Taxes. Pembeli akan bertanggung jawab untuk dan akan membebaskan Penjual dari pembayaran seluruh pajak (kecuali untuk pajak penghasilan Penjual) yang mungkin diwajibkan pada setiap waktu berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku dan/atau yang mungkin menjadi jatuh tempo karena alasan pelaksanaan setiap kewajiban dalam perjanjian ini, dan Pembeli akan menandatangani dan mengirimkan setiap instrumen sebagaimana mungkin diperlukan, termasuk pembayaran atas setiap bunga atau denda yang terkait dengan atau timbul dari perpajakan atau kontribusi tersebut.
Taxes. The Price does not include any sales, use, revenue, excise, value added or other taxes or governmental charges, all of which are the Buyer’s sole responsibility. Any tax or other governmental charge payable by the Company due to the sale, delivery or use of the Products, such as, but not limited to, sales tax, use tax, retailer’s occupational tax, gross receipts tax, value added tax and transportation tax, may, at the Company’s option, be added to the Price. [5. Title and Risk of Loss
A. Domestic Sales
B. International Sales
Taxes. Pajak Kini Current Tax Beban pajak kini ditentukan berdasarkan kenaikan aset bersih yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemegang unit dari aktivitas operasi dalam tahun yang bersangkutan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak yang berlaku.
Taxes a. Utang Pajak Akun ini terdiri dari: 2016
a. Tax Payable This account consists of :
b. Beban Pajak Penghasilan b. Income Tax Expense
Taxes. If a transaction is subject to a stamp tax, both Customer and IBM will each pay 50% of such tax.
Taxes. Customer and IBM accepts to pay, each one, fifty percent (50%) of legalization costs of the Proposal.
Taxes. The following paragraph replaces 1.7 in its entirety:
Taxes. Delete the last sentence:
Taxes. If, as a result of Customer moving, accessing, or using an Eligible Product across a border, any authority imposes a customs duty, tax, levy or fee (including withholding taxes for the import or export of any such Eligible Product), then Customer agrees that it is responsible for, and will pay, any such customs duty, tax, levy or fee. This excludes those taxes based on IBM’s net income.
1.8 Eligible Products
1.9 IBM Business Partners and Resellers
1.10 Intellectual Property Protection
Taxes. Both IBM and the Customer will pay the stamp tax in equal amounts and when applicable Impuesto de Sellos).