Struck Work definition
Examples of Struck Work in a sentence
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, it is understood that (1) there is no contractual prohibition on the ability of employees to honor lawful picket lines of the Company’s employees, on or in front of the premises; and (2) the employees covered by this Agreement are not prohibited from engaging in a concerted refusal to perform Struck Work.
Struck Work for purposes of this contract means when the Company, in response to a labor dispute at a company where the employees are engaged in a lawful strike, is performing work for that company pursuant to an agreement or arrangement with the company and the Company has not previously performed such work.
Struck Work: It shall not be a violation of this Agreement and it shall not be a cause for discharge or disciplinary action or shall such employee be permanently replaced if any employee refuses to perform any service which the Employer undertakes to perform as an ally of an Employer or person whose employees are on strike, and which service, but for such strikes, would be performed by the employees for the Employer or person on strike.
Struck Work Picket Line SEVEN GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Grievance Procedure Time Limits Arbitration Selection of Arbitrator Arbitration Hearing Arbitrator's Decision Authority of Arbitrator EIGHT REPORTS ON Notification of Demotion Union Representation Reprimand NINE SENIORITY RIGHTS Seniority Seniority Affected Posting of vacancies Probationary Period Permanent Transfers Notice of Layoff Layoff Recall Rights Resignation TEN JURISDICTION.
STRIKE OR LOCK-OUTS 12 Picket Lines and Struck Work...................................................................
Finance - Evelyn Struck Work on the budget is on-going with the budget to be presented to the Board by the end of June Discussion ensued over working with the current auditor.
The Employer agrees that it will not discharge, discipline or discriminated against any employee because such employee refused to handle work of the type described in the Struck Work clause.
Employees Have the Right not to Handle Struck Work An employee shall not be required to handle struck work or work destined for struck departments or shops.
G Grievance Procedures Arbitration G Layoffs and Recalls Seniority G Struck Work, Lockouts or Strikes Trial Period on Transfers New Equipment Special Meetings Company Handbook Maternity.
At 11 Reg Review, we do have - and that was the result of 12 I think a really good collaboration with Protection 13 and Permanency and other stakeholders on creating 14 that wait list.