Water management division director definition

Water management division director means the commissioner.
Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative.
Water management division director means one of the directors of the EPA Enforcement Divisions within the EPA's regional offices. Terms not otherwise defined herein shall be as adopted in the latest edition of "Standard methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater," published by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation; the Federal Guidelines for State and Local Pretreatment Programs, EPA-430/9-76-017a, Volume 1, 1977; or the latest revision thereof; the Clean Water ActN.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq; or N.J.S.A. 58:11-49 et seq., 1972. II-B. AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations shall have the designated meanings: BOD5: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 day.CCUA: Cumberland County Utilities Authority. CFR: Code of Federal Regulations.COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand.EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. l: Liter.MGD: Million gallons per day.mg: Milligrams.mg/l: Milligrams per liter.N.J.A.C.: New Jersey Administrative Code. N.J.S.A.: New Jersey Statutes Annotated.NJPDES: New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. NPDES: Nation Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. pCi/L: Picocuries per LiterPOTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works. SIC: Standard Industrial Classification.USC: United States Code.TSS: Total Suspended Solids.SIU: Significant Industrial UserCIU: Categorical Industrial UserCRBWTP: Cohansey River Basin Wastewater Treatment Plant ug/l: Micrograms Per Literkg/l: Kilograms Per LiterTS: Total SolidsTTO: Total Toxic OrganicsARTICLE III - PROHIBITIONS AND LIMITATIONS ON WASTEWATER DISCHARGES

More Definitions of Water management division director

Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative. APPENDIX C – CALCULATIONS The department reviewed DMR information, NDAC 33.1-16, 40 CFR Part 403, and 40 CFR Part 407 to determine appropriate requirements to be placed in this permit. APPENDIX DRESPONSE TO COMMENTS Any comments received during the public comment period will be addressed here. Permit No:NDP026816Effective Date:January 1, 2022Expiration Date:December 31, 2026 AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE NORTH DAKOTA POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with Chapter 33.1-16-01.1 of the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality rules as promulgated under Chapter 61-28 (North Dakota Water Pollution Control Act) of the North Dakota Century Code, Cavendish Farms 5855 3rd Street SE Jamestown, ND 58401 is authorized to discharge from its facility in Jamestown, North Dakota to the City of Jamestown Publicly Owned Treatment Worksprovided all the conditions of this permit are met. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, Month Day, Year Signed this day of , . Karl H. Rockeman, P.E. DirectorDivision of Water Quality BP 2021.06.07 This page is intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTSDEFINITIONS Pretreatment Permit - BP 2020.11.12 4OUTFALL DESCRIPTION 8PERMIT SUBMITTALS SUMMARY 8SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8
Water management division director means one of the Directors of the Water Management Divisions within the Regional offices of the EPA or this person’s delegated representative.
Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative. OUTFALL DESCRIPTION Outfall 001. Active. Final Pretreatment – ExternalLatitude: 46.925740Longitude: -98.501688County: StutsmanTownship: 140 NRange: 62 WSection: 22Q: CDescription: This external compliance point serves as a sampling point prior to collection in the on-site holding tank which batch discharges to the City of Jamestown’s POTW. Outfall 002. Active. Final Pretreatment – InternalLatitude: 46.926241Longitude: -98.500279County: StutsmanTownship: 140 NRange: 62 WSection: 22Q: CDescription: This internal compliance point, located at the base of the condensers serves as a sampling point prior to combining with other wastestreams in the on-site holding tank which discharges to the City of Jamestown’s POTW. Outfall 003. Active. Final Pretreatment – InternalLatitude: 46.925914Longitude: -98.499903County: StutsmanTownship: 140 NRange: 62 WSection: 22Q: CDescription: This internal compliance point serves as a sampling point for the boiler cleaning discharge which is stored on-site prior to discharging to the City of Jamestown’s POTW. PERMIT SUBMITTALS SUMMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS The permittee is prohibited from diluting its effluent as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with permit limitations. The permittee must develop a Spill and Slug Discharge Control Plan representing best management practices to prevent release of pollutants to the POTW and/or waters of the state and minimizing damages if a sludge discharge or spill occurs.
Water management division director means one of the Directors of the Water Management Divisions within the Regional offices of the EPA or this person’s delegated representative. Wherever the context shall admit or require, words used herein in the singular shall include the plural, words used in the plural shall include the singular, words used in the masculine shall include the feminine, and words used in the feminine shall include the masculine.
Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative. 23 APPENDIX C – CALCULATIONS The department reviewed DMR information, NDAC 33.1-16, 40 CFR Part 403, and 40 CFR Part 423 to determine appropriate requirements to be placed in this permit. pH Monitoring Basis: The department reviewed GRESS’s discharge monitoring reports and pH logs from a previous exceedance event (10/14/2015) where pH was reported every minute.Upon review of these records, it was concluded that a 5-minute limit for monitoring pH as well as denoting singular exceedances would be representative of the discharge from GRESS. The pH monitoring requirements are further defined in “Reporting Requirements” and Table 8. 24 APPENDIX DPROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 25 APPENDIX ERESPONSE TO COMMENTS Comments received during the public comment period will be placed here.
Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative. OUTFALL DESCRIPTION Outfall 001A. Active. Final Pretreatment – InternalLatitude: 46.893299Longitude: -98.717874County: StutsmanTownship: 140 NRange: 64 WSection: 35QQ: DDDescription: This internal compliance point collects process wastewater and serves as a sampling point prior to discharge to the City of Jamestown’s sanitary sewer system. PERMIT SUBMITTALS SUMMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS The permittee is prohibited from diluting its effluent as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with permit limitations. The permittee must develop a spill and slug discharge control plan as detailed in NDAC 33.1- 16-01.1 Appendix A, representing best management practices to prevent release of pollutants to the POTW and/or waters of the state and minimizing damages if a sludge discharge or spill occurs. In lieu of monitoring for Total Toxic Organics (TTO) the permittee may develop a Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP) specifying toxic organic compounds used, disposal methods, and procedures preventing spills or leaks into wastewater. The permittee must submit the TOMP, or solvent management plan, to the department, as well as periodic certification statements as outlined under 40 CFR 433.12.
Water management division director means the director of the water management division of the regional office of the United States environmental protection agency or this person's delegated representative. OUTFALL DESCRIPTION Outfall 001. Active – Final PretreatmentLatitude: 46.906656Longitude: -98.622797County: StutsmanTownship: 140NRange: 63WSection: 27QQ: CDDescription: The onsite pretreatment system receives regulated wastewater from the frozen potato products processing operation. Process wastewater, sanitary sewer, and boiler blowdown/cooling tower blowdown are combined prior to final effluent sampling. Outfall 001 is located on the southeast corner of the facility in a manhole outside prior to discharge to the POTW. PERMIT SUBMITTALS SUMMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS The permittee is prohibited from diluting its effluent as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with permit limitations. The permittee must develop a spill and slug discharge control plan as detailed in NDAC 33.1- 16-01.1 Appendix A, representing best management practices to prevent release of pollutants to the POTW and/or waters of the state and minimizing damages if a sludge discharge or spill occurs.