Travelling Allowance definition

Travelling Allowance means the conditions and entitlements as prescribed in Directive/s relating to Domestic Travelling and Relieving Expenses and International Travelling, Relieving and Living Expenses, issued by the industrial relations Minister under section 54 of the Public Service Act 2008.
Travelling Allowance means expenses incurred for travelling, inclusive of mileage, accommodation and food.
Travelling Allowance or “TA” means the allowance for accommodation, meals and incidental expenses paid to an employee who is directed to travel on official business by his or her employing Member, where the travel requires an overnight stay away from the employee’s work base.

Examples of Travelling Allowance in a sentence

  • Payment on such an RDO will include the daily wages, Fares and Travelling Allowance, and any applicable Site Allowance.

  • The meal allowance shall not be payable to kaimahi who receive a Travelling Allowance in accordance with the provisions of clause 9.2.

  • An employee engaged on a job which qualifies them to the provisions of this Clause and who is required to reside elsewhere than on the site (or adjacent to the site and supplied with transport) shall be paid the allowance prescribed by Clause 5.9 – Travelling Allowance of this award.

  • Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession, Special Compensatory Allowances, Children's Education Allowance, Transport Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Deputation Allowance, House Building Allowance, Travelling Allowance etc.

  • For any query/ clarification regarding admissibility or payment of Travelling Allowance, the candidates may directly approach the concerned Selection Centres.

More Definitions of Travelling Allowance

Travelling Allowance means an allowance granted to an officer to cover the expenses which he incurs in travelling in the interest of the public service. It includes allowances granted for the maintenance of conveyances.Government DecisionThe expressions ‘road mileage’ and ‘mileage allowance’ wherever they occur, shall be assigned meaning as referring to ‘distance in kilometres’. [G.O.(P) 52/65/Fin.,dt. 3-2-1965] [G.O.(P) 359/76/Fin., dt. 23-11-1976] [G.O.(P) 36/64/Fin., dt. 20-1-1964] CHAPTER IIIGENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 13. Except as provided by this rule, no person may be appointed to a post in Government service without his producing a medical certificate of health in the form annexed below. The Government may, in individual cases, dispense with the production of a certificate, and may by general orders exempt any specified class of officers from the operation of this rule.FORM
Travelling Allowance means an allowance granted to an em- ployee to cover the expenses which he incurs on travelling in the interest of the University service. It includes allowance granted for the maintenance of conveyance.
Travelling Allowance means an allowance admissible to a Government employee to cover the expenses incurred by him while on tour in public interest. It includes daily allowance, road mileage allowance, local mileage allowance, permanent travelling allowance. It also includes reimbursement of actual travelling expenses and hotel charges limited to entitlement;
Travelling Allowance means an allowance grated to an officer travelling on duty within The Gambia for one or more nights. Travelling allowances are granted to enable an officer to travel in reasonable comfort.
Travelling Allowance means allowance to cover the expenses incurred by an employee on travelling in connection with the affairs of the PGSC. Travelling Allowance is not intended to be a source of profit.
Travelling Allowance means an allowance granted to the Leader of the Opposition to cover the expenses which he Incurs in travelling in the discharge of his duties as such Leader as against travelling in personal interest or in the interest of the party to which he may belong or for private purpose, such as journeys for rest or recoupment of health or for attending party meetings or for election campaign.
Travelling Allowance means an allowance granted to an employee to cover the expenses which he incurs in travelling in the interests of University;