable for multi-omic analysis.