SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Measure 5a Is the school complying with facilities and transportation requirements?
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Measure 5a Is the school complying with facilities and transportation requirements? Measure 5b Is the school complying with health and safety requirements?
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Charter schools must also follow laws related to the school’s physical plant and the health and safety of students and the charter community. This section addresses the school’s facility, transportation, food service, and health services, among other things.
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Measure 4a Is the school complying with transportation requirements? Transportation Meets Standard: The school provides student transportation within its primary attendance area and materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and requirements of the performance certificate relating to transportation. Partially Meets Standard: The school largely exhibits compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or requirements of the performance certificate relating to transportation; and/or provides and incomplete form of transportation services. Instances of non-compliance are minor and quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board. Does Not Meet Standard: The school exhibits frequent and/or significant failure to materially comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or provisions of the performance certificate relating to transportation; and/or matters of non-compliance are not quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board; and/or the school does not provide transportation. Notes Result Points Possible 25 15 0 Points Earned Measure 4b Is the school complying with facilities requirements? Facilities Meets Standard: The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations , and requirements of the performance certificate relating to the school facilities and grounds, including but not limited to: Americans with Disabilities Act, fire inspections and related records, viable certification of occupancy or other required building use authorization, and documentation of requisite insurance coverage. The school facility is clean, well-maintained, and adequate for school operations. Partially Meets Standard: The school largely exhibits compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and requirements of the performance certificate relating to the school facilities and grounds. Instances of non-compliance are minor and quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board. Additional facility maintenance and/or updates have been recommended by DBS. Does Not Meet Standard: The school exhibits frequent and/or significant failure to materially comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or provisions of the performance certificate relating to the school facilities and grounds; and/or matters of non-compliance are not quickly remedied, with documentation, by the governing board. The school facility may be in need of modification or repair required by DBS. Notes Result Points Possible 25 15...
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Within or on District property, and/or District sanctioned and/or supervised activities.
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. The Board and the Association support the goal of a school environment in which all people are treated with respect and dignity.
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Teacher Participation
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Assists with ensuring a safe and orderly environment.
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Mulberry School for Girls aims to maintain a safe secure, and attractive working environment.
SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. The District and Administrators shall work with certificated employees to ensure that the environment in each school adheres to documented best practices to support the academic growth and social-emotional health of all students.