Whistleblowing Policy definition
Examples of Whistleblowing Policy in a sentence
The school’s Whistleblowing Policy is there to support and aid them in these circumstances.
The University has in place a robust Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy to enable concerns to be brought to its attention.
There are clear policies in line with those from the CSAP (Children's Safeguarding Assurance Partnership) for dealing with allegations against people who work with children.All allegations against staff, supply staff, volunteers and contractors will be managed in line with the school’s Whistleblowing Policy – a copy of which will be provided to, and understood by, all staff.
If the concern is with regards to the headteacher, it will be referred to the chair of governors.Any concerns regarding the safeguarding practices at the school will be raised with the SLT, and the necessary whistleblowing procedures will be followed, as outlined in the Whistleblowing Policy.
Any concerns regarding the safeguarding practices at the school will be raised with the SLT, and the necessary whistleblowing procedures will be followed, as outlined in the Whistleblowing Policy.
There are clear policies in line with those from the CSAP (Children's Safeguarding Assurance Partnership) for dealing with allegations against people who work with children.All allegations against staff, supply staff, volunteers and contractors will be managed in line with the school’s Whistleblowing Policy – a copy of which will be provided to, and understood by, all staff at induction.
If you have concerns regarding activities including but not limited to malpractice, fraud or corruption within the Corporation and /or any of its subsidiaries you should refer to the Corporation’s Whistleblowing Policy which can be found at [INSERT LOCATION] to assist you in raising your concerns.
Maintain at all times confidentiality of the alleged offender, the whistle blower, the child or vulnerable adult, their family and community (refer to Malaria Consortium Whistleblowing Policy).
All staff are expected and encouraged to raise concerns they have, whether related to the safeguarding and welfare of pupils, the conduct of staff or other matters, during the course of their employment in accordance with the School's polices (including the Whistleblowing Policy, the Safeguarding Policy and the Staff Code of Conduct).
Emanating from the views of the participants, it was then established that the organisation applies a reward and recognition system selectively as some of the employees were offered vouchers for a job well done while others were not; even though they would have reached targets they were not rewarded nor recognised for their job well done.Below are the views of the participants in this study.