Examples of Utilisation Payments in a sentence
DER Reactive Service Providers will receive: Availability Payments for Reactive Power Availability accepted in the Power Potential Tender and Utilisation Payments for Reactive Power Response Availability Prices (£/MVar/hr) and Utilisation Prices (£/MVarh) will be the prices submitted by DER Providers as bids for Service Windows at the day-ahead stage, and will be paid on a pay-as-bid basis.
Notwithstanding the above, the licensee must provide a notice setting out all other DSBR Utilisation Payments, SBR Utilisation Payments and SBR Availability Payments it considers, and can provide supporting evidence that, it has incurred in respect of Relevant Year t, to the Authority by 31 March of the Relevant Year t.4K.21.
Where the licensee considers, and can provide supporting evidence that, in respect of Relevant Year t, it has incurred DSBR Utilisation Payments, SBR Utilisation Payments or SBR Availability Payments for the first time following this condition coming into effect, it may provide notice of these payments to the Authority within the period up to and including 31 March of the Relevant Year t.4K.19.
Thereafter, where the licensee considers, and can provide supporting evidence that, in respect of Relevant Year t, it has incurred in aggregate DSBR Utilisation Payments, SBR Utilisation Payments and SBR Availability Payments in excess of £2.5 million, or such lower amount as the Authority may direct, it may provide notice of those payments to the Authority within the period up to and including 31 March of the Relevant Year t.4K.20.
In addition, if a force majeure event affects TNB, TNB’s obligation to make Available Capacity Payments and Daily Utilisation Payments will continue to the extent that the Unit is available to deliver electrical energy to TNB.
If TNB fails to complete the transmission facilities specified in the PPA by the stipulated date thereby delaying COD of a Unit, it will pay JEV the full Available Capacity Payments and Daily Utilisation Payments from the scheduled COD.
Utilisation Payment For a Site(s) / Group ( ), Utilisation Payments for WPD Restore Services are calculated per-constraint Utilisation event ( ).
If a force majeure event affects JEV, TNB will continue to make Available Capacity Payments and Daily Utilisation Payments according to Appendix G of the PPA.
For Restore Services, the Company calculates Utilisation Payments.
No Utilisation Payments shall be due to the Provider by the Company for any Flexibility Services delivered in excess of the Optional Utilisation Request.