Solvency and Financial Condition Report Sample Contracts
Compagnia Chiara Assicurazioni S.p.ASolvency and Financial Condition Report • May 3rd, 2018
Contract Type FiledMay 3rd, 2018serie di elementi valutativi come la disponibilità di risorse, la valutazione dei costi / benefici e i tempi necessari di implementazione.
Standard Contracts
DARAG Italia S.p.A. (già ERGO Assicurazioni S.p.A.)Solvency and Financial Condition Report • May 18th, 2018
Contract Type FiledMay 18th, 2018
AXA Assicurazioni S.p.A.Solvency and Financial Condition Report • April 18th, 2019
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2019Nell’ambito del modello interno, la matrice di rischio definita dal Gruppo AXA identifica i rischi significativi e aggrega i sotto-rischi applicabili all’attività assicurativa della Compagnia. Le metodologie utilizzate nel modello interno sono riviste periodicamente e nuovi metodi di valutazione sono analizzati, in conformità con le linee guida e procedure locali, cambiamenti regolamentari e best practices di gruppo.
DAS AssicurazioniSolvency and Financial Condition Report • May 19th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 19th, 2017La presente “Relazione relativa alla solvibilità e alla condizione finanziaria” costituisce l’informativa annuale dell’esercizio 2016 per la Compagnia a livello individuale, prevista dal Capo XII del Regolamento Delegato (UE) n. 2015/35 (d’ora in poi Regolamento Delegato) e dal Regolamento di Esecuzione (UE) 2015/2452 (d’ora in poi ITS 2452) , ad integrazione delle disposizioni della Direttiva n. 2009/138/CE in materia di Solvency II (d’ora in poi Direttiva), nonché dal Regolamento IVASS
Contract Type FiledJune 10th, 2024Goodwill R0010 Deferred acquisition costs R0020 Intangible assets R0030 306.534 Deferred tax assets R0040 851.704 851.704 Pension benefit surplus R0050 Property, plant & equipment held for own use R0060 Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts) R0070 37.899.486 41.693.020 Property (other than for own use) R0080 Holdings in related undertakings, including participations R0090 595.469 2.032.264 Equities R0100 23.458 11.583 Equities - listed R0110 23.458 11.583 Equities - unlisted R0120 Bonds R0130 37.280.559 39.649.173 Government Bonds R0140 36.153.415 38.560.173 Corporate Bonds R0150 1.127.143 1.089.000 Structured notes R0160 Collateralised securities R0170 Collective Investments Undertakings R0180 Derivatives R0190 Deposits other than cash equivalents R0200 Other investments R0210 Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts R0220 Loans and mortgages R0230 Loans on polici
“SFCR”)Solvency and Financial Condition Report • March 13th, 2007
Contract Type FiledMarch 13th, 2007
RELAZIONE ANNUALE SULLA SOLVIBILITA’Solvency and Financial Condition Report • July 18th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 18th, 2024
RELAZIONE ANNUALE SULLA SOLVIBILITA’ E CONDIZIONE FINANZIARIASolvency and Financial Condition Report • July 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 14th, 2020
RELAZIONE RELATIVA ALLA SOLVIBILITÀ E ALLA CONDIZIONE FINANZIARIASolvency and Financial Condition Report • November 28th, 2023
Contract Type FiledNovember 28th, 2023Goodwill R0010 Deferred acquisition costs R0020 Intangible assets R0030 Deferred tax assets R0040 901.431 Pension benefit surplus R0050 Property, plant & equipment held for own use R0060 Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts) R0070 31.582.998 Property (other than for own use) R0080 Holdings in related undertakings, including participations R0090 715.549 Equities R0100 15.131 Equities - listed R0110 15.131 Equities - unlisted R0120 no split between listed and unlisted (Statutory column) Bonds R0130 30.852.317 Government Bonds R0140 29.720.580 Corporate Bonds R0150 1.131.738 Structured notes R0160 Collateralised securities R0170 no split between bonds (Statutory column) Collective Investments Undertakings R0180 Derivatives R0190 Deposits other than cash equivalents R0200 Other investments R0210 Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts R0220 Loans and mortgages R0230 Loans on policies R0240 L
RELAZIONE SULLASolvency and Financial Condition Report • March 26th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMarch 26th, 2020CNP UniCredit Vita S.p.A. (d’ora in avanti anche “CNP Vita” o “la Compagnia” o “la Società”) ha redatto la presente Relazione sulla Solvibilità e Condizione Finanziaria (abbreviata in “SFCR”) nell’ambito dell’attuazione del regime Solvency II, e più in particolare nell'ambito del Terzo Pilastro della Direttiva 2009/138/EC, riguardante l’informativa al pubblico.
SOLVENCY AND FINANCIAL CONDITION REPORT 2021Solvency and Financial Condition Report • April 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2022
RELAZIONE ANNUALE SULLA SOLVIBILITA’ E CONDIZIONE FINANZIARIASolvency and Financial Condition Report • March 15th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMarch 15th, 2023