WITHDRAWAL Clausole campione

WITHDRAWAL. Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving twenty (20) days notice in writing, as forth in art.13. The termination will not affect the obligations already performed by the Parties or whose performance is in progress at the time of termination. These obligations are governed by article 7 of this Agreement.
WITHDRAWAL. In any case, there shall be no prejudice to XXxxxxxx’x right to withdraw from the Contract at any time so long as ARaymond gives the Supplier reasonable written notice, of at least thirty (30) days, by certified e-mail or registered letter with return receipt. In the event that ARaymond withdraws from the Contract early, the Supplier hereby waives any action for compensation, action for damages, or other legal action for any reason against ARaymond.
WITHDRAWAL. Each Party has the right to withdraw from this agreement at any time, by giving 30 days notice in writing; the notice term will run from the reception of the notice. In the event of any such notice being given over the foregoing term, Party A will pay to Party B 10% of the total amount of the present agreement as an early termination fee.
WITHDRAWAL. The Purchaser reserves the right to withdraw from the ODA at any time, by registered letter with return receipt or by certified electronic mail (PEC), e-mail or re-sending of the order from the management platform with the instructions for the annulment of the order, with at least 10 (ten) calendar days’ notice. In this event, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier, against delivery of the Supply or that part realized up to the date of withdrawal, an amount equal to the value of the service performed. 31.
WITHDRAWAL. 19.1 Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving sixty (60) days’notice in writing,
WITHDRAWAL. The contracting parties can withdraw from this agreement by providing written notice of …… months (a three-month notice is advisable) , communicated by recorded delivery letter with acknowledgement of receipt. In the event that the Purchaser wishes to withdraw from the contract, payment will be made by the Purchaser to the Department/Centre of the total sum of expenses already incurred, or for which the legal obligation to make payment has already arisen by law and under contract, at the moment of the withdrawal from the agreement. Agreements will be made between the Parties on what concerns the amount due to the Department/Centre. In case of lack of an agreement it is the Judge’s duty to decide upon the amount due. Save for as set out in this article, no further claim or demand can be made to any right by the parties as a result of the premature termination of the contractual relationship. Even in the case of withdrawal from the agreement, the parties remain bound by the obligations set out in the preceding articles 6 “Intellectual Property”, 7 “The Rights of the Department/Centre”, 8 “Obligations of Confidentiality” and 9 “Further Obligations of Confidentiality”. Reports and other communication from the Department/Centre must be sent to the Purchaser at the address ………………………………., unless any other possible address has to be used to send invoices.
WITHDRAWAL. 10.1 Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving twenty
WITHDRAWAL. The customer has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time and for any reason, in whole or in part. The provider expressly waives, now for then, any further possible claim, even of a compensatory nature, and any further compensation or indemnity or reimbursement. By accepting the conditions of this Agreement, the provider confirms full knowledge of the obligations, charges and related sanctions regime, set out in the document called "Patto di integrità e disposizioni in materia di prevenzione e repressione della corruzione e dell’illegalità nella pubblica amministrazione” already signed by the parties, with particular reference to those concerning the execution phase of the assumed service.
WITHDRAWAL. 10.1 Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving a six
WITHDRAWAL. 1) The Contracting Authority has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this Agreement, in part or entirely, in any moment, without prior notice, for just cause, by way of example but not limited thereto: