Union Participant definition
Examples of Union Participant in a sentence
Once the registration form is complete, click “Finish.” Shortly after, you should receive an email with your registration form and the Local Union Participant Agreement.
Any such Shop Union Participant who remains fully employed through the Transaction Date shall have a fully vested and nonforfeitable right to his Accrued Benefit as determined as of the Transaction Date.
Under this option, a married Shop Union Participant can elect to receive a reduced income, but after the Shop Union Participant’s death 50%, 66 2/3% or 100% (depending on the election made) of such reduced income shall be paid for life to his designated joint annuitant.
In the event that a disability pension benefit is suspended, payments may resume as early or normal retirement benefits, with any early retirement benefit reduced in accordance with Section 3.3(b) of this Appendix H if not deferred to the Shop Union Participant’s Normal Retirement Date, once the Shop Union Participant otherwise qualifies for a Normal Retirement Income or an Early Retirement Income.
For example, during a BVLOS operation, the unmanned aircraft could be operating over a rural area that does not have wireless internet connectivity, but, through the command and control link, the unmanned aircraft has connectivity with a control station that is in turn connected to the internet and transmitting to a Remote ID USS.
Enter Item No. (from the BDC 268), Employee Name, Social Security No. (last 4 digits only), Trade (be specific, i.e., Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber, etc.), and indicate by checking the appropriate box whether the employee is paid as Union Participant or Non-Union Participation.
These DM&E Union Participants become vested as follows: If the DM&E Union Participant has completed three or more Years of Vesting Service, the Participant is fully vested and is entitled to a benefit equal to the value of his or her Matching Contribution Account, if any.
Each Shop Union Employee shall become a Shop Union Participant after the completion of a Period of Service of 60 days.
The amount of a disability pension benefit shall not be actuarially reduced based on the Disabled Shop Union Participant’s failure to attain age 65.5.3A Disabled Shop Union Participant may elect to receive a disability pension benefit in any form of distribution otherwise available under Section 7 of this Appendix H to a Shop Union Participant who has attained his Normal Retirement Date.
If a vested Shop Union Participant who has not revoked the Pre-Retirement Surviving Spouse Option dies before his retirement date, he will be deemed to have: (a) terminated employment on the date of death (unless he had terminated employment prior to his death), (b) survived to his Early Retirement Date, (c) retired on his Early Retirement Date with an immediate 50% Surviving Spouse Option; and (d) died on the date after his Early Retirement Date.