Examples of Provision of Accommodations in a sentence
The guidelines for the appropriate elements of assessment and determination of students with learning disabilities are consistent with the AHEAD Guidelines (2012) and the CSU Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities (2014).
The CSU Policy for Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities, on the other hand, applies only to students with disabilities.
SmithExecutive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer SUBJECT: Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities Attached is a copy of the revised Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities.
The Policy for Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities was drafted by the Systemwide Advisory Committee for Services to Students with Disabilities and represents more than two years of discussion, consultation, and analyses with CSU vice presidents of student affairs, provosts/vice presidents of academic affairs, directors of services to students with disabilities programs, the Academic Senate of the CSU, and the California State Student Association.
Every five years (beginning in 2014) the Systemwide Advisory Committee on Services to Students with Disabilities shall review the Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Student Services to Students with Disabilities.
The guidelines for the appropriate elements of assessment and verification of students with learning disabilities are consistent with the AHEAD Guidelines (2008) and the CSU Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities (2008).
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Provision of Accommodations Several participants reported that while the law school was willing to provide reasonable accommodations, in the result the accommodations requested were only partially provided or were not provided in a timely fashion.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides educational and disability-related support services to students by ensuring seamless access to accommodations as mandated by the CSU Policy and Provision of Accommodations and Support Services (EO 926); the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended 2008 (ADAA); and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, §504 and 508.
Senior Director, Facilities Management 1 representative, University Advancement 1 representative, Student Affairs 1 director, HSU Dining Services 1 staff Representative SERVICES TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Charge: In accordance with the revised CSU Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities (Code: AA2002-35, July 2002), Humboldt State University established an Advisory Committee on Services to Students with Disabilities .