Specific Aim 2 definition

Specific Aim 2. To investigate the pathogenic role of CB1R and iNOS in [ ] and test the therapeutic efficacy of dual CB1R/iNOS inhibition. Approaches for Aim 2: technical tools and experimental design will be the same as for Aim 1. Specific Aim 3: Screen and optimize additional CB1R/iNOS dual-target inhibitors as back-up compounds and lead optimization in animal models of scleroderma. Approaches for Aim 3: Scleroderma results in the failure of multiple organs including the liver and kidney. In view of the essential role of these organs in pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism, their pathological changes may alter the PK properties of therapeutic compounds. In order to optimize the druggable properties of dual-target compounds, their PK properties and metabolism need to be established for lead optimization.
Specific Aim 2. Determine whether infarct sizes are reduced and left ventricular pressure improved after an acute ischemic event in the absence of the FAN/nSMase signaling system by producing reversible cardiac infarcts using a currently available nSMase1 knockout mouse model. • Milestone 1: Establishment of breeding colony. • Milestone 2: Completion of surgeries and measurements of infarct size and left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP). Expectation of 20 – 50% decrease in infarct size and a significant increase in LVDP. The anticipated success of accomplishing these aims will demonstrate that the sphingomyelinase signaling system is a major participant in ischemia/reperfusion injury by validating nSMase1 and FAN as targets for drug discovery. This target validation will enable us to identifying small molecule inhibitors of this signaling system that can used in pre-clinical trials that we will propose in PHASE II. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop lead compounds that can be taken to Phase 1 Clinical Trials. The proposed work will form the basis of discovering novel medical therapeutics that will reduce the cell death associated with AMI and other acute ischemic events in the clinical setting.
Specific Aim 2. To perform therapeutic efficacy studies using nanocurcumin in a xenograft model of pancreatic cancer.

Examples of Specific Aim 2 in a sentence

  • The protein targets identified above (Specific Aim 2 and 3.1) will be screened for additional interactions with other proteins by yeast two-hybrid technology (Appendix D).

  • Specific Aim 2: Assess whether H/L patients receiving DTM attain significantly improved patient-centered outcomes compared to COM, through a CER RCT.

  • For Specific Aim 2, the same power calculations for Aim 1 apply; however, tests of indirect effects are exploratory, we will be powered to detect a moderate indirect effect (a*b = 0.25), using the same constraints as above.

  • This regression equation was used to calculate anthropomorphic phantom and in-vivo patient rectal dose from apparent TLD dose measurements in VC at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Specific Aim 2.

  • The pharmacodynamics that we are proposing to assess in Specific Aim 2 reflects pharmacoadherence, but is also affected by other factors, such as gastrointestinal absorption of bicarbonate.

More Definitions of Specific Aim 2

Specific Aim 2. We set rules for a neurological outcome variable based on expert movement disorder review of the exam data from specific aim 1. We leveraged study participation in an existing galactosemia cohort, and gathered any required missing genetic, biochemical, and other data. Parameters tested for possible association with neurological outcome included: age and gender of the volunteer, diagnosis type (newborn screening, once symptomatic), GALT enzyme activity level, GALT genotype. We conducted a cross-sectional, single time point cohort study in a sample of convenience.
Specific Aim 2. To create, during the course of a one year, school-based telehealth pilot asthma program, a sustainable eco-education and environmental health curriculum at the eight participating schools.
Specific Aim 2. To compare parental acceptability of management of their child’s acute Hypothesis 2: Use of a smartphone otoscope by pediatric clinicians in a primary care
Specific Aim 2. To improve HAART adherence among HIV-positive pregnant women. Phase II of this grant proposal is the implementation of the LIFT My HAART program. This program specific materials will be created using the data gathered during Phase I. LIFT My HAART will focus on the capacity building of Christian leaders at a grassroots level in Lusaka. LIFT My HAART will be implemented in partnership with CHAZ, MoH and selected Christian leaders, who will also be facilitating the trainings to their peers.
Specific Aim 2. To investigate the pathogenic role of[ ]and [ ]and test the therapeutic efficacy of dual [ ] inhibition. Approaches for Aim 2: technical tools and experimental design will be as for Aim 1. Specific Aim 3: Screen and optimize additional [ ]dual-target inhibitors as back-up compounds and lead optimization in animal models of scleroderma. PHS CRADA Agreement Ref. No. NIAAA 01638 MODEL ADOPTED June 18, 2009 PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT HAVE BEEN REDACTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REQUEST FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Approaches for Aim 3: Scleroderma results in the failure of multiple organs including the liver and kidney. In view of the essential role of these organs in pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism, their pathological changes may alter the PK properties of therapeutic compounds. In order to optimize the druggable properties of dual-target compounds,[ ]
Specific Aim 2. Testing of the virus in cells to determine its transduction frequency and the stability of the change in phenotype (chemotherapy resistance) induced by its transduction in cells following transplantation. MDR viruses will be tested.
Specific Aim 2. Refine BH treatment strategies in ex vivo prostatic tissue. Based on the acoustic characterization results and the derating approach developed by our team for predicting in situ parameters of nonlinear ultrasound field (Khokhlova 2011), we will design BH treatment protocols and test them in phantom gels mimicking prostate and ex vivo canine prostate tissue. These experiments will identify an optimal treatment strategy for concurrent in vivo studies and inform development of future treatment planning software. Specifically, we will identify the necessary power, pulsing, and scanning strategies. Tests will also be performed in ex vivo bovine liver due to its unique composition of glandular and fibrous regions (allowing extrapolation to mixed fibrous and glandular hyperplasia seen in BPH). Dose response, i.