Termination Klausul Contoh

Termination. In addition to Clause 13 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions, we may terminate the Mobile Banking Services immediately without notice to you in the event of your breach of any of the terms of the Licence. You agree to delete the Mobile Banking App from all Mobile Devices on which you may have downloaded it immediately upon the termination of the Licence.
Termination. In addition to Clause 13 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions, we may terminate the SAP FSN Services immediately without notice to you in any of the following circumstances:
Termination. In addition to Clause 13 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions, we may terminate the SWIFT Messaging Services immediately without notice to you in any of the following circumstances:
Termination. In addition to Clause 13 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions, we may terminate the Partner Bank Services at any time in accordance with the terms and conditions attached to the Partner Bank Arrangement Request (as amended, updated or supplemented from time to time).
Termination. 9.1 Clause 13.2 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Termination. 6.1 Jika salah satu pihak melanggar ketentuan materiil Perjanjian Utama ini dan gagal untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran tersebut dalam jangka waktu 30 hari sejak spesifikasi tertulis tentang pelanggaran tersebut, maka pihak yang melanggar dinyatakan wanprestasi dan pihak yang tidak melanggar dapat mengakhiri perjanjian ini. Jika Oracle mengakhiri Perjanjian Utama sebagaimana ditentukan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, Anda harus membayar dalam waktu 30 hari semua jumlah yang telah diakumulasi sebelum pengakhiran tersebut, serta semua jumlah tersisa yang belum dibayar untuk Produk yang dipesan dan/atau Layanan Penawaran yang diterima berdasarkan Perjanjian Utama ditambah pajak dan biaya yang terkait. Kecuali untuk kegagalan membayar biaya, pihak yang tidak melanggar dapat menyetujui berdasarkan kebijaksanaan tunggalnya untuk memperpanjang jangka waktu 30 hari, sepanjang pihak yang melanggar terus berupaya secara wajar untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran tersebut. Anda setuju bahwa jika Anda melakukan wanprestasi berdasarkan Perjanjian Utama, Anda tidak dapat 6.1 If either of us breaches a material term of the Master Agreement and fails to correct the breach within 30 days of written specification of the breach, then the breaching party is in default and the non-breaching party may terminate the Master Agreement. If Oracle terminates the Master Agreement as specified in the preceding sentence, You must pay within 30 days all amounts which have accrued prior to such termination, as well as all sums remaining unpaid for Products ordered and/or Service Offerings received under the Master Agreement plus related taxes and expenses. Except for nonpayment of fees, the non-breaching party may agree in its sole discretion to extend the 30 day period for so long as the breaching party continues reasonable efforts to cure the breach. You agree that if You are in default under the Master Agreement, You may not use those Products or Service Offerings ordered.
Termination. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract, the Council may terminate this Contract by giving not less than thirty (30) days written notice to that effect to the Contractor (without any obligation to give any reason thereof) if the Council considers that such termination is necessary for national interest, national policy or national security.
Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights of the Council, if the Company, its personnel, servants or employees is convicted by a court of law for corruption or unlawful or illegal activities in relation to this Contract or any other agreement that the Contractor may have with the Council, the Council shall be entitled to terminate this Contract at any time, by giving immediate written notice to that effect to the Contractor.
Termination. This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by a State. Either State may terminate the Agreement, through diplomatic channels, by giving written notice of termination on or before the thirtieth of June of any calendar year following after the period of five years from the year in which the Agreement enters into force. In such case, the Agreement shall cease to have effect:
Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights of the Datuk Bandar, if the Company, its personnel, servants or employees is convicted by a court of law for corruption or unlawful or illegal activities in relation to this Contract or any other agreement that the Contractor may have with the Datuk Bandar, Xxxxx Xxxxxx shall be entitled to terminate this Contract at any time, by giving immediate written notice to that effect to the Contractor.