SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. All applicable study reports shall be submitted in preliminary form for approval by the State before a final report is issued. The State's comments on the Engineer's preliminary report must be addressed in the final report.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. All applicable study reports shall be submitted in preliminary form for approval by the State before a final report is issued. The State's comments on the Engineer's preliminary report must be addressed in the final report. DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DF7122-2793-4378-A5D4-60ECD004C0B0
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. All applicable study reports shall be submitted in preliminary form for review by the County before a final report is issued. The County’s comments on the Engineer’s preliminary report shall be addressed in the final report.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. The submittal and approval of all reports is a requirement for the successful completion of this Grant Agreement. Reports shall meet generally accepted professional standards for technical reporting and shall be proofread for content, numerical accuracy, spelling, and grammar prior to submittal to the State. All reports shall be submitted to the State’s Project Manager and shall be submitted via the DWR “Grant Review and Tracking System” (GRanTS). If requested, the Grantee shall promptly provide any additional information deemed necessary by the State for the approval of reports. Reports shall be presented in the formats described in the applicable portion of Exhibit F, “Report Formats and Requirements.” The timely submittal of reports is a requirement for initial and continued disbursement of State funds. Submittal and subsequent approval by the State of a Project Completion Report is a requirement for the release of any funds retained for such project.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. Design-Builder shall provide Owner with a monthly informational report substantially in the form of Exhibit F attached hereto (“Informational Report”).
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. The submittal and approval of all reports is a requirement for the successful completion of this Grant Agreement. Reports shall meet generally accepted professional standards for technical reporting and shall be proofread for content, numerical accuracy, spelling, and grammar prior to submittal to the State. All reports shall be submitted to the State’s Project Manager, and shall be submitted via Department of Water Resources (DWR) “Grant Review and Tracking System” (GRanTS). If requested, the Grantee shall promptly provide any additional information deemed necessary by the State for the approval of reports. Reports shall be presented in the formats described in the applicable portion of Exhibit
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. All applicable reports shall be submitted in accordance with the specifications contained in Attachment B.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. If the Contractor is a local health department, it shall submit monthly expenditure reports to the Department in a format approved by the Department. All other contractors shall submit monthly summarized billing statements to the Department. Expenditure reports and billing statements must be submitted to the Department within 30 days following the last day of the month in which the expenditures were incurred or the services provided.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. Upon DALO's request, the Supplier shall submit a statement of total purchases under the Agreement in the preceding calendar years. The statement shall identify the Deliverables purchased, the quantities of each Deliverable, the price per unit of each Deliverable and the total value of the purchases. The information shall be submitted in a common spreadsheet application format (such as Excel or equivalent). The documentation or statement shall be submitted no later than 21 (twenty-one) Days after XXXX'x formal request.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. On or before the fifth (5th) day of each month beginning with the first month following the Notice to Proceed (either together with an Application for Payment or, if there is no Application for Payment in a given month, independently) Vendor shall provide Owner with reports (each a “Progress Report”) substantially in the form of Exhibit E – Form of Progress Report hereto, and including: (i) whether the Scope of Work is proceeding according to Work Schedule; (ii) any discrepancies, conflicts, or ambiguities existing in the Contract Documents that require resolution; (iii) any health and safety issues existing in connection with the performance of the Scope of Work; (iv) any occurrences giving rise to a claim for relief by Vendor, as set forth and described in Section 14.4 below, and including the specific contractual adjustment or relief requested and the basis of such request; and (v) any other items requiring resolution so as not to jeopardize Vendor’s ability to complete the Scope of Work for the Contract Price and within the Work Schedule. Each Progress Report shall also be accompanied by documents that substantiate the progress of the work described in such report.