Definizione di Third Party

Third Party any person not falling within the definition of “family member”.
Third Party means an entity other than Company, SUPPLIER or an Affiliate of either Party.
Third Party means an entity other than Company, SUPPLIER or an Affiliate of either Party. “Material Section I”: shall mean the betanodavirus (either as live or killed virus or antigenic particles) and the sera supplied to IZSVe as detailed in art.3, its Progeny and Unmodified Derivatives, (but does not include Modifications or other substances created by the Recipient through the use of the Material).

Examples of Third Party in a sentence

  • In deroga a qualsiasi condizione dell’Accordo che preveda il contrario: (a) Voi utilizzerete i Programmi MicroFocus Third Party esclusivamente insieme al programma Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing concesso in licenza a Voi; (b) il codice sorgente non è incluso nel programma; e (c) tale programma terzo è un programma supportabile.

  • This proposal form is in respect of a Third Party Liability Policy - Claims Made basis.

  • Sottosezione I (A) – Rapporti con le Terze Parti - Third Party Providers (AISP) Questa sottosezione disciplina le modalità e i limiti con cui il Titolare può utilizzare la Carta, come definita nel Regolamento, per avvalersi dei Servizi di Pagamento prestati dai TPP.

  • L’operatore Logistico espressamente dichiara di essere in possesso di un sistema di gestione del magazzino 3PL (Third Party Logistics) pianificazione, gestione del trasporto, tracciabilità delle merci, preparazione ordini, cross docking, controllo scorte o logistica inversa, nonché operante nel settore Contract Logistics e Trasporto merci da almeno 3 anni.

  • Qlik represents that if the Qlik Products are used in accordance with this Agreement, such use shall not violate any license terms for the Third Party Materials.

More Definitions of Third Party

Third Party means the entity other than an entity controlling or controlled by the Issuer, appointed by the Issuer in order to perform the evaluation of the existence of a Market Disruption Event.
Third Party. A state, including any public or private entity under its jurisdiction, or an international organisation that is not a Party to this Agreement.
Third Party designates any international organisa- tion or state, including its citizens and legal entities, that is not a Party to the present Agreement;
Third Party means a person or entity who or which is neither a PARTY nor an AFFILIATE of a PARTY.
Third Party. Asset Managers (or TP AMs) Società di Asset Management non appartenenti al Gruppo Generali. Usual Engagement Normali interazioni private con gli emittenti durante il processo di investimento, il processo di analisi finanziaria / extra-finanziaria o il processo di voto.
Third Party. This quotation or parts of it may not be copied or given to any third party without the written permission of ScandiNova Systems AB. This restriction remains in force after the expiration of the validity of this quotation.
Third Party. Entity other than the Supplier and the Distributor.