Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The Developer agrees that it will prepare, implement, and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the Project in accordance with all Town, State, or Federal regulations, and as approved in the Final Project Documents.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. This section of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall include the following:
3.4.1 Introduction
3.4.2 General Project information
3.4.3 Responsibilities
3.4.4 Environmental management controls
3.4.5 Environmental requirements, plans and procedures
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Maxtor shall be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ("SPPP") for the Master Premises, which shall include the Premises and portions of the Property leased by other tenants. AMS shall cooperate with and assist Maxtor in the maintenance of and any necessary revisions or modifications to the SPPP, at AMS' sole cost and expense. AMS shall provide ninety (90) days notice to Maxtor if it plans or anticipates any facility or operational changes that may require revision of or modification to the SPPP. Maxtor shall have the right to review and approve any facility or operational changes or modifications planned by AMS that may require revision or modification of the stormwater management plan, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Prior to and as a condition to issuance of a Preliminary Certificate of Compliance for any Phase or sub-phase, the Applicant shall submit for Commission staff review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld a construction sequencing plan including erosion and sedimentation controls, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and a copy of a Notice of Intent/Application for a NPDES stormwater permit for that Phase or sub-Phase consistent with MPS WR7.3 and MPS 7.4. Thereafter, the Revised Project shall be undertaken, operated and maintained consistent with the same.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 14.8.1 The Design Build Entity shall be required to comply with all aspects of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) Water Quality Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (Permit) for all projects that involve construction on or disturbance of one acre or more of land or which are part of a larger common area of development. The Design Build Entity shall be responsible for filing the Notice of Intent and for obtaining the Permit. The Design Build Entity shall be solely responsible for preparing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”) prior to initiating work on the Project. In bidding on this Contract, it shall be the Design Build Entity’s responsibility to evaluate the cost of procuring the Permit and preparing the SWPPP as well as complying with the SWPPP and any necessary revision to the SWPPP. The Design Build Entity shall comply with all requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board. The Design Build Entity shall include all costs of compliance with specified requirements in the Contract Price.
14.8.2 The Design Build Entity shall be responsible for procuring, implementing and complying with the provisions of the Permit and the SWPPP, including the standard provisions, monitoring and reporting requirements as required by the Permit. The Design Build Entity shall provide copies of all reports and monitoring information to the Agency’s Representative. Before any NOI, SWPPP, or other Permit related document may be submitted to the State Board or implemented on the Project site, it must first be reviewed and approved by the Agency.
14.8.3 The Agency retains the right to procure and maintain coverage under the Permit for the Project site if the Design Build Entity fails to draft a satisfactory NOI or SWPPP or proceed in a manner that is satisfactory to the Agency. Any costs incurred by the Agency in procuring and maintaining coverage under the Permit, or drafting an NOI or SWPPP in the event that Design Build Entity is unwilling or unable to maintain compliance or draft a satisfactory permit related documents, shall be paid by the Design Build Entity.
14.8.4 Design Build Entity shall be responsible for maintaining compliance with all aspects of the Permit during the course of the Project. Design Build Entity shall provide copies of all reports and monitoring information to the Agency Represent...
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. New York State requires coverage under the general SPDES permit for construction activities disturbing 1 or more acres. However, as indicated in Section 7 and in accordance with DER-10, for remediation projects being performed under NYSDEC oversight and in accordance with NYSDEC-approved plans, coverage under the SPDES permit program is typically not required provided that a SWPPP has been prepared which meets the substantive requirements. Since the remediation will disturb greater than 1 acre of land, a SWPPP has been prepared for the Site. The SWPPP is included as Appendix O of this RDR. The SWPPP identifies the plan for controlling runoff and pollutants from the Site during construction activities. A prominent component of the SWPPP is the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan, which includes provisions for implemental erosion and sediment controls during construction activities. ESC plans and details are included on the Drawings. The ESC specification (Section 31 25 13) is included in Appendix L. ESC plans, details, and specifications are in accordance with applicable requirements of the New York State Standards and Specification for Erosion and Sediment Control dated November 2016 (i.e., commonly referred to as “The Blue Book”). The RA Contractor will be required to prepare plans for implementation and maintenance of ESC measures, in accordance with the SWPPP and Technical Specifications.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Prepare a SWPPP for construction activities in compliance with the State Water Resources Control Board Construction General Permit, if the project ground disturbance exceeds one acre. Submit two (2) paper copies and PDF electronic files of the 75% submittal package to the City for review. Provide written responses to City comments.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Each Full Service Rental Car Concessionaire shall within 30 days of the effective date of this Lease, prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) that addresses measures in effect by Concessionaire to prevent, control and perform immediate removal, remediation and restoration action in the event of a release of a Hazardous Substance or other deleterious material in connection with the operation of the QTA (including, but not limited to, the UST Facility) during the Term of this Agreement. The SWPP shall be (i) prepared in coordination with Port staff, (ii) consistent with the Port‟s NPDES permit, and (iii) updated to address future changes in QTA activities or facilities and/or the Port‟s NPDES permit. SWPP shall be subject to the Port‟s prior approval and shall be updated as needed, not less often than bi-annually, to address Concessionaire‟s operations and practices. The SWPP shall specifically provide for one or more dedicated persons having responsibility to oversee each UST refill, including
(i) arriving before the tank refill pipe is opened, (ii) watching the entire refill operation, and (iii) observing the fuel provider closing the refill pipes and reloading their hoses onto their truck.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Prior to and as a condition to issuance of a Preliminary Certificate of Compliance for any Phase or sub-phase, the Applicant shall submit for Commission staff review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld an EPAa construction sequencing plan including erosion and sedimentation controls, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and a copy of a Notice of Intent /Application for a NPDES stormwater permit (NPDES permit), along with a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to befor that Phase or sub-Phase consistent with MPS WR7.3 and MPS 7.4.WRC 12. To be consistent with MPS WR7.6, the site design of the Main Campus shall minimize the use of impervious surfaces by providing underground parking for the entire site, with the exception of the Skilled Nursing Facility. The Foundation, in consultation with Commission staff, may also choose to provide underground parking for the skilled nursing facility as a Minor Modification of this Development Agreement per Section 8 of Chapter D. Emergency fire access roadways in the Main Campus shall use porous grassed pavers, further eliminating impervious surfaces. Thereafter, the Revised Project shall be undertaken, operated and maintained consistent with the same.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. This project will disturb more than one acre of land due to contractor access requirements. The Department of Ecology (Ecology) will require a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). This task is to prepare a SWPPP and file the required Notice of Intent (NOI) with Ecology, and will include the following: ▪ A narrative that documents and justifies the pollution prevention decisions made for the project ▪ Seasonal work limitations ▪ How each of the 13 elements of erosion and sediment control as listed in the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington will be met. ▪ Calculations supporting the design of sediment traps, ponds, or other measures if applicable ▪ The draft SWPPP will be submitted to the County for review. Revisions will be made, and a final SWPPP will be delivered to the County. Quantity info for the NOI will be included. ▪ Complete Notice of Intent Application for Ecology; County will submit Assumptions ▪ Any fees associated with the NOI or SWPPP will be paid by Cowlitz County. ▪ One review of the SWPPP will be required. ▪ Draft SWPPP will be completed with the 90% Design submittal. ▪ Final SWPPP will be completed with the Final Design submittal. Deliverables ▪ Electronic copy of Draft and Final SWPPP