Travelling Allowance definition
Examples of Travelling Allowance in a sentence
Payment on such an RDO will include the daily wages, Fares and Travelling Allowance, and any applicable Site Allowance.
The meal allowance shall not be payable to kaimahi who receive a Travelling Allowance in accordance with the provisions of clause 9.2.
An employee engaged on a job which qualifies them to the provisions of this Clause and who is required to reside elsewhere than on the site (or adjacent to the site and supplied with transport) shall be paid the allowance prescribed by Clause 5.9 – Travelling Allowance of this award.
Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession, Special Compensatory Allowances, Children's Education Allowance, Transport Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Deputation Allowance, House Building Allowance, Travelling Allowance etc.
For any query/ clarification regarding admissibility or payment of Travelling Allowance, the candidates may directly approach the concerned Selection Centres.