Examples of Safety threshold in a sentence
Safety threshold" means the point at which family behaviors, conditions, or circumstances are manifested in such a way that they are beyond being risk influences and have become an impending danger safety threat.
The biggest benefit however comes from the media and public relations exposure – especially if Alice Springs can construct the worlds longest zipline.
Safety threshold is a certain point at which the threats become so great, the family situation is unsafe for the child.
Safety threshold level is programmed in μSv/h in the range of 0.00 to 99.99 μSv/h.
The Community Education Program (CEP) provides support to recreational and educational activities for students and adults, such as Zumba, men’s basketball, futsal, dance aerobics, recreational volleyball, body toning and driver education.
The Customer will pay a refundable deposit if a higher Safety threshold is requested as per Section C.