Synchronous learning means that students learn from their instructor at the same time as their fellow students.
Synchronous learning means distance learning that happens in real time where there is the opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students and where there is audio and visual connection between the instructor and students.
Synchronous learning means forms of education, instruction and learning that occur at the same time.
Examples of Synchronous learning in a sentence
Synchronous learning is defined as real-time training delivered through virtual classrooms.
Synchronous learning allows learners to interact with the instructor and other participants.
Synchronous learning is an approach where teachers and students are engaged online in learning at the same time.
Synchronous learning is an approach where teachers and students are engaged in learning at the same time.
Related Party Transactions This disclosure has been prepared after considering the requirements of "related party transactions" in accordance with the Authority's interpretation and understanding of International Accounting Standard 24 (IAS 24) and its applicability to the public sector utilising current advice and guidance.
More Definitions of Synchronous learning
Synchronous learning. Refers to all types of learning in which learner(s) and instructor(s) are in the same place, including virtually, at the same time, whereas “Asynchronous Learning” will occur independently, without the learner(s) and teacher(s) present at the same time (i.e., “homework”, independent computer-based assignments, projects, research, etc.).
Synchronous learning means forms of education, instruction, and learning that occur at the same time in real time, but not in the same place.[
Synchronous learning means learning involving real-time interactions between participants and/or facilitator.
Synchronous learning means online education that happens in real time between the instructor and students, often with a set class schedule and required login times.
Synchronous learning means online education that happens in real time, often with a set class schedule and required login times.
Synchronous learning means online learning in which the participants interact at the same time and in the same space, as contrasted with asynchronous learning.I.C. FULL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GOAL (34 CFR § 300.109; RULES IX.A.2.D.(2)(C))Nebo School District provides a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible students with disabilities in conformity with the requirements of the Rules and the IDEA. Nebo School District hereby affirms the goal of providing a full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities determined eligible for special education and related services, of the ages served by Nebo School District, in accordance with all of the timeline requirements of the IDEA.Nebo School District follows all necessary requirements in the development and delivery of an individualized education program (IEP) for eligible students. Placement in the least restrictive environment (LRE) will be implemented to the maximum extent appropriate for students with special needs. Nebo School District provides a continuum of placements to address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure those students receive special education and related services appropriate to their needs.I.D. METHODS OF ENSURING SERVICES (34 CFR § 300.154; RULES IX.A.2.D.(2)(M))Nebo School District ensures each eligible student with disabilities enrolled in the school receives the services included in the IEP through a systematic process of IEP internal file reviews and monitoring of service delivery by Nebo School District personnel.
Synchronous learning means real-time learning in which participants interact at the same time and in the same space, such as virtual meetings and chats.