Residence Certificate definition

Residence Certificate shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(c).
Residence Certificate a certificate mentioned in Clause 8.2(h). (cc) “Request for Proposal”, as described in Clause 4.2. (dd) “Standards”, CEF Standards and Grant Agreement Standards.
Residence Certificate issued by the relevant authority of the Employee's resident country 2) “an Application for Tax Exemption" on non-resident's Korean source income provided under the Korean Tax Treaty. If the Employee has already worked more than two years in Korea, he/she shall not be eligible for tax exemption. ⑦ The Employer, on behalf of the Employee, shall provide half of the national pension plan deduction (approximately 4.5% of salary) pursuant to the National Pension Corporation Act of Korea. American, Australian or Canadian Employees are eligible for a pension distribution refund if they submit the required documents to the Korean National Pension Corporation when they leave Korea after the completion of their Contract. ※Citizens of South Africa are not able to participate in the Korean National Pension Plan. ⑧ The Employee shall be entitled to severance pay according to the Employee Retirement Benefit Security Act set out by the Ministry of Labor, upon successful completion of the final contract with the concerned Employer. ⑨ The Employer may provide a special allowance to an employee who has made a great contribution to the Employer and/or who is determined to work at a special institute by the Employer. 제14조 (유급휴가) ① 고용자는 피고용자에게 제5조에 규정한 고용기간동안 18 근무일(학교의 경우 여름방학 기간동안 8일, 겨울방학기간동안 10일, 연수기관 근무 시는 연수에 지장이 없는 기간)의 유급휴가를 주되, 원활한 업무진행을 위해 고용자는 피고용자와 협의하여 휴가시기를 조정할 수 있다. ② 이 유급휴가를 받기 위해서는 15일전에 소속기관장에게 휴가를 신청하여 승인을 받아야 한다. ③ 피고용자는 방학과 유급휴가의 차이를 숙지하여야 한다. 피고용자는 방학 기간이라 할지라도 유급 휴가나 무급 휴가를 사전 승인받은 경우가 아니라면, 정상적으로 근무하여야 한다. ④ 고용자는 제14조 ①항에 명시된 유급휴가와 별도로 학교장 재량으로 학교 재량휴업일이나 개교기념일 등으로 인한 학기중 휴무일에 원어민을 출근시키지 않을 수 있다. ⑤ 지각, 조퇴, 외출 및 반일연가 1회의 경우 누계시간으로 계산하며 8시간을 1일로 공제한다. 8시간 미만은 계산하지 않는다. ⑥ 계약만료 이전에 고용계약을 해지할 경우, 유급 휴가일은 근무기간에 비례하여 산정한다.

Examples of Residence Certificate in a sentence

  • The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should obtain the required Study certificates (from IV Class to X Class or SSC) (OR) Residence Certificate in the Proforma only for those candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions as the case may be.

  • The candidates claiming reservation as local candidates should enclose the required study certificates (from IV class to SSC) or Residence Certificate as the case may be.

  • The Bidder should provide the latest declaration of Permanent Establishment in India at time of service invoice, PAN India, Tax Residence Certificate from respective country of Government for the purpose of Form 15CB from tax consultant.

  • The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should obtain the required Study certificates (from I Class to VII Class) (OR) Residence Certificate in the Proforma only for those candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions as the case may be.

  • Once the Residence Certificate is received, it is to be submitted as part of the admission procedure.

  • A Mississippi resident who enters the military service remains a resident of this state during the tenure of military service or until such time as legal and positive action is taken to establish residence in some other state and the personnel records are changed accordingly by executing through his or her command a state of Legal Residence Certificate, Department of Defense Form DD 2058.

  • Original DGT-1 and COR (Country of Residence Certificate) with Fiscal Current Year - For the Purposes of Compliance with Indonesia Tax Regulation.

  • An employee establishes a Residence by filing a Residence Certificate.

  • The candidates claiming reservation as local candidates should enclose the required study certificates (from IV class to SSC) or Prescribed Residence Certificate issued by the MRO as the case may be.

  • Any employee who knowingly falsifies or delays filing such a Residence Certificate shall be required to reimburse the Company for any overpayment of per diem and shall be subject to disciplinary action, including discharge.

More Definitions of Residence Certificate

Residence Certificate issued by the relevant authority of the Employee’s resident country
Residence Certificate means the residence certificate referred to in Article 4a pt. 12 of the Corporate Income Tax Act of 15 February 1992 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2587, as amended) or Article 5a pt. 21 of the Personal Income Tax Act of 26 July 1991 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2647, as amended);

Related to Residence Certificate

  • Compliance Certificate means a certificate substantially in the form of Exhibit D.

  • U.S. Tax Compliance Certificate has the meaning specified in Section 3.01(e)(ii)(B)(III).

  • Solvency Certificate means a Solvency Certificate of the chief financial officer (or the equivalent thereof) of Borrower substantially in the form of Exhibit F-2.

  • Pricing Certificate means a Pricing Certificate substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto, properly completed and signed by an Authorized Officer of the Borrower.