Response to Intervention definition
Examples of Response to Intervention in a sentence
The referral process shall be supported by the Response to Intervention (RtI) model approach using data to identify student strengths and weaknesses.
Classroom teachers are a key part of the school's research-based Response to Intervention program as well, and they provide differentiated instruction for all students during workshop time which is regularly scheduled each day.
Identify the research-based programs, strategies and supports you will utilize to provide a broad continuum of services, ensure students’ access to the general education curriculum in the least restrictive environment, and fulfill NV’s required Response to Intervention model.
Implement a continuum of academic, behavioral, and/or other intervention strategies through the Universal Learning Support System (ULSS), as ULSS is the district’s model of Response to Intervention and Instruction (RtI2).
Discussion of district and building specific data with our district-wide Response to Intervention Committee takes place at least twice a year.