Examples of Proposed Restructuring in a sentence
On or around the formal filing of a Plan of Division by each Dividing Company with the Department, Allstate will communicate with the MCCA to disclose the Proposed Restructuring and that it involves Allstate, the Dividing Companies, the Illinois NewCos, and the Merger Cos.
Because the Specified Policies impacted by the Proposed Restructuring were all issued in Michigan, Allstate proposes to issue written notice of the Proposed Restructuring to the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (the “MI DIFS”), including a copy of the Plan of Division filed with the Department.
At least 25 days before the Hearing date, Allstate will send a written notice to each policyholder for the Specified Policies (a “Policyholder”) and to each person with an outstanding personal injury claim under the Specified Policies (a “Claimant”), whose claim will become a claim of a Merger Co as a result of the Proposed Restructuring.
As a result of the Proposed Restructuring, the Merger Cos will hold, by operation of law, all of the assets, liabilities, and contracts associated with the Specified Policies.
The MI DIFS will also be notified of the Proposed Restructuring via licensing applications that the Merger Cos will submit to become authorized to transact insurance in Michigan.