Safety audit definition

Safety audit means the public utilities commission's audit of the premises, pipe-line facilities, and the records, maps, and other relevant documents of a master-meter system to determine the operator's compliance with sections 4905.90 to 4905.96 of the Revised Code and the pipe-line safety code.
Safety audit means an arrangement for -
Safety audit means a safety audit in accordance with Oxfordshire Safety Audit Guideline as revised from time to time and incorporating H.D. 19/15 (Road Safety Audit Volume 5 design manual for roads and bridges)

More Definitions of Safety audit

Safety audit means an audit carried out by a police officer of the physical and other measures immediately available to enhance the safety of an affect ed person or affected child and includes the prep aration of a plan to implement those measures;
Safety audit means an inspection of
Safety audit means the safety audit carried out by the Safety Auditor using the Works Bureau Safety Auditing System (WBSAS) developed by the Council for the purpose of the Independent Safety Audit Scheme (ISAS).
Safety audit means a process to ensure that risks are identified and the potential for causing or contributing to an incident are recognized.
Safety audit means a review or analysis of safety records and related materials, including, but not limited to, those related to financial accounts.
Safety audit means a safety audit (which shall include a site visit) and which has been approved by the Director in writing and carried out at the Developer’s expense by a consultant independent of the Highway Works design consultant and reference herein to a Stage One Stage Two Stage Three or Stage Four Safety Audit shall be construed accordingly and the results of which shall be submitted together with the appropriate Exception Report to the Director on receipt of such by the Developer
Safety audit means a systematic, objective and document evaluation of the