Examples of Traffic Bylaw in a sentence
Using its best efforts, the Developer shall provide to the purchaser(s) of each lot located within the Development Area notice of restrictions on the parking of recreational vehicles by way of written notice (information package) or by inclusion in any architectural controls for the lots located in the Development Area: “City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007, as amended, and the Calgary Traffic Bylaw 26M96 restrict the parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, trailers, etc.
That the report titled: Traffic By-law 93-93 - Administrative Update – (R177/2020 - File I.AC TRAF), to the Council Meeting of September 30, 2020, be received; and, 2.That By-law 184-2020 be passed to amend Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended.
The owner must obtain a City road and right-of-way permit, a plumbing permit, and comply with all requirements of the "Highway and Traffic By-law, 1997, No. 13007", as may be amended or replaced from time to time, for off-site works on the City’s road or lane allowance, right-of-way, or easement.
Moved Cr Soper, seconded Ms Cook that the Infrastructural Services Committee: ▪ Receive the Report “Speed Review Consultation”▪ Adopt the Speed Review consultation document (Major Late Item)▪ Adopt the Draft Roading and Traffic Bylaw for consultation (A3699298) The motion, now put, was RESOLVED.
The applicant must obtain a City road and right-of way permit, a plumbing permit, and comply with all requirements of the "Highway and Traffic By-law, 1997, No. 13007", as amended or replaced from time to time, for off-site works on the City’s road or lane allowance, or right-of-way, or easement.