Brands Clausole campione

Brands. (a) Any identification brand and or any other identification form positioned on the products which are sold by the Seller will not be removed without the Seller's written agreement. Any distortion and/or change of the brand name or technical data or labels applied by the Seller will represent a counterfeiting and iIIegal behaviour, prosecutable by the Seller at the Buyer's plant or at the third parties' who hold the products. Moreover in those cases the Buyers warranty
Brands. (a) Any identification brand and or any other identification form positioned on the products which are sold by the Seller will not be removed without the Seller's written agreement. Any distortion and/or change of the brand name or technical data or labels applied by the Seller will represent a counterfeiting and iIIegal behaviour, prosecutable by the Seller at the Buyer's plant or at the third parties' who hold the products. Moreover in those cases the Buyers warranty will be considered as lapsed. 10. Testing. (a) All the Products produced by the Seller are subject to a final standard test before the delivery. That test is to be considered as final and conclusive. Each additional test and or each special test must be requested and specified by the Buyer on the purchase order, and it has to be accepted by the Seller and will be carried out at the Buyer's expense.
Brands. (a) Ogni targhetta di identificazione e/o ogni altra forma di identificazione posta sui prodotti venduti dal Venditore non può essere rimossa senza il consenso scritto del Venditore. Ogni alterazione e/o modificazione di - 8 -9- 8 - marchi o dei dati tecnici comunque apposti o delle targhette apposte dal Venditore costituirà contraffazione e condotta illegittima perseguibile ad iniziativa del Venditore sia presso l’Acquirente che presso terzi detentori dei prodotti. In tali casi l’Acquirente vedrà decadere il diritto al riconoscimento della garanzia prodotto.