Transit State definition

Transit State means a State, with or without a sea-coast, situated between a land-locked State and the sea, through whose territory traffic in transit passes;
Transit State means a State through the territory of which illicit narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances in Table I and Table II are being moved, which is neither the place of origin nor the place of ultimate destination thereof.
Transit State means the State through whose territorial jurisdiction disaster relief or initial recovery assistance has received permission to pass on its way to or from the affected State in connection with disaster relief or initial recovery assistance.

Examples of Transit State in a sentence

  • Article 16 Transit State Parties shall take appropriate measures including arrangements regarding transit in accordance with the provisions of Annex 8 on Transit.

  • The resulting Master Contracts for Transit Buses and respective goods/services shall be available for use by all states, state agencies, local governments, local government agencies, federal agencies, or tribes located in the state which enter a Washington State Transit State Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, as authorized in RCW 39.26.060(1).

  • It includes all actions necessary to grant and facilitate movement over the territory, including the territorial waters and the airspace, of a Transit State.

  • You have reason to believe that unauthorized use of the Service has or may have occurred or could occur and a transaction may have been fraudulently input or compromised.

  • These are additional funds to the region made available by a federal Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program (TCSP) award (11PA006) and PennDOT’s Bureau of Public Transit State Match, denoted in the Before/After Sheet as ‘OTH’.

More Definitions of Transit State

Transit State means a State, other than the host State, in whose territory United Nations and associated personnel or their equipment are in transit or temporarily present in connection with a United Nations operation.
Transit State means a State, with or without a sea-coast through whose territory traffic in transit passes;
Transit State any State, whose Government is a Party, other than the Requesting Party or Assisting Party, through whose territory, including air space and/or territorial water, the Assistance team, Equipment, and Goods of assistance are transported.
Transit State means a State upon whose territory emergency assistance destined for a Receiving State is transshipped or through whose territory assistance must be transported to reach the Receiving State.
Transit State means a state whose government is a party to this Agreement, with the exception of the states through the territory of which disaster units, equipment and supply materials are carried;
Transit State means a State, with or without a sea-coast, situatedbetween aland-locked State andthe sea, through whose territory traffic in transit passes;
Transit State means a state whose territory the emergency teams must cross in order to reach the territory of the requesting Contracting Party;