working alone definition

working alone means the performance of any work function by a worker who
working alone means the worker is the only worker of the employer at that workplace and the worker is working in circumstances where assistance is not readily available to the worker in the event of injury, illness or an emergency;
working alone means when a person is isolated from interaction with other people with littleor no expectation of in-person interruption. Examples include:• A lone worker inside the enclosed cab of a crane of construction equipment.• A person by themselves inside an office with four walls and a door.• A lone worker inside a cubicle with 3 walls and a door or entryway, with walls high enough to block the breathing zone of all people walking by, and the worker’sactivity will not require anyone to come inside of the worker’s workspace.• An employee who is alone in an agricultural field or other open area with no anticipated contact with others.

More Definitions of working alone

working alone means the worker is working in circumstances where assistance is not readily available to the worker in the event of injury, illness, or an emergency. Those working alone must have adequate
working alone. The Company and the union shall together develop an action plan, as spelled out in the CCOHS, to address the issues of employees expected to work alone. Depending on the work and equipment they are required to operate determines the risk factor and each case shall be assessed on a case by case individual basis. The preceding shall be done jointly by the Company Health and Safety officer and the Chairperson of the Union Health and Safety Committee. B7.16 Each facility operated by the Company shall have a Joint Health & Safety Committee, further, it is the intent of the company to have twelve (12) monthly meetings. All findings and recommendations of the Joint Health & Safety Committee at each facility shall be binding on the Company.
working alone means: to work at a worksite as the only worker/family member of the employer at that worksite at any time, and, when the worker/family member is not directly
working alone means when a person is isolated from interaction with other people with little or no expectation of in-person interruption. Examples include:
working alone means an Officer performing enforcement activities unaccompanied by other Officers or armed peace officers. Two Officers maintaining visual contact and ensuring the distance between themselves does not preclude them from assisting each other, would not be considered working alone.
working alone means to work in circumstances where assistance would not be readily available to the worker. 2
working alone means doing assigned tasks at a work site where assistance is not readily available in the event of an injury, illness or emergency.