Tiny home definition

Tiny home means a tiny home, as defined in section
Tiny home means a standalone residential structure that has all of the amenities of a home (i.e. kitchen facilities, washroom facilities, bedroom space, etc.) that is less than 500 square feet in size;
Tiny home means a small dwelling unit on a foundation with a minimum size of 150 square feet and no more than 400 square feet of habitable floor area and shall comply with all applicable building design regulations stated in this code, as well as those regulations adopted by reference herein. A tiny home may be an accessory dwelling unit and shall comply with all regulations for accessory dwelling units. Tiny homes that meet all applicable regulations may be utilized as the following:

Examples of Tiny home in a sentence

  • Tiny home Homedwelling” means residential dwelling that may be built on wheels and is no larger than 400 square feet, including a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping/living area, and must be built to the Washington State Building Code.18.25.030 District use chart (partial) 18.30.020 Residential development chart.

  • Tiny home Homedwelling” means residential dwelling that may be built on wheels and is no larger than 400 square feet, including a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping/living area, and must be built to the Washington State Building Code.

  • Tiny home communities present an affordable solution to homelessness that can meet behavioral health needs with services not provided by emergency shelters.

  • Tiny home villages were also identified as possible housing options.b. Housing TenureComments support master leasing of single-family homes to house multiple people, limited equity cooperative housing and rental housing.c. LandComments include the value of land banking, acquiring, and repurposing abandoned buildings and reusing publicly owned land.

  • To Access home: Tiny home key box located next to front door (code will be provided when you contact 00 000 0000 see 3.1) WIFI Not available Smoking No Smoking Inside the Tiny Home.

More Definitions of Tiny home

Tiny home means a tiny home, as defined in section 24-32-3302 (35), that is certified by the division of housing in the department of local affairs to be designed for long-term residency and that is not registered in accordance with article 3 of title 42.
Tiny home means a dwelling unit with a minimum useable floor area as determined by the Ontario Building Code, and a maximum usable floor area of 100 square metres.
Tiny home means a dwelling that is 400 square feet (37 sq m) or less in floor area excluding lofts
Tiny home means an enclosed structure or building designed to provide temporary shelter that is capable of being moved, is from 70 to 200 square feet in size, is connected to required electrical utilities and is insulated with cooking and bathroom facilities provided for use thereby with the purpose of providing transitional housing accommodations.
Tiny home means a single-family dwelling, generally 400 square feet or less, excluding lofts. Tiny home construction standards vary and are regulated based the construction standards of the unit to include:
Tiny home means a residential structure which may be a site built residence on a foundation per local building, electrical, plumbing and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) regulations; a modular building as defined by Idaho Code §39-4301; a manufactured home as defined by Idaho Code §39-4105; or a recreational vehicle or park model as defined by Idaho Code §49-119. A 'tiny home' on a trailer chassis, with axles and wheels, or otherwise not permanently attached to a foundation as a primary residence or an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) per building permit process is a recreational vehicle and subject to regulation under this chapter
Tiny home is defined as a single-family dwelling unit with an individual living area of less than 750 sq. ft. NUMBER OF DETACHED STRUCTURES PER LOT, MAXIMUM 2 FLOOR AREA, MAXIMUM (% OF PRINCIPAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA) 50% STRUCTURE HEIGHT, MAXIMUM 20' FLOOR AREA IN REAR YARD, MAXIMUM 200 SF REAR YARD COVERAGE, MAXIMUM (% OF REAR YARD AREA) 30% SETBACK FROM REAR OR SIDE LOT LINE, MINIMUM (WHEN STRUCTURE > 100 SF) 0' (2) OR 5' SETBACK FROM REAR OR SIDE LOT LINE, MINIMUM (WHEN STRUCTURE < 100 SF) 0' (2) OR 2.5' SPACING FROM PRINCIPAL BUILDING, MINIMUM 5' (1) (1) Accessory structure area included in maximum lot coverage. (2) Rear-loaded product types shall be allowed a 0' setback when the accessory structure contains a shared wall between individual lots. LOT AREA, MINIMUM 5,000 SF 1.5 AC XXX XXXXXXXX XX AN IMPROVED STREET, MINIMUM 20' 20' N. XXXXX XXXXXX BLVD 50' 50' The following uses are permitted in the Mixed Use Development Area within the property, subject to compliance with the Use Specific Standards set forth herein. Uses shall be property buffered as illustrated on Exhibit D. General industrial services Laundry or dry -cleaning facility Vegetable or fruit packing Multifamily dwelling Multifamily complex Single-family detached dwelling Townhouse Subdivision Owner acknowledges that flows of sewer from the Property into the City’s public sewer system will be limited based on the capacity of City Lift Station 139. Whenever the City determines that a proposed development of a lot or parcel within the Planned Development may cause the existing capacity of the lift station to be exceeded, the City will require the developer/property owner to provide the required upgrades to the lift station, at the developer/owner’s sole cost. The term, “cost,” includes permitting, design, and construction; and the upgrade will be made to City standards.