SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Disputes between the Parties arising under or relating to this Agreement and any of its PAs shall be resolved only by consulta- tion between the Parties and shall not be re- ferred to a national court, an international tri- bunal, or to any other person or entity for set- tlement.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Any dispute that may arise concerning the interpretation or application of this Agree- ment shall be settled through negotiations be- tween the Government and the Fund. If the dispute cannot be settled by negotia- tions between the Government and the Fund, Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvoston pohjois- maisten yhteistyöministerien ratkaistavaksi.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Disputes between the Parties arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved only by consultation between the Parties and shall not be referred to a national court, an international tribunal, or to any oth- er person or entity for settlement.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Unless otherwise indicated, disputes between the seller and buyer are settled in the inferior court of the seller's registered place of business.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. In the event of a dispute between any two or more Parties concerning the in- terpretation or application of the present Protocol, the parties concerned shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotia- tion or any other peaceful means of their own choice. The parties to the dispute shall inform the Executive Body of their dispute.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Rules on arbitration The arbitration procedure for purposes of paragraph 2 (a) of article 20 of the Rotter- dam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade shall be as follows: Article 1 1. A Party may initiate recourse to arbitra- tion in accordance with article 20 of the Convention by written notification ad- dressed to the other Party to the dispute. The notification shall be accompanied by a statement of the claim, together with any supporting documents, and shall state the subject matter for arbitration including, in particular, the articles of the Convention the interpretation or application of which are at issue.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Any dispute between the Government and the Bank concerning the interpretation or ap- plication of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiations between the Parties or by following other agreed procedures. If a settlement of a dispute cannot be reached in accordance with the above, the dispute shall be submitted for final decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators. One of the members shall be appointed by the Ministry of Finance and the second member by the Board of Directors of the Bank, and these two members appointed first shall appoint the third member, who shall be the chairman of the tribunal. Should the two first appointed arbitrators fail to agree on the third arbitrator within six months of their appointment, the nen välimiehen nimittää hallituksen tai pan- kin pyynnöstä Pysyvän Kansainvälisen Väli- tystuomioistuimen puheenjohtaja. Välimies- oikeuden päätös tehdään äänten enemmistöl- lä, se on lopullinen ja sitoo riidan osapuolia. Kumpikin sopimuspuoli vastaa nimittämän- sä jäsenen kustannuksista ja edustuksensa ai- heuttamista kustannuksista välimiesmenette- lyn aikana. Molemmat sopimuspuolet vastaa- vat yhtä suurin osuuksin puheenjohtajan kus- tannuksista sekä muista mahdollisista kustan- nuksista. Välimiesoikeus voi tehdä erilaisen päätöksen kustannusten jakamisen osalta. Kaikilta muilta osin välimiesoikeus päättää omista menettelysäännöistään. third arbitrator shall be appointed by the President of the Permanent Court of Interna- tional Arbitration at the request of the Gov- ernment or the Bank. The decision of the tri- bunal shall be taken by a majority of votes and shall be final and binding on the Parties to the dispute. Both Parties shall bear the costs of the member appointed by them and the costs arising from their own representation during the arbitration proceedings. Both Parties shall be responsible for an equal share of the chair- man’s costs and for any other possibly occur- ring costs. The tribunal may make a different decision on sharing the costs. In all other re- spects, the tribunal shall decide on its own rules of procedure.
SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. 1 Tämän pöytäkirjan tulkintaa tai sovelta- mista koskevat riidat ratkaistaan ensisijaisesti neuvottelemalla, sovittelemalla tai välitys- menettelyllä taikka muilla rauhanomaisilla keinoilla, jotka riidan osapuolet ovat valin- neet.
1 Any disputes regarding the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be re- solved in the first instance through negotia- tion, mediation or conciliation, or other peaceful means chosen by parties to the dis- pute.
2 Jos riitaa ei saada ratkaistuksi kahden- toista kuukauden kuluessa siitä, kun osapuoli on ilmoittanut toiselle osapuolelle riidan olemassaolosta, riita ratkaistaan riidan osa- puolen pyynnöstä liitteen 3 mukaisin väli- miesmenettelyin, elleivät riidan osapuolet sovi jonkin Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien vuoden 1982 merioikeusyleissopimuksen 287 ar-tiklan 1 kappaleessa luetellun menettelyn käytöstä. Riidan osapuolet voivat tehdä täl- laisen sopimuksen, vaikka ne eivät olisi Yh- distyneiden Kansakuntien vuoden 1982 me- rioikeusyleissopimuksen sopimuspuolia.
2 If no resolution is possible within twelve months after one Contracting Party has noti- fied another that a dispute exists between them, the dispute shall be settled, at the re- quest of a party to the dispute, by means of the Arbitral Procedure set forth in Annex 3, unless the parties to the dispute agree to use one of the procedures listed in paragraph 1 of Article 287 of the 1982 United Nations Con- vention on the Law of the Sea. The parties to the dispute may so agree, whether or not they are also States Parties to the 1982 United Na- tions Convention on the Law of the Sea.
3 Jos osapuolet sopivat käyttävänsä jotakin Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien vuoden 1982 merioikeusyleissopimuksen 287 artiklan 1 kappaleessa lueteltua menettelyä, sovelletaan myös valittua menettelyä koskevia kyseisen yleissopimuksen XV osan määräyksiä sovel- tuvin osin. 3 In the event an agreement to use one of the procedures listed in paragraph 1 of Arti- cle 287 of the 1982 United Nations Conven- tion on the Law of the Sea is reached, the provisions set forth in Part XV of that Con- vention that are related to the chosen proce- dure would also apply, mutatis mutandis.
4 Edellä 2 kohdassa tarkoitettua kahden- toista kuukauden ajanjaksoa voidaan pidentää kahdellatoista kuukaudella asiano- maisten osapuolten yhteisestä suostumukses- ta. 4 The twelve month period referred to in paragraph 2 may be extended for another twelve months by mutual consent of the par- ties concerned.
5 Sen estä...