PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila terjadi perubahan pada bagian dan/atau penggunaan Kendaraan Bermotor.
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 3.1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila :
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 3.1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila : 3.1.1. terjadi perubahan atas harta benda yang dipertanggungkan; 3.1.2. terjadi perubahan lokasi di mana harta benda yang dipertanggungkan disimpan; 3.1.3. terjadi perubahan okupasi dan atau konstruksi atas sebagian atau seluruh bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan; 3.1.4. terdapat barang-barang lain yang disimpan di dalam bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan. 3.2. Sehubungan dengan perubahan risiko pada ayat (3.1.) di atas, Penanggung berhak : 3.2.1. menetapkan pertanggungan ini diteruskan dengan suku premi yang sudah ada atau dengan suku premi yang lebih tinggi, atau 3.2.2. menghentikan pertanggungan sama sekali dengan pengembalian premi sebagaimana diatur pada pasal 22 ayat (22.2.) PASAL 4
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 3.1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila : 3.1.1. terjadi perubahan atas harta benda yang dipertanggungkan; 3.1.2. terjadi perubahan lokasi di mana harta benda yang dipertanggungkan disimpan; 3.1.3. terjadi perubahan okupasi dan atau konstruksi atas sebagian atau seluruh bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan; 3.1.4. terdapat barang-barang lain yang disimpan di dalam bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar agreed between the Insurer and the Insured. The Insurer shall be deemed as having received the premium payment at the time when : 2.2.1. cash payment is received, or 2.2.2. the said premium is credited into the bank account of the Insurer; or 2.2.3. the Insurer has agreed in writing on the settlement of the said premium. 2.3. In the event of the premium is not paid in the manner and within the time stipulated above, this Policy shall be automatically terminated without issuing cancellation endorsement starting from the expiry of the grace period and the Insurer shall be discharged from any liability there from. However the Insured shall remain obliged to pay the time on risk premium for the insurance period already lapsed amounting to 20% (twenty percent) of the annual premium. 2.4. Should there be any loss covered by this Policy during the grace period as stated in items (2.1.1.) and (2.1.2.) above, the Insurer shall only be liable for such loss if the Insured pays the premium within that grace period. ARTICLE 3 ALTERATION TO RISK 3.1. The Insured is obliged to notify the Insurer of any circumstances which increases the risks insured under this Policy, at the latest within 7 (seven) calendar days in case of : 3.1.1. any alteration to the property insured; 3.1.2. any alteration to the location where the insured property is stored; 3.1.3. any alteration to occupation and or construction of part of or whole building stated in the Schedule; 3.1.4. there are other goods stored in the building stated in the Schedule. Pertanggungan.
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila terjadi perubahan pada bagian dan/atau penggunaan Kendaraan Bermotor. 1. It is a condition precedent to liability under this policy, that any premium payable shall have been paid off and actually received in full by the Insurer, in the event of: 1.1. insurance period of 30 (thirty) days or more, then settlement of premium payment shall be conducted within a period of 14 (fourteen) calendar days as of the date of inception of this Policy; 1.2. such insurance period is less than 30 (thirty) days, settlement of premium payment shall be conducted at the time of issuance of Policy. 2. Premium payment can be made by cheque, bilyet giro, transfer or by any other means agreed upon between the Insurer and the Insured. The Insurer shall be deemed to have received premium payment, at the time of: 2.1. the relevant premium has already been deposited to the Insurer's bank account, or 2.2. The Insurer has agreed the settlement of relevant premium in writing. 3. In case the Insured fails to fulfill the liabilities as referred to in paragraph (1) above, this Policy shall be automatically terminated without issuing cancellation endorsement starting from the expiry of the grace period and the Insurer shall be discharged from any liability there from. However the Insured shall remain obliged to pay the time on risk premium for the insurance period already lapsed amounting to 20% (twenty percent) of the annual premium. 4. In the event of any loss covered by the Policy within the grace period as stipulated in paragraph (1) above, the Insurer will be responsible for such loss if the Insured pays off premium within the grace period. ARTICLE 8 ALTERATION 1. The Insured shall be obliged to notify the Insurer of any circumstance that increases the risks covered by the Policy, not later than 7 (seven) calendar days if changes occur in parts and/or use of Motor Vehicle.
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 3.1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila: 3.1.1. terjadi perubahan atas harta benda yang dipertanggungkan; 3.1.2. terjadi perubahan lokasi di mana harta benda yang dipertanggungkan disimpan; 3.1.3. terjadi perubahan okupasi dan atau konstruksi atas sebagian atau seluruh bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan; 1.3. Provisions under Paragraph (1.2.) above shall not be applied in regard to such material fact which is undisclosed or untruly stated has already been known by the Insurer, but the Insurer does not exercise his rights to terminate the insurance within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the Insurer becomes aware of such breach. ARTICLE 2
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 6.1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis, selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 7 (tujuh) hari kalender apabila: 6.1.1. terjadi perubahan atas harta benda yang dipertanggungkan; 6.1.2. terjadi perubahan lokasi di mana harta benda yang dipertanggungkan disimpan; 6.1.3. terjadi perubahan okupasi dan atau konstruksi atas sebagian atau seluruh bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan; 6.1.4. terdapat barang-barang lain yang disimpan di dalam bangunan yang disebutkan dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan. 6.2. Sehubungan dengan perubahan risiko pada ayat (6.1.) di atas, Penanggung berhak : 6.2.1. menetapkan pertanggungan ini diteruskan dengan ARTICLE 5 PREMIUM PAYMENT 5.1. It is a condition precedent to liability under this Policy, any premium due must have been paid to and actually received in full by the Insurer: 5.1.1. if the period of insurance is 30 (thirty) calendar days or more, payment of premium must be made within the grace period of 30 (thirty) calendar days starting from the inception date of the Policy ; 5.1.2. if the period of insurance is less than 30 (thirty) calendar days, payment of premium must be made within the period of insurance specified in the Policy. 5.2. Premium payment may be made by cash, cheque, giro, transfer or other means as agreed between the Insurer and the Insured. The Insurer shall be deemed as having received the premium payment at the time when: 5.2.1. cash payment is received; or 5.2.2. the said premium is credited into the bank account of the Insurer; or 5.2.3. the Insurer has agreed in writing on the settlement of the said premium. 5.3. In the event of the premium is not paid in the manner and within the time stipulated above, this Policy shall be automatically terminated without issuing cancellation endorsement starting from the expiry of the grace period and the Insurer shall be discharged from any liability there from. However the Insured shall remain obliged to pay the time on risk premium for the insurance period already lapsed amounting to 20% (twenty percent) of the annual premium. 5.4. Should there be any loss covered by this Policy during the grace period as stated in items (5.1.1.) and (5.1.2.) above, the Insurer shall only be liable for such loss if the Insured pays the premium within that grace period. ARTICLE 6 ALTERATION TO RISK 6.1. The Insured is obliged to notify the Insurer of any circumstances which increases the risks insured under...
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. Article 10 Changes of risk
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. Tertanggung wajib segera memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan yang memperbesar risiko yang dijamin Polis paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kalender sejak terjadinya perubahan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan perubahan risiko tersebut di atas, Penanggung berhak mempertahankan atau merubah persyaratan dan kondisi pertanggungan yang sudah ada atau menghentikan pertanggungan sama sekali. ARTICLE 6 ALTERATION TO RISK The Insured is obliged to immediately notify the Insurers of any circumstances which increase the risk under the Policy within 14 (fourteen) calendar days. In respect of such alteration to the risk, the Insurers reserve the rights to maintain or revise the existing terms and conditions or terminate the Policy.
PERUBAHAN RISIKO. 1. Tertanggung wajib memberitahukan kepada Penanggung setiap keadaan