Examples of Stop Payments in a sentence
Check Stop Payments must be received by us in sufficient time prior to presentment of the relevant item for payment that we have a reasonable opportunity to act on the request.
Stop Payments – You must give any stop payment order in the manner required by law and we must receive it in time to give us a reasonable opportunity to act on it.
We will not be liable for any payment of checks contrary to the conditions or checks that are stale-dated or post-dated even if payment causes the account to have insufficient funds to pay other checks drawn on the account, unless you provided written notice of postdating as described in the Stop Payments section.
No reduction to cash flows has been made to reflect the credit risk of donors themselves, due to the overall high credit quality of IFFIm’s donors.
Stop Payments post 24 hours a day and stop payment fees post the same day if the Stop Payment request is received before 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time.