Downstream impacts Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Downstream impacts. It is impossible within the scope of this ex-ante evaluation and impact assessment to provide an accurate assessment of what the EU vessels are likely to do in terms of transhipment, offloading, grading, and/or processing in the Solomons and the EU. However, with respect to processing of purse seine caught fish, Solomon Islands-caught fish is not sold to any French tuna canneries in the region, and is unlikely to be sold to the cannery in the Solomons (which sources product from local pole and line vessels at prices that are lower than international prices for purse seine caught fish). Unless there are some marketing arrangements that we are not aware of (e.g. requirements of a loan to sell fish to a European canner), then it is likely that the fish would be sent to a cannery in Bangkok or in Pago Pago – where most of the fish from this region are sent. They usually pay higher prices than the canneries in Solomons or Fiji that have exported to EU in the past. All the Pago fish goes to the US market. Bangkok canned tuna goes US, EU, and other markets. Therefore, in order not to overstate the potential benefits no downstream employment or value-added is considered likely for purse seine vessels in either the Solomons or the EU in processing. With respect to long-liners, they sell their catches in Italy and Spain, so downstream value-added and employment multipliers in the EU are based on those used for long-liners in the Sao Tome and Principe evaluation. As previously stated the Solomons does not compare favourably with other ports in the region for transhipment or offloading, and vessel owners interviewed (September 2004) confirm that they are likely to tranship or offload in Fiji26. While some local use of employment and creation of value-added is possible in the Solomons from transhipment of purse seine catches and for offloading, grading, boxing etc of long-line caught fish, these are likely to be very small, and have not been quantified, so downstream multipliers in the Solomons are estimated as zero.
Downstream impacts. It is impossible within the scope of this ex-ante evaluation and impact assessment to provide an accurate assessment of what the EU vessels are likely to do in terms of transhipment, offloading, grading, and/or processing in the FSM and the EU. However, with respect to processing of purse seine caught fish, FSM-caught fish is not sold to any French tuna canneries in the region, and is unlikely to be sold in FSM. Unless there are some marketing arrangements that we are not aware of (e.g. requirements of a loan to sell fish to a European canner), then it is likely that the fish would be sent to a cannery in Bangkok or in Pago Pago – where most of the fish from this region are sent. They usually pay higher prices than the canneries in Solomons or Fiji that have exported to EU in the past. All the Pago fish goes to the US market. Bangkok canned tuna goes US, EU, and other markets. Therefore, in order not to overstate the potential benefits no downstream employment or value-added is considered likely for purse seine vessels in either FSM or the EU in processing. With respect to long-liners, they sell their catches in Italy and Spain, so downstream value- added and employment multipliers in the EU are based on those used for long-liners in the Sao Tome and Principe evaluation. The downstream impacts of transhipment of purse seine catches are based on the assumptions that a) vessels will use their own labour to do so (XxXxx and Xxxxxxx, 1998), b) the extent of transhipment will be based on a similar proportion to their use of the FSM zone, c) FSM costs of Euro 1/ tonne of fish transhipped, and d) local purchases of goods and services of around Euro 2,000 per transhipment.

Related to Downstream impacts

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