Publicity Clausole campione

Publicity. This public vacancy notice is published in the Puglia Region’s Official Bulletin, on its official websites xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx and on the Programme’s official website xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx .
Publicity. The exhibitor has the right to advertise his products only inside his own stand. The distribution of leaflets and samples, out of own stands area April be made only with the organizer’s approval, made in writing, and through common agreement. The publicity will be made in compliance with Romanian laws. The organizer has the right to remove, without the exhibitor’s agreement, the advertisements or other kinds of publicity done outside their stands or if they are not in compliance with Romanian legislation or disturb other exhibitors.
Publicity. This public vacancy notice is published in the Puglia Region’s Official Bullettin, and on other institutional websites.
Publicity. 9. Warranties
Publicity. No Party will use the name of another Party or another Party’s employees or any of their trademarks in any advertising, sales promotional material, or press release without the relevant Party’s prior written approval, except to the extent such disclosure is reasonably necessary for: 8.1 Pubblicità. Nessuna Parte utilizzerà il nome di un’altra Parte o dei dipendenti di un’altra Parte o i rispettivi marchi commerciali nella pubblicità, nei materiali di vendita promozionale o nei comunicati stampa, senza la previa autorizzazione scritta della Parte interessata, salvo
Publicity. It is forbidden to place or remove the vehicles of all types of advertising material without the permission of the lessor, in case of breach any consequence will be charged to the lessee.
Publicity. In the absence of prior written authorisation, the Supplier agrees not to publicise its commercial relationships with Xxxxxxxx S.p.A..
Publicity. This public vacancy notice is published in the Puglia Region’s Official Bulletin, on its institutional website (xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx) and on the institutional website of the Interreg V - A Greece-Italy Territorial Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 (xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx).
Publicity. Unless otherwise required by law, neither Party shall disclose any of the terms and conditions of, or the results of any evaluation performed under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party.
Publicity. Advertising