Research Methods. 3 credits
Research Methods. Institutions are at liberty to embed competencies from these two areas into the associate degree program however they choose. For example, one institution may develop two or more individual courses that meet the competencies outlined in each area. Another institution may decide to embed the statistical competencies in a statistics course taught by a faculty member in the Math Department and to embed the research methods competencies into a course(s) taught by a member of the Psychology Department. The specific course structures are not as important as making sure that upon completion of the associate’s degree, a student has achieved the competencies listed below and is prepared to enter junior-level coursework in the parallel bachelor degree program at the four-year institution.
Research Methods. 1 Adopted by TAOC and added to the agreement on April 11, 2012.
Research Methods. Students should have a demonstrated understanding of the basic concepts and ideas in Research Methods:
Competency 1: The logic and the skills of social science research as well as the process of writing for an academic audience
Competency 2: Research methods and applications as they relate to the practice of political science research Competency3: Causation, research design, conceptualization and measurement, operationalization, research models, and quantitative and qualitative analysis for the exploration, description, and explanation of political and social phenomena Competency 4: Data collection and introductory statistical concepts and consider current political events as well as ongoing political questions as a means of investigating various methods of inquiry
Research Methods. This final section of the introduction chapter gives an overview of how this research project was conducted. It addresses several facets of the doctoral project’s research methods, including research design, fieldwork and field methods, and reflections on the researcher’s positionality. It aims to discuss these in a reflexive manner.
6.1 Research Design and Choosing the Case Study Research design is largely a process of choosing and adapting methods that are suitable to answer the questions posed. Given that the research questions posed in this doctoral project concern the sociological and cultural implications of waste recycling, asking how the waste practice of recycling transforms values in addition to those of discarded materials, the appropriate methodological choice was to study ‘around’ the waste recycling and look into the lifeworlds which revolve around and were created by it. I found myself drawn to the humanistic model of social research, which serves as the methodological and ethnographic basis. That is, one of the best ways to study this world is to become closer to it and participate in it directly to enable an exploration of the meanings of the ‘field’—a naturally recurring setting—and its behaviour and activities from within (Xxxxxx 2000). This methodological approach reflects the research project’s roots in the interdisciplinary field of ‘area studies’, which draws on a ‘mediated research technique or methodology’ and depends on ‘local insights as a means to modify general, standardised disciplinary research methods’ in order to formulate a non- exclusive approach towards the research subject (Xxxxxx et al. 2003, 3). Overall, this project mainly adopts case-based qualitative methods, with some quantitative data serving as auxiliary and supportive statistical evidence if necessary. Generally speaking, case studies are useful for identifying causal mechanisms, exploring causal complexity, enhancing internal validity, and generating new understandings (Xxxxxxx 2007, 37-63), and they tend to be more appropriate to answering the questions posed in this research. Moreover, case studies enjoy a natural advantage in research with an exploratory feature. In investigating Taiwan’s waste recycling, far less scholarly attention has been paid to the non-governmental and non-private-business actors, or to the sociological significance of waste in Taiwan’s societal transitioning. This situation leaves many key issues, basic topics, empirical developments...
Research Methods. Type of study: This study is an empirical legal research, the research done by conducting field research to obtain primary data as a source of primary power and secondary data as a complement.
Research Methods. The methodology used in this research is normative research that relies on secondary data. A statutory approach will support this normative research. As a consequence of the statutory approach, this article will use primary and secondary legal materials.8 Primary legal materials used are laws and regulations in marriage agreements, namely the Civil Code and Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage jo. Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 is also complemented by Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 1991 concerning the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) as a support for primary legal materials. Secondary legal materials are also used in scientific works that will explain the primary legal materials used to resolve the issues raised in this study. The data from these two legal materials are analyzed qualitatively and then described through descriptive descriptions. Marriage agreements are often referred to as prenuptial agreements. The word comes from two roots: covenant and marriage. In Arabic, a promise or agreement is commonly called al-wa'du, which means agreement or agreement.9 Meanwhile, marriage means a marriage contract (agreement to become husband and wife). So, etymologically, a marriage agreement can be interpreted as an agreement made when (at the time) a couple makes a marriage contract. 6 Sriono, “Perjanjian Kawin Sebagai Bentuk Perlindungan Terhadap Harta Kekayaan Dalam Perkawinan,” Jurnal 7 Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Puji Sulistyaningsih, and Dakum, “Perjanjian Perkawinan Sebagai Sarana Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Kedua Belah Pihak Dalam Perkawinan,” Borobudur Law and Society 2, no. 3 (2023): 94–101. 8 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Penelitian Hukum, Revisi. (Jakarta: Kencana, 2023), 181.
Research Methods. 2.1. Location and subject of the study Location of the study: the research was performed in the rotational field of Lithuanian research centre for agriculture and forestry Vėžaičiai branch (LAMMC) (Western Lithuania, Seaside lowland eastern edge 55°43'N, 21°27'E).
2.2. Conditions and methods of the research
Research Methods. 5.1 Write a complete and thorough description of the procedures subjects in the proposed research will take part in. This description should encompass the experimental course of a subject from their entry into the study to their completion of the study.
5.2 Many studies use multiple instruments/questionnaires/surveys as part of the research methodology. If applicable to the proposed research, list each instrument/questionnaire/survey that will be administered to subjects and provide a rationale for the inclusion of each one.
Research Methods. An interview is an exchange of views on a particular subject of common interest between two or more individuals that is recognized as the importance of human communication for knowledge creation; and exemplifies the societal situation of the study of information (Xxxxx et al., 2013). Xxxxx (1996) describes an interview as a raw material for meaning evaluation at the later stage of data collection processing. As far as the research interview is concerned, it can be described as a two-person dialogue initiated by the interviewer for the precise purpose of collecting study-relevant information centered on the information of purposeful characterization, projection, or description stipulated by study aims (Xxxxx et al., 2013). Semi-structured interviewing is a qualitative method of data collection, which encourages the interviewer to query participants using predetermined open-ended questions (Xxxxx, 2008). Semi-structured interviews offer greater flexibility, adaptability along with direct communication permitting the researcher to review and interpret responses of the respondents, follow-up clues, reflect on the original comments, and get more comprehensive and explicit results (Xxxxxxxxxxx, 2013). Redesigning and reconstructing interview questions of this kind as per the answers of the respondents adds value as per the answers of the respondents, adding flexibility granted to the researcher. The choice of the participants for interviewing was by purposive sampling explained by Xxxxxx et al., (2016). The working students in Kazakhstan selection was on their being knowledgeable about the work available for students, their attitudes towards academics along with working and their work-based and study-based experiences. In addition, the students contributed willingly in the research with the help of informed consent. A schedule for conducting semi-structured interviews aided in making the interviewing process flexible. Interviews helped gather useful information from interviewees regarding their knowledge and experiences about working and studying at the same time. Listening to audio recordings helped transcription into Word in the interview language and afterwards translated. Indeed, transcribers must be familiar with the study's theoretical viewpoints and this manifests in the transcription method (Xxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxxx, 2013). The interviews recordings occurred through the use of a voice recorder and transcribed later on. The transcription process for this analy...