Compensation. 6.1 Il corrispettivo pattuito per paziente eleggibile, valutabile e completato secondo il Protocollo e per il quale è stata compilata validamente la relativa CRF/eCRF, comprensivo di tutte le spese sostenute dall’Ente per l’esecuzione della presente Sperimentazione e dei costi a compensazione di tutte le attività ad essa collegate, è pari ad € 10.240 per paziente (e complessivi € 81.920 per n. 8 pazienti), come meglio dettagliato nel Budget qui allegato (Allegato “A” parte 1). 6.1 The fee agreed per eligible, evaluable and completed patient according to the Protocol and for which the relative CRF/eCRF has been duly filled out, inclusive of all costs incurred by the Hospital for the conduct of this Trial and the costs to compensate all activities connected thereto, is equal to €10.240 per patient and (for a total of € 81.920 for nr. 8 patients), as further detailed in the Budget attached hereto (Annex “A” part 1).
6.2 Il Promotore/CRO si impegna a corrispondere quanto dovuto ai sensi del presente articolo sulla base di quanto risulta da adeguato prospetto/rendiconto giustificativo, concordato tra le Parti. Il pagamento del compenso di cui sopra verrà effettuato con la cadenza trimestrale indicata nel Budget (Allegato A) sulla base del numero dei pazienti coinvolti nel relativo periodo, dei trattamenti da loro effettuati secondo Protocollo e in presenza delle relative CRF/eCRF debitamente compilate e ritenute valide dal Promotore/CRO in base alle attività svolte. 6.2 The Sponsor/XXX agrees to pay the amount owed pursuant to this article on the basis of adequate supporting documentation, as agreed between the Parties. Payment of the compensation shall be issued quarterly based on the number of patients enrolled for the relevant period, treatments performed based on the Protocol and with the relevant CRF duly filled out and considered acceptable by the Sponsor/CRO based on the activities performed.
Compensation. 17.1 The Customer shall be entitled to compensation for the amounts resulting by his claims accepted or uncontested by DriveNow only the amount relative to a single individual contractual relationship may be compensated.
17.2 Were the Customer to be in arrears with any payment due to DriveNow, all dues shall be settled immediately.
Compensation. 3.1 The customer agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless WIICOM SRL, producers and distributors of the latter from any losses, damages, liabilities and expenses incurred by third parties and caused by: (i) an actual breach by the customer of the declarations and warranties contained in these terms and conditions, or (ii) willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the customer.
Compensation. 6.1 Il corrispettivo pattuito per paziente in Sperimentazione eleggibile, valutabile e completato secondo il Protocollo e per il quale è stata compilata validamente la relativa CRF/eCRF, comprensivo di tutte le spese sostenute dall’Ente per l’esecuzione della presente Sperimentazione e dei costi a compensazione di tutte le attività ad essa collegate, è pari ad € 23.925,00 (IVA non applicabile) per paziente in come meglio dettagliato nel Budget qui allegato (Allegato “A” parte 1).
6.1 The fee agreed for an eligible, evaluable and completed Trial patient according to the Protocol and for which the related CRF/eCRF has been validly completed, including all expenses incurred by the Institution for the performance of this Trial and the costs to compensate all activities connected thereto, is equal to € 23.925,00 ( VAT (not applicable) per Trial patient as better detailed in the Budget attached hereto (Exhibit “A” part 1).
6.2 Il Promotore tramite la CRO si impegna a corrispondere quanto dovuto ai sensi del presente articolo sulla base di quanto risulta da adeguato prospetto/rendiconto giustificativo, concordato tra le Parti. Il pagamento del compenso di cui sopra verrà effettuato con la cadenza indicata nel Budget (Allegato A, paragrafo “Liquidazione e Fatture”) sulla base del numero dei pazienti in Sperimentazione coinvolti nel relativo periodo, dei trattamenti da loro effettuati secondo Protocollo e in presenza delle relative CRF/eCRF debitamente compilate e ritenute valide dalla CRO per conto del Promotore in base alle attività svolte.
Compensation. 1. The actual amount that will be paid to the Supplier, for what regards Phase 1/2/3, is equal to what indicated during the bidding phase and amounts to Euro VAT excluded.
2. For anything not specified herein, please refer to what stated in the Framework Agreement, specifically, to the provisions of article 6.
Compensation. 3.1 The Site is not liable for payments to Accellacare or IQVIA for the Services. The Sponsor shall compensate Accellacare for the Services provided by IQVIA under the terms and conditions of their commercial agreements.
Compensation. 4.1 The VS shall pay to IZSVe for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a lump sum of Euro 3000,00 (taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) against presentation of regular invoice, according to the following terms: - a first instalment equal to 30% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 900.00) at the execution of this Agreement; - a second instalment of equal to 30% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 900.00) after 24 months of the execution of this Agreement; - the final balance equal to 40% of the Consideration (i.e. Euro 1200.00) at the end of the period (month 36). Analysis carried on samples will be charged separately according to IZSVe actual price list available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx. Billing will be performed quarterly.
4.2 The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details: Beneficiary bank -CONTO CORRENTE DI TESORERIA - INTESA SANPAOLO SPA IBAN: XX00 X000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 BIC/SWIFT code: XXXXXXXX
Compensation. As compensation for Services satisfactorily performed hereunder, Client shall pay to Children’s
Compensation. Il compenso spettante al Rider per l’attività prestata non potrà in nessun caso essere inferiore a quanto stabilito nel presente Contratto Collettivo. Le modalità delle eventuali prestazioni rese nell’ambito delle collaborazioni di cui al presente contratto rendono necessaria una struttura di compenso, secondo quanto previsto dall’art. 47-quater, comma 1 del D.Lgs. 81/2015, che consideri quali fattori di determinazione i seguenti elementi: ● è sempre ferma per il Rider la possibilità di accettare (e dunque effettuare) o non accettare consegne nell’ambito dell’intero rapporto; ● non viene in nessun caso richiesto al Rider di effettuare consegne o, neppure, essere disponibile a ricevere proposte per un periodo di tempo determinato; ● il Rider non ha, pertanto, alcun obbligo al di fuori dell’eventuale svolgimento professionale e responsabile dei servizi accettati; ● il Rider è sempre libero nella medesima unità di tempo (ora o frazione di essa) di effettuare servizi per Piattaforme diverse, anche direttamente concorrenti tra loro. Ai sensi dell’art. 47-quater, comma 1 del D.Lgs. 81/2015, ai fini della definizione dei criteri di determinazione del compenso complessivo del Rider, le Parti individuano i seguenti criteri che potranno essere In any case, the compensation due to the Rider for the activity provided cannot be lower than that established in this Collective Agreement. The modalities of any services rendered as part of the collaborations referred to in this contract require a compensation structure, in accordance with the provisions of article 47-quater, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree no. 81/2015 which considers the following elements as determining factors: ● the possibility of accepting (and therefore making) or non-accepting deliveries within the entire relationship is always firm for the Rider; ● in no case is the Rider required to make deliveries or, even, be available to receive proposals for a specified period of time; ● the Rider, therefore, has no obligation beyond the eventual professional and responsible performance of accepted services; ● the Rider is always free in the same time unit (hour or part of this) to perform services for different Platforms, also directly competing with each other. Pursuant to art. 47-quater, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree no. 81/2015, for the purpose of defining the criteria for determining the overall compensation of the Rider, the Parties identify the following criteria which will be implemented on...
Compensation. In the event of a challenge by the Issuer in accordance with § 15 (1) of these Conditions or a termination by Securityholders in accordance with § 15 (2) of these Conditions, the affected Securityholders will receive an amount in the Redemption Currency equal to the market price of the Securities on the day, when the rescission or redemption becomes effective; the resulting payment is due on the fifth business day after this date. If a Securityholder proves that the market price is lower than the amount he/she paid to acquire the Securities, less any payments already made by the Issuer, he/she will be entitled to the corresponding amount. This does not affect the Securityholder's right to claim damages for any loss incurred as a result of negative interest (Vertrauensschaden) in accordance with § 122 (1) BGB. For Securities listed in the regulated market or unregulated market segment at a stock exchange (referred to in the following as “Listing") the market price shall be the closing price published by the stock exchange on the relevant date. In the case of multiple stock exchanges this shall be the closing price at the stock exchange where the largest turnover of the Securities took place at last. If a closing price was not published on this date or if a Market Disruption occurred, the provisions of § 8 (2) of these Conditions shall apply mutatis mutandis. In the case of Securities without a Listing, the market price shall be determined by the Calculation Agent in its reasonable discretion (in accordance with § 317 BGB) and in consultation with an independent expert named by the Calculation Agent.