Examples of Task 7 in a sentence
After System Agency approval, secure Scantron Corporation as the vendor for printing the School Survey instruments and shall ensure that a sufficient number of copies of the School Survey instruments are printed for the testing of the new School Survey instrument with two high schools (grades 9 through 12) and two middle schools (grades 7 and 8) each with ethnically diverse populations in the spring 2025 (see Task 7 below).
The Professional shall prepare one (1) set of record drawings at the completion of the Project and submit to the NBU Project Manager in accordance with Task 7, Section 3.
Permits as required Task 7: Design The County will issue a Request for Qualifications or Request for Proposal to select a consultant to complete the project designs.
The Professional shall prepare agenda, record, and distribute meeting minutes to the NBU Project Manager and the contractor in accordance with Task 7, Section 3.
Deliverables: N/A Task 7: Design The Design Task includes the following: Mobilize Stakeholders – Mobilize key departments, consultants, and agencies to inform the project design.