Examples of Verbal assault in a sentence
Verbal assault is a communicated intent to inflict physical or other harm on another person, with a present intent and ability to act on the threat.
Verbal threats or assault may result in suspension and expulsion Verbal assault is a communicated intent to inflict physical or other harm on another person, with a present intent and ability to act on the threat.
Verbal assault at school against a District employee, volunteer, or contractor or making bomb threats or similar threats directed at a school building, property, or a school-related activity will be considered verbal assault.
Verbal assault that repeatedly attacks someone personally (e.g., calling a person worthless, fat or disgusting; taunting a person for being too effeminate); repeatedly and excessively yelling at a particular athlete or other participant in a manner that serves no productive training or motivational purpose.
Verbal assault shall be defined as any willful verbal threat to inflict injury upon another person, under such circumstances, which create a reasonable fear of imminent injury, coupled with an apparent ability to inflict injury.