ordinary hours of work means the hours of work permitted in terms of clause 11;
Normal weekly hours of work means the established standard work times and number of hours in the workweek for the position or, if standard work times and number of hours have not been established for the position, the work times and average number of hours per week actually worked by the employee in that position over the most recent 3 months before the employer files the application for designation as a participating employer.
hours of work means time during which seafarers are required to do work on account of the ship;
Regular hours worked means those hours which the court is regularly scheduled to work during any given work week. Depending on the particular court, these hours may vary from court to court within the county but remain the same for each work week.
Period of Work means the time during which an employee is at the disposal of the employer;
Scheduled Downtime has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2.
Scheduled Outage means the final outage plan as approved by the RPC as per the provisions of the Grid Code;
Scheduled Uptime means the total minutes in the reporting month less the total minutes represented by the Scheduled Downtime.
STIPULATED HOURS OF SERVICE PER DAY means hours of duty per day, normal hours/timings of duty whereof shall be determined by the Company's Engineer for which fixed charge shall be payable.
Scheduled Completion Date shall be the date set forth in Clause 10.3;
Type of Work means (insert the type of work you expect to supply the Agency Worker into);
scheduled service means a series of ship crossings operated so as to serve traffic between the same two or more ports, either according to a published timetable or with crossings so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognisable systematic series;
Scheduled Commissioning Date or “SCD” of the Project shall mean [Insert Date];
Scheduled Flight means a flight in an aircraft where the airline is listed in the Official Airline guide or equivalent and the air carrier holds a certificate, licence or similar authorization for scheduled air transportation issued by the relevant authorities in the country in which the aircraft is registered and, in accordance with such authorization, maintains and publishes schedules and tariffs for passenger service between named airports at regular and specific times. Scheduled Airline does not include Private Charter.
Shift Work is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods.
Work week means a seven (7) consecutive day week that consistently begins and ends on the same days throughout the year; i.e. Sunday through Saturday, Wednesday through Tuesday, Friday through Thursday.
Workweek means any week during which a Class Member worked for Defendant for at least one day, during the Class Period.
Product Schedule means a product schedule documenting the specific terms and conditions applying to a Product as may be amended, updated or replaced from time to time (and includes any Electronic Platform Schedules);
Work Order means an individually negotiated document that is executed by both Parties and which authorizes a Project, if any, in an indefinite quantity Contract.
Regular Hours means the hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday, excluding the following holidays: Presidents' Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Statement of Work means the description of activities performed in completing the Project, as specified in the Contract and as may be amended.
Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.
SOW means the document specifying, without limitation, the scope, objective, and time frame of the Work that Supplier will perform for Cisco.
Shipment Date , in relation to a mineral, means —
Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.
Hours of Service means hours to be credited to an Employee under the following rules: