Student Achievement. The primary purpose of this Agreement is to improve student outcomes by allowing the District to partner with OP to operate the School as an independent campus subject to transparent accountability requirements, which are set by TEC Chapters 39 and 39A. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and applied to achieve this purpose.
Student Achievement. For evaluations conducted on or after July 1, 2013, all certificated instruction employees, principals and superintendents must receive an evaluation in which at least ten percent (10%) of the evaluation results are based on an objective measure selected collaboratively by the teacher and evaluator. The objective measure may include but is not limited to IRI test results, End of Course Assessments, PSAT/SAT, graduation rates, and AP testing result. The District Key Performance Indicators will provide guidance as to which assessment data is used for the student achievement portion of the teacher evaluation model . (Idaho Code 33-1001 (18), see also HB 523 – Idaho (18)) Using the following rubric, the teacher will be given a numerical rating based on data collected from the measurable student achievement indicators for the current year. The rating from this data will be counted as 10% of the teacher’s overall evaluation. The actual data evidence for student growth will be included on the teacher’s evaluation form.
Student Achievement. (i) The City Board shall reduce by a minimum of three percentage points per year the proportion of students in the “step 1” and “progressing” achievement levels on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) in grades 3, 7 and 11 for communication arts; grades 4, 8 and 10 for mathematics; and in grades 3, 7 and 10 for science (that is, for example, if the percentage of students achieving at the “step 1” level in 3rd grade communication arts is 31% for Spring, 1998, the required percentage of students achieving at the “step 1” level would be 28% for Spring, 1999). When measuring the reduction in the percentage of students achieving at the “progressing” level, the calculation will take into account any increase in the percentage of students achieving at the “progressing” level that results from a reduction in the percent-age of students achieving at the “step 1” level. This reduction shall be measured from Spring, 1998 results. The requirement for these reductions shall continue until the percentage of SLPS children in each of these two categories is equal to or less than the statewide average percentage in each of these categories.
Student Achievement. The Xxxxx‐Grey Catholic District School Board and APPSP are committed to improve student achievement, reduce gaps in student outcomes and increase confidence in publicly‐funded education. This Letter of Understanding shall not be considered as part of the collective agreement between the parties and shall not be raised or referred to in any grievances and/or arbitration proceedings between the parties.
Student Achievement. 4.1 The School encourages the Student to achieve their personal best in partnership with the Applicant but does not make specific promises or representations of any kind regarding specific academic outcomes or individual student achievement, and no such representations are to be implied on the basis of the School accepting the Student for enrolment.
Student Achievement. Assessment tools will include performance assessments. In addition, student progress will be documented on an elementary student reporting tool and online grade book for Middle Level.
Student Achievement. 1% increase will be based on demonstrated student growth. Unit member and the evaluator will jointly determine student achievement measures and/or criteria during the goal setting process. Unit member and evaluator have until October 15 to decide on the student achievement measures and/or criteria. The student achievement measures and/or criteria will be appropriate to the course or courses the teacher is being evaluated on. Student achievement measures and/or criteria may include, but will not be limited to, Districtwide focus professional development areas, strategic plan goals, the unit member’s personally identified professional development needs, existing student achievement data from local and state assessments, California Common Core State Standards, etc. Unit members opting out of the evaluation cycle may not apply for compensation based on student achievement.
Student Achievement. Achievement of Part 2 will result in a payout of up to 50% of the teacher performance allocation. School improvement goals will be designed collaboratively between faculty and administration at each site as measured by State/District assessments or the school rating profile. One of the following will apply: ● When utilizing State/District assessments, the determination as to whether or not performance pay has been earned is based on meeting the school-wide goal(s) related to the student achievement data. ● When utilizing the school rating profile, the profile must result in a label of A, B or C.
Student Achievement. At least 75 percent of the Charter School's students must meet or exceed State of Oregon achievement standards. In no event may the District terminate this Charter solely for the Charter School's failure to meet the student achievement standards set forth in this Section unless for two consecutive school years the Charter School fails to meet the requirements of this Section.
Student Achievement. Charters School agrees to make gains in attendance, proficiency rates and student participation rates as measured by the HSPE, graduation rate as measured by the Cohort Graduation Rate, English Language Learners (ELL) achievement as measured by AMAO, ELL attendance, ELL Credit Attainment, and ELL graduation rate as measured by the Cohort Graduation Rate. Charter School also agrees to decrease the number of dropouts or students leaving Charter School during the course of the year.