Sequential purchases means purchases, made over a period, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase.
Sequential purchases means purchases, made over
Sequential purchases means purchases, over a period, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be made in one purchase. Violation of this provision is a Class B misdemeanor and an offense involving moral turpitude, conviction of which shall result in removal from office or dismissal from employment. A Trustee who is convicted of a violation of this provision is considered to have committed official misconduct and for four (4) years after the date of final conviction, the removed person is ineligible to be appointed or elected to public office in Texas, is ineligible to be employed by or act as an agent for the state or a political subdivision, and is ineligible to receive any compensation through a contract with the state or a political subdivision. [See Board Policy CH (Legal)]. Section 44.052 Texas Education Code states that a superintendent that approves any expenditure of school funds in excess of the amount appropriated for that item(s) in the adopted budget commits a Class C misdemeanor offense. Consequently, close supervision and monitoring of the availability of budget dollars and of the approval process for requisitions are important elements of the District's purchasing process. NOTE: Principals, directors and employees are responsible for complying with statutory requirements, Board policies, and the procedures established in this manual when purchasing goods or services for the District. Requisition Format - In order to avoid delays in processing, requisitions should include all information necessary to clearly define the needs of the user department or campus. The information required includes the following:• Complete and accurate description of items to be purchased• Quantity needed• Vendor name and address (should be from the district's approved vendor list)• Account code(s) to be charged• Price (per unit and in total)• Payment terms• Discounts, if any• Transportation arrangements (shipping/freight costs, if any)• Three (3) quotes (if purchasing from an unapproved or cooperative vendor)• Supporting evidence (quote, itemization of items to be purchased, etc.)• Delivery destination (warehouse, school campus, department)• Required delivery date, if any• Any special instructions intended for the Business Office (must be written in the body of the requisition. Do not use the vendor notes for internal note of any special instructions) Please contact the Purchasing Department if you have any questions about requisitions. Requisitions received by the Purchasing...
Examples of Sequential purchases in a sentence
Chapter 252.001 of the Local Government Code defines Separate Purchases and Sequential Purchases as follows: ▪ “Separate purchases" means purchases, made separately, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase.▪ "Sequential purchases" means purchases of items made over a period of time that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase.
Sequential purchases means purchases, made over a period or items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase.▪ An item (usually equipment) is purchased in component parts.
Sequential purchases are purchases, made over a period, of items that normally would be purchased in one purchase.
More Definitions of Sequential purchases
Sequential purchases means purchases of items made over a period of time that, in normal purchasing practices, would be purchased in onepurchase.
Sequential purchases means purchases over a period of items that in normal purchasing practices would be made in one pur- chase.
Sequential purchases means purchases, made over a period, of items that in
Sequential purchases means purchases, made over a period, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be
Sequential purchases means purchases, made over a period, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase. For example purchasing water meters in separate orders when each purchase order totals less than $50,000
Sequential purchases means purchases, over a period, of items that in normal purchasing practices would be made in one purchase. (Example: Purchase of band instruments in the following manner: all brass instruments in one order, totaling $23,750; all woodwinds in one order totaling $24,625; all percussion instruments in one order totaling $22,850. When purchased separately, no single purchase was over the District’s maximum threshold, but altogether exceeds the threshold.)
Sequential purchases means purchases. made over a peliod, of items that in l)ormal pur~ chasing practices \\'ould be purchased in one pur- chase.