定期供款信託協議 – 明智 〔“Smart”〕
定期供款信託協議 – 明智 〔“Smart”〕
明智是由 Metis International Limited(“安智國際服務有限公司”)所提供的定期供款投資相連儲蓄計劃。安智國際服務有限公司乃依照 1984 年xx群島國際信託法,以受託人身份處理及持有相關之投資,因此將是相關投資法律上的擁有者。閣下是本文件所載信託的委託人,閣下或閣下指定的受益人將是有關投資的實益權擁有者。
安智國際服務有限公司註冊xxxxx,xxxxxxx(xxxx)有限公司 (“Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited”) 的附屬公司,依照 2014 年xx群島信託公司法申請取得信託公司的執照。安智環球服務(xx群島)有限公司是安智環球服務有限公司 (”Metis Global Limited”) 的全資附屬公司。
Metis International Limited
G/F Bermuda House, Tutakimoa Road, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.電話:(682) 25562
1. 定義及釋義
1.1 除另有說明外,計劃所用詞語及詞句具有以下涵義:
xx或本公司 係指安智國際服務有限公司(“Metis International Limited”);且我們的及我們亦做相同解釋。
閣下 指計劃持有人,且閣下的亦做相同解釋。
賬戶價值/投資價值/計劃價值 指首初賬戶及累積賬戶中代表各資產選擇的名義單位總數乘以其適用的賣價後所得之金額。
賬戶單位 指所有首初單位及累積單位。
累積賬戶 指含有累積單位的賬戶。
累積單位 指於首初供款期過後的供款所購買之單位。
累積賬戶價值 顯示閣下累積賬戶的名義價值,等於累積賬戶中持有的名義單位數目乘以各資產的賣價。
信託法 係指 1984 年國際信託法及其修正條文,連同其提及的條文,包括日後合併或再施行的信託法。
增加定期供款 指第5.3條款所賦予的涵義。
本協議 係指有關條款和細則、客戶申請資料表、主信託與所附的計劃契約書,以及任何日後的補充契約。
客戶申請資料表 係指閣下所填寫有關本計劃的客戶申請資料表。
臨時受益人 係指每位計劃持有人,且在本協議第 10 條款所述情況下,受益人包括臨時受益人,但除外受益人不得為受益人。
賣價 當客戶要賣出資產單位時,資產管理公司於買回相關單位時所用的價格。故對資產持有者而言為賣價,而對資產管理公司而言則是買入價。在本條款與細則中將以「賣價」稱之。此通常用於計算資產轉出、贖回或註銷單位以支付相關計劃費用。
商品/基礎商品 指商品或以期貨交易之商品,包括但不限於以實體或期貨交易之黃金、白銀或任何其他貴金屬。每項由閣下所選擇的商品期貨皆有相對應的基礎商品。xx將買入或賣出閣下所選擇之相對應的基礎商品單位數。xx會定期審視提供於平台上的商品選擇。
商品選擇 指閣下選擇的商品。
供款 指根據本計劃支付予安智的款項,包括定期供款、單筆供款及增加定期供款。
供款貨幣 指根據計劃須用以作出供款的貨幣,且未經本公司書面許可,在計劃開始日期後,不得轉為以其他貨幣供款。
供款年期 (「CPT」) 就定期供款而言,指閣下同意支付定期供款的期間;及就增加定期供款而言,指於首次收到增加定期供款的可用資金之日時,剩餘未付的計劃供款年期。
補充契約 指xx為記錄及確認計劃契約內容的修訂而發出之書面文件。
(a) 收到依準據法司法管轄區以外之任何司法管轄區的法院行政庭、類政府機關或半政府機構的公文或嘗試送達的公文,載明有關當事人透過下列形式,為自己或他人尋求救濟:
(i) 對計劃資產所持有的財產,提出不利安智(或任何繼任受託人)的求償;
(ii) 請求對安智(或任何繼任受託人)或計劃資產的財產託管人發出抵觸本協議規定的命令或指示,包括本協議中允許安智行使任何決定權的規定;或
(iii) 任何請求提供計劃資產所持有財產的來源、接收、管理、行政、投資、分配或產權設定的有關資訊,俾對計劃資產的財產進行求償或提出接管或其他類似安排的主張,即以任何方式嚴重不利安智依照本協議行使管理、行政、投資和分配的權力;
(b) 強制更換安智或限制安智的權力,而不依照本協議有關規定;
(c) 威脅將中止或廢除本計劃的全部或部份,或跟本計劃有關與他方所簽署的契約;
(d) 威脅或強迫受託人以不符合本協議規定的方式出售、轉讓或處置計劃所持有的資產。
(a) 戰爭、侵略、軍事佔領或革命;
(b) 任何的政府機關在有償或無償下,沒收、國有化或徵用計劃的資產,或強制將計劃資產轉換為其司法管轄區的貨幣;
(c) 終止對計劃或計劃資產有利的外匯管制或稅法,或實施不利於計劃或計劃資產的外匯管制或稅法;
(d) 強制清算或解散安智;
(e) 計劃所握有的資產貨幣貶值或不可兌換;
(f) xx認為該司法管轄區政府,嚴重威脅到轄區公民擁有權或自由移轉私有財產的權利。
(a) 任何的法院、行政機關、司法機關,或法庭,包括任何的政府機關、半政府機關或法庭;
(b) 任何債權人或索賠人,包括任何法院判決為xx、任何計劃持有人或受益人的債權人;
(c) 按本協議第10條款構成除外受益人的任何計劃持有人;
(d) 按照信託法第22節,目前設籍或日後設籍於xx群島,或平常居住在庫克群島之計劃持有人,在其設籍或居住期間,構成除外受益人。
額外分配 指本協議第 4.1 條款所賦予的涵義。
退出費用 指本協議第 6.5 條款所賦予的涵義。
(a) 海外賬戶稅收遵從法是由美國稅務局頒布,收錄在美國稅法第4章第1471-1474條裡,此法案會不定時被修訂或增補。
(b) 任何條約、法律、法規或任何其他司法管轄區頒布的其他正式指引或美國和其他司法管轄區跨政府間的協議,其(任何一種情況)可促進上文(a)項的執行;
(c) 任何協議依照上文與美國內地稅務局、美國政府或在任何其他司法管轄區的任何政府或稅務機關有關(a)或(b)項之執行。
FATCA 預扣所得稅 意指依據海外賬戶稅收遵從法之「協議」規定下,一個支付款項的扣除額或預扣額。
FATCA 可扣繳款項 各種由美國來源的所得,包括支付的利息(包 含原始發行時的貼現)、股利以及固定或可確定的年度或定期收益、 利潤和收入,還有任何可從美國境內產生利息或股利的財產交易所得。 FATCA也會要求預扣自2016/12/31後支付的銷售款項。
基金/基礎基金 指基金經理操作的投資基金,閣下基金選擇中的各項基金均有相應的基礎基金。安智將購買或出售閣下基金選擇中相應基礎基金單位,並於所提供的資產選項平台中定期審核基金。
基金選擇 閣下的各項基金選擇均有相應的基礎基金。在本公司的環球資產選擇簡介中可找到所有相應基礎基金的名單。
資產關閉通知 指第7.9(b)條款所賦予的涵義。
暫存賬戶 是一個無息現金賬戶,當進行供款分配或資產轉換的過程中,在等待下一個估值日到來的期間,將以相關資產選擇中相應的基礎資產之貨幣計值暫時顯示於本賬戶。
首初供款期(「ICP」) 就定期供款而言,指從計劃開始日期開始,一直持續到第 5.5 條款所指明的期間。首初供款期將隨供款年期長短而不同;且就增加定期供款而言,該供款期間始於收到增加定期供款的可用資金之日,至計劃剩餘未付供款年期的長度而訂。
首初賬戶價值 顯示閣下首初賬戶的名義價值,等於首初賬戶中持有名義單位的數目乘以資產各自的賣價。
首初單位 指以定期供款,及在相關首初供款期間提供的各個增加定期供款(如適用),包括額外分配(如有)所購買的單位。
首初賬戶管理費 指本公司根據本協議第6.2條款,透過扣取首初賬戶中的單位而收取的費用。
忠誠獎賞 對供款年期達到或超過10年以上的計劃,將根據本協議第4.2條的規範,分配獎賞於累積賬戶。
主信託契約 主信託契約(如有)與參考客戶申請資料表。
每月供款 指每月定期供款或增加定期供款,或定期供款或增加定期供款的平均每月數額(如按其他供款頻率支付)。
名義單位 指在名義上須購買的基礎資產單位,無須考慮為支付本協議第6條款施加的收費而扣取的單位。名義單位價格的設定與基礎資產的單位價格相同。名義單位僅用於計算閣下計劃的價值。
買價 當客戶要買入資產單位時,資產管理公司賣出相關單位時所用的價格。故對資產持有者而言為買價,而對資產管理公司而言則為賣出價。在本條款與細則中將以「買價」稱之。當xx為閣下買入所選擇資產之相應的基礎資產單位時,即以該價格投資或轉入基礎資產。
停止供款 指在首初供款期之後,閣下暫時停止支付定期供款或任何增加定期供款的期間。
部份提款 指本協議第3.4(a)條款所賦予的涵義。
計劃 指安智國際服務有限公司提供一項名為「明智」的定期供款投資相連儲蓄計劃,其條款及細則載於本協議。
計劃賬戶 指閣下持有的計劃賬戶內所持有的單位數。
計劃週年 指每年與計劃開始日期月份及日子相同的日期。
計劃開始日期 指計劃契約上所標示的計劃開始日期。
計劃資產 係指xx依照本協議,在信託基礎下,所持有之所有計劃賬戶單位與其他權益。
計劃到期日 於計劃契約中所述,作為計劃到期的日期,其為供款付款期限截止的日期,於該日期後就計劃解約或自計劃提款而言,概無退出費用。
計劃月份 與計劃開始日期相同的每月該日。
計劃持有人 指計劃契約中指明的計劃申請人(們)或其繼承人或其受讓人。
計劃契約 計劃開始日期發行的文件或相關最新修訂版本及任何補充契約,其中列明了閣下計劃的具體詳情。
組合管理經理人 受閣下委任,由其決定計劃的投資組合、供款分配及資產或投資轉換。
產品選擇 指閣下選擇的基礎商品。
信託保護者 係指註冊於xx群島的安智環球服務(xx群島)有限公司,與依照本協議第 3.8 條款指定的繼任信託保護者。
註冊辦事處 x智在有關時間位於xx群島的註冊辦事處。
註冊費 係指依照第 6.1 條款所列應給付的註冊費。
定期供款 指根據計劃契約中所示應定期支付的供款金額。
定期提款 指在首初供款期後,在閣下要求下,透過填寫本公司提供的相關表格,且經本公司同意下,定期持續性的提取固定款額。
恢復計劃 當計劃失效後,重新開始支付定期供款或增加定期供款。閣下可根據第 3.6 條款於計劃被終止前請求恢復計劃。
臨時受益人 指計劃持有人依本協議第 10 條款指定的臨時受益人。
單筆供款 指閣下額外所給付的單一款項,另載明於本公司所發出的補充契約,並不包括定期供款及增加定期供款在內。
額外首初期 指同首初期般的一段時間,但僅適用於增加定期供款生效開始。
(a) 一種工具,在此工具下全部或部份的回報或到期金額(或回報與到期金額兩者); 或一種結算方式,其決定來自一個或多個的:
(i) 價格、價值或任何類別等級 (或在一個價格、價值或等級範圍)或各類型證券、產品、指數、地產、利率、匯率或期貨合約組合的改變;
(ii) 價格、價值或任何超過一種類型的任何一籃子等級(或在一個價格、價值或等級範圍)或各類型證券、產品、指數、地產、利率、匯率或期貨合約組合的改變;或
(b) 一份協議的目的或作用,或佯稱目的或作用,不論其為附有條件或無條件的去提供協議裏任何一方的利潤、收入或其他回報,此回報是參照任何財產價值的變化計算而來;和
(c) 任何類似的權益、權利或財產。
受託人 係指xx或任何由信託保護者指定的繼任受託人。
基礎資產 基礎資產指基礎基金或基礎產品或基礎商品或其他基礎資產。
基礎產品 基礎產品指結構性產品,每項閣下所選擇的產品皆有相對應的基礎產品。xx將買入或賣出閣下所選擇之相對應的基礎產品單位數。安智會定期審視置於平台上的產品選擇。
單位 指基金或基礎產品或基礎商品被分配的份額。
單位價格 就基金或結構性產品或商品而言,其每單位的價格。
估值日 就資產而言,指香港營業日的日期及(如有關)基礎資產營業日。
提款 指從計劃中提取款項,這將減少計劃價值。
1.2 在該等條款及細則中,除非另有明確表示,否則單數包括複數,而陽性則包括陰性及中性,反之亦然。
1.3 條款及細則中使用詞語「包括」的地方被視為有詞語「不限於」跟隨其後,條款及細則中使用詞語「其他」及「其他方面」的地方乃說明性詞語,不得限制該詞語之前的詞語含義。
1.4 在本條款及細則內,所提及條款或分條款,即指本條款及細則內的條款或分條款,而在本條款及細則內所提及的附件,,則指本條款及細則的附件。
2. 一般條款
2.2 冷靜期
(a) 閣下可在計劃契約發行後 30 天的冷靜期內取消本計劃。如閣下希望取消本計劃,閣下的取消申請(「申請」) 必須為書面形式,並經過閣下簽署後,送往本公司註冊辦事處直接由本公司接收。
(b) 在收到閣下的申請後,本公司將在 45 個曆日內退還本公司收到的所有定期供款及單筆供款,但不計利息。本公司將從中扣除一部份金額用於支付因申請或變現計劃中的資產而引起、或與之相關的任何差額、損失、收費及成本。
(a) 供款須以供款貨幣作出。閣下供款分配所選擇的資產其使用的貨幣可能不同於供款貨幣。當購買或出售與閣下資產選擇相應的基礎資產中的單位時,交易將依本公司處理付款當日,按資產選擇貨幣及供款貨幣(經本公司合理判斷決定)的當時匯率進行。
(b) 閣下必須在申請書中指明供款貨幣及估值貨幣。如未指明估值貨幣,則將使用供款貨幣作為默認之估值貨幣。計劃的估值貨幣可為以下 6 種貨幣中的其中一種:美元(USD)、歐元(EUR)、澳元(AUD)、人民幣(CNY)、港元(HKD)或日圓(JPY)。本公司可使用絕對決定權,接受其他估值貨幣。
(c) 就估值而言,閣下計劃中名義單位的價值,將在估值報表中合計計算,並按基礎資產貨幣及估值貨幣分別估值。估值貨幣將在年度報表中述明並採用,報表將發送至閣下,為閣下提供本計劃投資狀況的最新資訊。如果在年度報表發送至閣下後一個月內,本公司未收到閣下任何異議表示,則閣下將被視為接受該年度報表及年度報表中的所有內容。
(d) 凡解約或提款一律以美元計算。然而事先經由書面申請,本公司可按當時匯率(經本公司合理判斷決定)使用不同的貨幣支付。
(e) 通常,與計劃相關的任何文件中引用的所有供款數額均以美元為代表。若要將該數額轉換為其他貨幣,應使用以下兌換率:
貨幣 | 美元 | 歐元 | 澳元 | 人民幣 | 港元 | 日圓 |
美元 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 110 |
如果自[2016年11月1日]起,以上任何貨幣的市場匯率變動超過 20%,則本公司可透過向閣下發出不少於三個月書面通知的情況下,修改一或多項兌換率以反映當時通行的市場匯率。
(f) 就計劃而言,本公司有權在只要兌換乃為適宜或有需要的情況下兌換該等金額。當有任何貨幣兌換時,本公司可在任何與外匯管制或任何其他限制相關適用法律的規範下,按上文第 2.3(e)條款中規定的比率或當時匯率(經本公司合理判斷決定)進行貨幣兌換。
(a) 凡本協議下擬發出的通知將以郵遞寄往閣下告知本公司的最新通訊地址,或以電郵發送至閣下的電郵地址,且在郵寄或電郵發出後 48 小時內被視為閣下已收到該通知。
(b) 凡發送至本公司的任何申請或通知,僅在該等申請或通知的原件發送至本公司的註冊辦事處時,方被視為已由本公司接收,但本公司可就傳真、電郵或其他電子方式接收的任何申請或通知酌情行事。在按照申請或通知行事之前,本公司保留向閣下索取額外資訊或文件(將由閣下提交)的權利。
在第 3.7 條款的規範下,計劃將在最早出現以下情況時自動終止:
(a) 於首初供款期間沒有作出定期供款;或
(b) 如在首初供款期之後,計劃價值低於最低計劃生效價值;
(i) 因首初供款期之後的任何提款或定期提款所致,或
(ii) 在扣除任何相關費用後(僅因市場變動使計劃價值少於最低計劃價值時除外),在停止供款內的任何時間,或
(c) 計劃被取消;或
(d) 已支付解約價值;或
(e) 安智在計劃到期日後收到閣下提取計劃全部款項的書面指示。
上文(a)、(b)、(c)及(d)中的情況均須繳納依第 6.5 條中所載的適用退出費用。終止後,閣下將有權獲得來自出售賬戶單位的變現價值(扣除任何適用的費用及收費後)。
(a) 按最接近的小數位後二個位、三個位或四個位,分配及扣取資產的名義單位;及
(b) 按最接近的小數位後二個位、三個位或四個位,計算閣下計劃的價值及閣下計劃的費用。
2.7 組合管理經理人
(a) 經本公司同意,閣下可就資產轉換決策或更改供款分配或閣下計劃的其他方面,委任一名組合管理經理人代閣下行事,但閣下須首先明確理解閣下必須就組合管理經理人的作為或不作為承擔全部責任。本公司對閣下委任組合管理經理人的同意並不構成對該組合管理經理人的推薦或任何代表。組合管理經理人是計劃持有人而非安智的代理人。
(b) 就任何對組合管理經理人的委任或終止委任而言,閣下必須使用本公司同意的適當表格,並符合屆時生效的所有指明要求。
(c) 本公司在任何時候皆保留終止或拒絕閣下提出委任的權利。xx將不會就該委任組合管理經理人、或安智接受組合管理經理人的任何請求或指示或據以行事而產生的任何損失承擔法律責任。本公司將不會對該委任組合管理經理人、或與委任組合管理經理人相關而招致的任何實際或預期損失負責。
(a) 出現影響計劃的法律變動;
(b) 出現影響計劃的稅務處理變動;
(c) 因不受本公司控制的法律或其他情況變動而導致不可能或無法行使本協議中的任何條文;或
(d) 為符合計劃持有人的利益而進行的更改或修訂,或釐清本協議的含糊之處或本協議的解讀,此類事宜由安智單方面決定。
(a) 本計劃條款和細則的制定乃受xx群島的法律管轄,依xx群島的法律釋義,特別是信託法。xx群島的法院擁有專屬管轄權,可裁定因有關條款和細則所引起之爭議或求償的解決方式。
(c) xx(或任何繼任受託人)得在取得信託保護者的同意,但如脅迫或危害事件發生,則無需取得信託保護者的同意。無論何時,為求保護計劃資產的利益與安全性,可經由決議宣佈,自決議日起,根據信託法第13G(4)節,計劃依照其他一個或多個司法管轄區的部份或全部法律生效,且該轄區或這些轄區的法律成為計劃的準據法或計劃所產生之信託的準據法。
(d) 本計劃的準據法如從一個司法管轄區變為另一個司法管轄區,安智可以:
(i) 更改計劃的到期日,以免違反該另一個司法管轄區的法律;和
(ii) 為使本計劃依變更後的準據法有效執行,安智在認為必要或需要時應適宜的修改計劃條款。
如果本協議的英文、中文 或其他語言版本之間有任何不一致之處,概以英文版本為準。
3. 擁有權條款
3.1 計劃擁有權
(a) 計劃持有人應為本計劃的實益權擁有人,並有權行使本協議賦予給計劃持有人的各項權利。我們依照有關條款及細則及主信託,在信託的基礎下,代表計劃持有人持有計劃資產;在冷靜期屆滿後,依此所產生的信託不得撤銷。
(b) 閣下可更改本計劃的持有人,該更改通知僅在本公司於計劃持有人於計劃有效的生存期間,經本公司簽署並註明更改日期後方為有效。在簽署並註明更改日期前,本公司將不會就本公司已作出的任何付款或採取的其他行動負責。
(c) 計劃條款與細則和主信託之間如發生衝突或不一致,以主信託的規定為準。
(d) 依據本協議,身為受託人的安智具有其可行使的各項權力、授權及決定權,視同其為計劃資產的絕對及實益權擁有人,並具有實現本計劃目的或執行及遵守協議的義務與責任所必要的各項權力、授權及決定權。
(e) xx可以依照條款委聘一位或多位託管人來保管計劃資產 (或計劃資產的任何部份),但xx不因為委聘託管人而免除其在本協議或法律下的義務。xx須致使託管人遵守xx的在本協議中的允諾及義務。付給託管人的費用應符合公平允正原則。
(f) xxx在任何時間或期間,以任何方式及條款,在服從信託法第 19B節的限制下,將其在本協議或法律下的信託、權力、職責、職務及決定權授權給任何人,包括但不限於,投資經理、代理人、託管顧問或其他專業或適當技能的人。給付予這些人的費用應符合公平允正原則。
3.2 如計劃持有人不止一人(聯名計劃持有人)
(a) 如計劃持有人不止一人,則本協議下所有計劃持有人的權利及義務,須為共同連帶的權利及義務。
(b) 如計劃持有人不止一人,依本公司被賦予的絕對決定權,將任何一名計劃持有人視為獲授權向我們發出本協議下的指示及通知,並代表所有計劃持有人接受通知、接收付款及享受本協議下的利益;且本公司依絕對決定權決定,接受其中任何一名計劃持有人指示,而不論該指示與任何其他計劃持有人的指示有任何不一致之處。本公司將不會就遵守任何一名計劃持有人的指示或其他方面承擔任何法律責任。本公司無須向所有計劃持有人,確認任何一名計劃持有人提供給本公司任何指示的合法性,或任一名計劃持有人代表所有計劃持有人行事的權限。
(c) 如有超過一位以上的計劃持有人,有關本計劃的任何條款,其權利歸屬於共同持有人中的生存者。
(a) 當計劃有效時,可隨時自累積單位中提取部份的款項(「部份提款」),前提是每筆部份提款的金額必須等於或高於下表所列的最低部份提款金額,而作出有關部份提款後,計劃價值須維持為等於或高於最低計劃價值。
計劃貨幣 | 美元/歐元/澳元 | 人民幣 | 港元 | 日圓 |
每筆提款的 最低提款額 | 5,000 | 35,000 | 40,000 | 550,000 |
(b) 受下文(c)所規範,任何提款可自累積單位及首初單位中提取。本公司將在收到書面指示後,使用等於提款金額總價值的賣價,扣取已分配至計劃的累積單位。
(c) 從首初單位中提取部份款項,只能在首初供款期過後及累積單位已提取完後作出;並受第6.5條款中所述的退出費用之規範。
(d) 對於提款選項,閣下可選擇:
(i) 指定出售的資產以及單位數目;或
(ii) 閣下希望提取的金額;除非另有列明,否則提款將從累積賬戶中持有的所有資產中等額扣除,或以本公司認為合適的方式扣除。由於市場波動,即使已有列明,提款金額也可能出現差異。
(e) 定期提款可每年、每半年、每季或每月予以支付。定期提款通常將於本公司收到閣下書面要求的一個月後開始。
(a) 如於計劃到期日前解除計劃,則任何到期應付的退出費用及任何尚未收取之計劃收費(第6條款施加的規定)均將從計劃價值中扣除。
(b) 如果自該定期供款及增加定期供款(視情況而定)開始日期起之 60個月內解約計劃,本公司保留扣取先前就該定期供款及增加定期供款(視情況而定)支付的任何額外分配之權利,或從相關首初賬戶中無償扣除。
(c) 在本公司收到適當書面指示及表明閣下乃合法享有收取計劃款項的人士之證據後,就相應的基礎資產而言,將使用賣價贖回所有賬戶單位。
(d) 一旦支付解約價值,本公司將不會接受任何額外的供款,亦不會支付任何進一步的利益,且計劃將自動終止。閣下不得再享有任何有關計劃的福利或選擇。
(e) 本公司會在估值日之後60個曆日內,透過電子轉賬按美元或依據閣下要求的貨幣支付解約價值或提款金額(依本公司絕對決定權),前提是本公司已收到相關基礎資產經理人、發行商或交易商結算手續已完成的通知。
(f) 在例外情況下,例如股票市場發生極端事件而關閉或為保護其他計劃持有人的利益,安智可能延遲付款。如果發生此情況,本公司會竭盡所能將延遲減少到最低程度,並隨時通知閣下可能延遲的時間。
(g) 作為計劃持有人,閣下必須負責匯款等付款成本。任何類型的提領價值均無須支付利息。
3.6 計劃復效與重新供款
(a) 如果本計劃因閣下在首初供款期間未支付定期供款及/或增加定期供款(依第 5.6 條所述),或者在首初供款期之後,計劃價值不足以涵蓋相關計劃收費(依第 5.7 條所述)而不再有效(即已失效),本公司可全權決定是否允許恢復本計劃,前提是閣下需使用適當的申請表,並在本計劃失效日後一年內向本公司申請恢復計劃,且閣下須滿足屆時使計劃有效的所有指定要求。
(b) 如果閣下的計劃已被終止,則不允許恢復。
(c) 若本應支付的計劃供款已付,且計劃維持有效,則之前扣除的任何忠誠獎賞及額外分配將恢復到計劃中(如適用)。
(d) 如果閣下繼續支付定期供款及增加定期供款,則閣下計劃處於停止供款的狀態將被終止。
(a) 保持計劃為停止供款狀態,無需支付任何後續供款:
(i) 只要計劃價值超過最低計劃價值,計劃將保持有效,否則將自動終止,並向閣下支付解約價值,且不允許恢復計劃。
(ii) 閣下不能增加定期供款,或向計劃繳付任何單筆額外整付供款;
(c) 提款/定期提款
(a) 信託保護者應基於信託法第 20 節之目的,擔任本計劃的信託保護者,具有本協議所載權責。
(b) 信託保護者有權任命繼任信託保護者,並記錄在永久附加在本協議的備忘錄。
(c) 信託保護者如破產或收到解散命令,視其解除信託保護者職務,由繼任信託保護者接替。如沒有繼任信託保護者,受託人有權任命新的信託保護者。
(d) 本協議如規定每次特別事由需要取得信託保護者的同意,則應每次取得信託保護者的事先書面同意,除非信託保護者已明確給予適用於未來每次行事的同意書。
(e) 與受託人往來處理公事之人無需考量信託保護者是否已同意,亦不在事後受到信託保護者未同意之事實的影響。
(f) 儘管有前述規定,然信託保護者有權追認受託人先前的行為或不行為,在此情況下,視信託保護者在該行為或不行為發生當天同意。
(g) 本協議中的任何條款,如未明訂必須取得信託保護者的同意,則不需取得此類同意。
3.9 受託人的解任和任命
(a) 信託保護者得不時經由書面通知後,解除任何受託人職位。受託人得經書面通知信託保護者後,辭去受託人一職。
(b) 信託保護者得不時經書面通知後,指定任何人或多人擔任受託人、繼任受託人、單一附加受託人或多位附加受託人。
(c) 任何人可被委任為受託人,無論其設籍地、住所或營業所在地位於何處。
(d) 受託人辭任或被解任後,該受託人的權力在計劃資產移交給新受託人的必要範圍內,由該受託人繼續保有及行使。依照本協議第
3.11 條,卸任的受託人立即喪失其對計劃資產的所有權,而由留任或新任受託人自動取得,且留任或新任受託人將自動獲得卸任受託人不可撤銷的授權,而得將有關財產從卸任受託人移轉至留任或新任受託人。
(e) 受託人如在其不知已遭解任下善意行事,可以受託人身份獲得賠償,儘管其已被解任。而與受託人善意往來進行事務處理之第三方,無需如前述查詢該受託人是否已收到解任通知。
(f) 儘管有第 3.9(d)條款的規定,但根據第 3.11 條款,受託人(如多於一位,則為每位)於其辭任或解任時,具有不可撤銷的義務,受託人應簽署任何執行業務所需文件的授權書予信託保護者,以
將屬於計劃的資產所有權移轉至新任受託人。在遵循第 3.11 條款下,信託保護者得無需事先通知受託人即可行使該項權力。
(g) 受託人如發生異動,應在本協議增列附錄,或在本協議書永久附加一份附件,記錄當時的受託人名稱。附錄應有被記載的受託人簽名。處理計劃資產或本協議有關事宜者,將視該附錄為有效證明,據此認定附錄所載之受託人為當時合法受託人。如有多份附錄,處理計劃資產或本協議有關事宜者,有權依發生時間最近的附錄為主。
(h) 如發生危機事件或脅迫事件,信託保護者有權解任受託人,且遭 解任的受託人不再具有權力、職權、利益或決定權。受託人按本 條款被解任後,對屬於計劃資產的任何資產即刻不再具有所有權,由信託保護者依照第 3.9(a)條款任命的新受託人取得資產的所 有權。信託保護者不論是否因危機事件或脅迫事件發生而決定行 使本權利,其決定乃為最終決定並對本信託的受益人具有約束 力。
(a) 儘管有信託法第 19A 節的規定,但除非受託人因詐欺或蓄意背信,否則無需對計劃資產或其收益因為任何原因所遭受的損失負責或承擔責任;特別的是,在不限制本條款的一般性原則下:
(i) 受託人無需對其因善意委任或指定的任何律師、法律代理人、代理人、銀行員、會計師、核數師、股票經紀人、投資顧問、 顧問或其他代理人的任何行為或不行為(無論是否蓄意詐欺、背信、疏失、違反信託或其他等)所導致的損失負責或承擔 責任,無論此類人士是否事後發現不適合或無法勝任指派的 工作;
(ii) 如有多位受託人,任何一位共同受託人無需對其他共同受託人的行為或不行為 (無論是否蓄意詐欺、背信、疏失、違反信託或其他等)所導致的損失負責或承擔責任;
(iii) 繼任受託人或增補受託人無需為前任受託人的行為或過失承擔責任,包括其在成為受託人前,因前任受託人在計劃資產行政管理上的行事或不行事所導致的損失或費用;且繼任或附加受託人無需調查或注意有關計劃資產過去的行政管理事宜;
(iv) 受託人所作的行為或不行為如經信託保護者同意,或依據該信託指定的任何顧問的意見或經其同意,則受託人無需對此類行為或不行為承擔責任。
(b) 受託人無需調查任何受益人的謀生方法或需求,無論受益人是否未成年、罹患身心障礙或其他情形。受託人如獲悉此類特殊情況,受託人在決定行使或不行使本信託下的權利時,無需考慮此類特殊情況;
(c) 受託人沒有使計劃資產投資分散多樣化的義務;
(d) 受託人如持有任何公司(在本條款內,包括任何類型的企業或合夥企業,以及任何公司、有限責任公司、信託公司、協會、有限合夥或其他註冊或未註冊的法人或實體)的股份、票據、股票或債券,不論適用於法律的任何職位,受託人必須視自己無權調查或干預此類公司的事務,且沒有義務擔任此類公司的董事或職務負責人,亦無責任查詢此類公司有關事務的資訊(無論此類公司的業務性質為何,即使是投機性質),除非受託人獲悉該公司的經營發生背信或經營者失去心智能力,在此情況下,受託人有權對該公司事務進行了解,直到確認該公司是由完全具有行為能力者依誠信專業在經營。
(a) 受託人和卸任之受託人得獲得計劃資產的賠償(且此類賠償,有權對計劃資產行使留置權),但前面第 3.10 條款中受託人或卸任受託人不受到保護的情況不在賠償之列。特別的是,受託人對於其行使或意圖行使受託人責任與權力所發生的成本與費用,可獲得補償,包括但不限於:
(i) 受託人在計劃資產有關民刑事訴訟的捍衛或提告上,所發生
(ii) 與計劃資產或其任何部份有關的索賠、損失、死亡責任、課稅或其他課徵;
(iii) 計劃資產的建立與管理,接受計劃資產受託人一職,或接受資產成為計劃資產的一部份所產生的損失或責任,包括但不限於,所有成本與費用的補償,以及議定的受託人出席費;或
(iv) 受託人代表計劃資產或基於計劃資產的利益而行事所發生的損失或責任。
(b) 離任受託人在其辭任或解任時,有權要求留任或新任受託人以離任受託人所要求或任何或所有受益人表示滿意的形式獲得賠償,並擔保支付受託人應繳納之稅款或類似費用,以及所有應付給離任受託人的各項報酬與費用,包括解除離任受託人一職有關的費用。
(c) 受託人對其持有的計劃資產有關文件悉數具有留置權,除非其在本條款下的權益獲得滿足,無需讓出其所持有的文件。
(d) 如發現應納入計劃的資產未妥善移轉到計劃內,或在妥善移轉後,該移轉於日後遭到規避,但受託人已行使本信託契約所載權力而 使受益人享有該財產的利益,在此情形下,受託人或前任受託人 可要求有關受益人依據第 3.11(a)條款,就其所收到的額外利益 進行補償外,亦可要求以其他補償條件來取代。
(a) 計劃持有人辭世時,如逝者為聯名計劃持有人之一,則生存之計劃持有人(們)或已逝之單一計劃持有人的遺產執行人或管理人,將為xx承認在本協議中唯一具有實益權或利益者。
(b) 依據本協議有權繼承逝者之計劃實益權者,在出示xx認為 (依其完全決定權) 足以證明其擁有繼承權之有關證據後,得登記為計劃持有人。
(c) 依上述條件登記為新計劃持有人後,計劃持有人的權利、利益和義務悉數轉移到該新計劃持有人。
4. 利益條款
4.1 首初供款期間的額外分配
(a) 本公司可全權決定在首初供款期間不時為計劃提供額外分配。有關額外分配的詳情,請參考隨附於本協議的計劃契約。如依本公司絕對決定權決定,在該計劃生效期內,於相關首初供款期間當定期供款資金收迄後,額外單位(「額外分配」)將被記入本計劃內。
(b) 如果計劃適用額外分配,額外分配百分比隨每月供款及供款年期而不同。在首初供款期之後,百分百之所有未來供款將全部分配至累積單位。
(c) 額外分配,將根據閣下最新資產選擇之相關資產買價,透過名義分配將增加之額外首初單位記入該計劃內。
(d) 如果定期供款或任何增加定期供款在相關首初供款期內持續三個月未能在供款到期日全部支付,則該計劃將被視為失效,且先前就該定期供款及增加定期供款(視屬何情況而定)支付的額外分配將被扣取或從相關首初賬戶中無償扣除。
(i) 緊接計劃開始日期之後的30年(其中最多發放5次忠誠獎賞)及
(ii) 供款年期屆滿(以較早者為準)。
忠誠獎賞不適用於任何單筆供款,或者供款年期少於 10 年的定期供款及/或增加定期供款。
4.3 註冊費用回贈
供款年期為 15 年或以上的任何計劃,於計劃到期日後,如果出現下列情況,閣下在整個供款年期內所支付的註冊費用將全部回贈:
(a) 在首個連續 15 年計劃期間:
(i) 所有到期的定期供款已全部付清(且無任何欠繳的供款);且
(ii) 未曾有過任何停止供款情形;
(b) 於計劃到期日,計劃價值不低於規定之最低計劃價值。
依據第 4.3 條款,應回贈的註冊費用將根據閣下最新資產選擇之相關資產買價,透過名義分配額外累積單位至該計劃,並於計劃到期日之後一個月內予以支付。
任何在計劃到期後收取的註冊費(根據第 6.1 條款),將不獲回贈。
5. 供款條款
(a) 本公司的銀行已確認收迄閣下供款之日,或
(b) 本公司完成對閣下供款的內部處理該日之後的估值日,用於購買相關單位。
5.1 定期供款
(a) 所有應付的定期供款,從計劃開始日期直至計劃到期日的供款期間,需依計劃契約上載明的計劃供款貨幣支付。下表按供款頻率及貨幣顯示最低定期供款額。目前,定期供款並無上限,但本公司保留規定上限的權利。所有付款必須匯入本公司在託管銀行的賬戶。本公司保留不時更改最低定期供款金額的權利,以反映通賬及營運成本。
貨幣 | 美元/歐元/澳元 | 人民幣 | 港元 | 日圓 |
每月 | 800 | 5,600 | 6,400 | 88,000 |
每季度 | 2,400 | 16,800 | 19,200 | 264,000 |
每半年 | 4,800 | 33,600 | 38,400 | 528,000 |
每年 | 9,600 | 67,200 | 76,800 | 1,056,000 |
(b) 根據供款貨幣,付款方式由本公司在處理時進行確定,並載列於本公司提供給閣下的申請文件。閣下必須承擔付款成本。
5.2 單筆供款
(a) 單筆供款僅可在計劃有效時於任何時間添加至現有計劃,但不得被視為獨立計劃。閣下應將單筆供款與任何定期供款分離,且應在作出單筆供款之前通知本公司。
(b) 單筆供款可透過電子轉賬進行支付,但不得使用信用卡支付。
(c) 最低單筆供款為10,000美元/10,000歐元/10,000澳元/人民
(d) 單筆供款將按與定期供款相同的比例分配用以購買相關單位,但若收到閣下的特定指示則另作別論。
5.3 增加定期供款
(a) 透過選擇增加定期供款 (「增加定期供款」),閣下可增加對計劃 的供款。增加定期供款必須於計劃到期日前至少十年提出始接受,且每次增加供款必須超過下表載列的最低金額(視計劃貨幣及供 款頻率而定)。
(b) 任何增加的定期供款不得於計劃到期日之後提出。
表 5.3 最低增加定期供款金額:
貨幣 | 美元/歐元/澳元 | 人民幣 | 港元 | 日圓 |
每月 | 100 | 700 | 800 | 11,000 |
每季度 | 300 | 2,100 | 2,400 | 33,000 |
每半年 | 600 | 4,200 | 4,800 | 66,000 |
每年 | 1,200 | 8,400 | 9,600 | 132,000 |
5.4 降低定期供款
(a) 在首初供款期之後,閣下可降低定期供款金額,前提是在進行任何減少之後,閣下的定期供款不得低於最低定期供款(如表5.1所示)。
(b) 本公司有絕對決定權接受首初供款期間對定期供款所作的任何減低。
(c) 不得在增加定期供款的該首初供款期內降低所增加之定期供款。
5.5 供款年期(「CPT」)及首初供款期 (「ICP」)
(a) 閣下從一開始應選擇一個與閣下自行設置的財務目標相匹配的供款年期。最低供款年期為十年,最高年期為三十年,前提是計劃持有人於計劃供款到期日之時的年齡,不得超過85翌年歲。閣下有權依據第4.2條款獲得忠誠獎賞。
(b) 首初供款期乃根據閣下計劃的供款年期而定。
表 5.5 根據供款年期而定的首初供款期
供款年期 (CPT) | 首初供款期 (ICP) |
10至18年 | 前36個月 |
19至25年 | 前48個月 |
26至30年 | 前60個月 |
5.6 於首初供款期內未支付供款致使計劃失效
在定期供款及/或任何增加定期供款的首初供款期內,如果閣下連續 3個月未支付定期供款,則計劃將被視為不再有效(即失效)。閣下在支付所有到期或未付供款,或者在支付其他款項之前,不得對任何資產作出轉換。
(a) 在計劃不再有效達 12 個月之後,本公司將依據第 2.5 條款終止閣下的計劃,並向閣下支付解約價值(如有)。在作出付款後,本公司在該計劃下的所有義務即告終止。
(b) 閣下在計劃終止之前,可依據第 3. 6 條款申請計劃復效。
5.7 於首初供款期之後未支付供款將進入停止供款期
(a) 計劃將自動進入停止供款狀態。這不會影響餘下的供款年期。
(b) 閣下的計劃將持續處於停止供款狀態,直至依據第3.6條款被取終止或恢復。
(c) 在計劃處停止供款狀態時,於第6條款載列的任何相關費用需繼續
(d) 如果計劃價值不足以涵蓋計劃的收費,或者計劃的解約價值低於 100 美元/ 100 歐元/ 100 澳元/ 人民幣700 元/ 800 港元/ 10,000日圓,則計劃將被無償終止,且所有利益將予停止。
5.8 更改供款頻率
6. 費用條款
6.1 註冊費
(a) 在供款年期內及之後,於每個計劃月份收取註冊費。在ICP 期間,註冊費會先累計,日後透過扣取分配給累積賬戶的單位或在單位分配前從供款扣除有關金額 (視情況而定);在 ICP 之後,註冊費的收取方式為扣取分配給累積賬戶的單位或在單位分配前從供款扣除有關金額(視情況而定)。如沒有足夠的單位可供扣費,註冊費會先累計,待有供款時或於供款年期到期時再收取。關於註冊費的詳情,請參見計劃契約書。
(b) 如閣下決定在到期後保留計劃,仍需給付註冊費。計劃到期後,註冊費的給付方式是,透過扣取累積賬戶內的單位。
(c) 安智有權在提前 3 個月發出通知予閣下後,調整註冊費。
6.2 首初賬戶管理費 (僅針對定期供款及增加定期供款)
現行首初賬戶管理費適用於整個供款年期,依 ICP 期間所投入的定期供款及增加定期供款中扣取。該費用應提前支付予本公司,並在供款年期內,透過扣取分配到首初賬戶中的單位予以扣除。該費用每月扣取,如該月無法扣取時可先累計並於日後扣取。請參考計劃契約了解首初單位費用的詳情。
(a) 行政費適用於整個計劃持有期間乃依ICP 期間所投入的定期供款及增加定期供款與累積賬戶價值計算,每月扣取。該費用應提前支付予本公司,於首初供款期間,該費用可透過扣取分配到首初賬戶的單位支付;於首初供款期後,該費用可透過扣取分配到累積賬戶中的單位(視情況而定)支付。本行政費直至本計劃終止前均需支付。請參考計劃契約,了解行政費的詳情。
(b) 如果累積賬戶的餘額不足以支付到期的行政費,則不足的行政費將扣取首初賬戶的單位。
6.4 單筆額外整付供款費(僅針對單筆供款)
每次單筆供款現行的供款費用是該單筆供款的 5%。此為針對該計劃每次單筆供款的一次性費用,該費用透過提前扣取將分配到該計劃中的單位予以支付。
(a) 退出費等於
(i) 適用的退出費率(見下表),乘以
(ii) 取消(賣出)單位估值日的首初賬戶價值。
(b) 請參閱下表,適用的退出費率乃根據從兌現或計劃終止日起算,至閣下選擇的供款年期(「CPT」)截止時的年份,即為 CPT 的剩餘年份,所有不足一年的時間將當完整一年計:
(c) 退出費用應透過扣取分配到首初賬戶或累積賬戶(視情況而定)的單位予以支付。
表 6.5 退出費用比率
CPT 剩餘年份 | 退出費率 | CPT 剩餘年份 | 退出費率 | CPT 剩餘年份 | 退出費率 |
1 | 7% | 11 | 47% | 21 | 71% |
2 | 12% | 12 | 49% | 22 | 73% |
3 | 18% | 13 | 51% | 23 | 76% |
4 | 24% | 14 | 53% | 24 | 79% |
5 | 29% | 15 | 55% | 25 | 81% |
6 | 32% | 16 | 57% | 26 | 83% |
7 | 35% | 17 | 60% | 27 | 85% |
8 | 38% | 18 | 63% | 28 | 87% |
9 | 41% | 19 | 65% | 29 | 90% |
10 | 44% | 20 | 68% | 30 | 93% |
6.6 轉換費
6.7 基礎資產內的收費
6.7.1 年度管理費或保管費
該費用由基礎基金經理和基礎產品發行商與基礎商品交易商釐定,且 可不時更改。基金經理和產品發行商會從基礎資產/基金中直接扣除,並在相關單位價格中予以反映,因此閣下不需要單獨支付該費用。若 為基礎商品交易,閣下可能會被要求另行支付該項費用。
6.7.2 買賣差價
(a) 目前,就環球資產選擇簡介中的所有資產而言,買賣差價為零,本計劃下的所有基礎基金的詳情可參見基礎基金的章程。然而,結構性產品與商品仍可能有買賣差價,實際費用依各結構性產品或商品交易商公佈的產品細節說明為主。
(b) 本公司保留收取買賣差價的權利,以反映當基礎基金經理收取贖回費用或基礎產品發行商或基礎商品交易商修改收費結構時所適用。
6.7.3 提早贖回費
(a) 若閣下選擇委任組合管理經理人,可能會出現組合管理費,該費用為每年累積賬戶價值的 0%至 2%。該費用是選擇性的,且將
(b) 如適用,該費用將每月透過於計劃月份的下一個可取得賣價的估值日,依資產價值比例從累積賬戶中,扣取等值數量的累積單位。
(c) 該費用將由xx代表閣下支付予組合管理經理人。
6.9 貨幣兌換費用(如適用)請參見上述第2.3條款。
7. 資產條款
閣下的計劃可擁有無限制的資產選擇,而且還可進行部份的資產轉換。然而,將有關供款分配至計劃中個別資產選擇的金額必須等於或高於 相關計劃貨幣規定的最低限額,不同計劃貨幣的最低限額載列於下 表:
表:7 就不同計劃貨幣所規定的個別資產選擇的最低供款
貨幣 供款頻率 | 美元/歐元/澳元 | 人民幣 | 港元 | 日圓 | |
定期供款 | 每月 | 100 | 700 | 800 | 11,000 |
每季度 | 300 | 2,100 | 2,400 | 33,000 | |
每半年 | 600 | 4,200 | 4,800 | 66,000 | |
每年 | 1,200 | 8,400 | 9,600 | 132,000 | |
單筆供款 | 1,000 | 7,000 | 8,000 | 110,000 |
由於計劃的各項收費,閣下資產選擇的回報可能低於基礎資產的回報。閣下個人持有的名義單位可在安智管理系統中的閣下計劃紀錄予以 獨立識別。閣下可隨時要求該等名義單位之估值,估值的依據是根據 基礎基金的經理或結構性產品發行商或商品交易商提供最新可得之 單位價格。
閣下可進行任何次數的轉換,前提是資產選擇有關的供款金額必須等於或高於上列表 7 及下列條款載列的最低限額:
(a) 本公司僅接受整數百分比的轉換指示。在此情況下,將依相同比例取消首初單位及累積單位。
(b) 在轉換後,除另有指示外,未來供款將繼續按照閣下最近的資產選擇予以分配。
(c) 在代表某一資產選擇的單位轉換為代表另一個資產選擇的單位時,到期原應透過以往單位支付的相關費用乃透過新建單位支付。
(d) 若所出售單位的計值貨幣與所購入單位的貨幣不同,則在購入有關單位之前,本公司將會按照換算之時通行的匯率,將出售所得的款項換算成為所購入單位有關資產的貨幣。
(e) 轉換資產選擇將受安智不時決定的任何其他管理規則所限。
(f) 本公司在向閣下發出至少提前三個月的通知或較短期限的通知後,可就資產轉換徵收費用及/或限制資產轉換的次數。然而,若發生由本公司決定關閉相關資產或終止結構性產品申購或停止持有商品時之非自願性轉換資產的情況下,本公司將不會徵收該費用。
7.5 現金賬戶
x智備有現金賬戶,用於存放於計劃供款期間收到計劃持有人 (或由計劃持有人指定的付款人) 超付的應付供款。本現金賬戶內的款項,不計利息,且僅可於計劃持有人終止本計劃時提領。
7.6 更改未來供款分配
(a) 閣下可隨時通知本公司將閣下的未來供款分配更改為新的資產選擇,前提為就新的資產選擇而言,各別資產分配應符合每個基礎資產要求的最低價值(上列表7)。
(b) 若要申請更改供款分配,閣下必須使用本公司的適當表格或登入本公司網站線上選擇更改供款分配功能(閣下需要提前申請該線上服務),在作出任何資產選擇的更改指示後,總計資產選擇分配百分比必須為100%,且本公司僅接受整數百分比的資產分配。上述更改將在下一次供款分配時生效。
當資產有分配股息時,本公司將計算閣下有權分配的金額並依絕對決定權將股息分派給閣下。股息通常在配息金額宣派的一個月內派發至相關資產。然而若本計劃在股息宣派日及付款日期之間終止,僅超過 100 美元/100 歐元/100 澳元/人民幣 700 元/800 港元/10,000日圓/的股息款項才會被支付。
(a) 任何基礎資產的交易被暫停;
(b) 任何涉及單位價格計算的認可證券交易所或市場停市(正常的休市時間及日子除外)或限制交易;
(c) 當基金經理負責管理的任何資產或結構性產品的發行商或商品交易商無法匯出資金,或認為不能按正常匯率為計劃內已完成買賣的資產單位作出任何款項移轉時;
(d) 任何投資或資產變現中將會或可能涉及的收益匯出或匯回,或單位的取消出現延遲或按安智認為無法立即以正常匯率執行。
(e) 當該項買入或賣出指示,並非按照計劃條款所要求發出;及/或
(f) 在任何其他情況下,無法計算出公平及準確的單位價格。
7.9 資產關閉/合併/分割
(a) 本公司可隨時關閉或停止提供或停止執行將單位分配至任何資產或停止執行轉換任何資產,舉例而言,如果:
(i) 資產停止在認可證券交易所或市場掛牌買賣或因其他因素而不接受進一步投資;及/或
(ii) 由於環境、法律、法規、政府政策、貨幣或資本控制、政治發展、國外投資限制發生任何變化,或者投資計劃或資產目標難以實現或資產規模小於章程、說明書或產品條款說明書中的下限規定,基礎基金經理或發行商或交易商可酌情決定關閉、終止、合併或分拆基金;
(iii)xx於任何資產中的投資低於使該資產的管理具經濟效益的水平時,在本公司採取第7.9 (a)條款許可的任何措施前,本公司將給予閣下至少一個月的事先書面通知或其他較短的通知期
(b) 若資產已經或將要關閉、合併、分拆或終止,本公司將在可行的情況下盡快透過書面以郵寄或閣下選擇的方式通知閣下(「關閉通知」)。若閣下在本公司發出關閉通知前或一經發出時已贖回
(c) 若閣下未於關閉通知中載明的期限內對本公司作出指示,本公司 可按照通知中的說明代表閣下選擇買入一個或多個其他資產單位。若購買一個或多個其他資產單位為不可能,或者在本公司看來對 閣下不利,本公司將把贖回款項放入暫存賬戶中。
(d) 該買入或賣出的單位,將會依照有關資產的單位價格作出。
(e) 若閣下關於資產選擇分配的現有指示涉及本公司已關閉或須關閉的資產,當閣下作出任何增加定期供款或單筆供款時,閣下必須更改指示,排除該資產;否則,本公司會將閣下的資產選擇改分配至其他依本公司全權決定認為適宜的資產。
(f) 如在計劃下的任何資產已經或將要結束、合併、分拆或終止,閣下可要求進行資產轉換,即由這個資產轉換成另一個資產。如本公司未於該資產關閉通知失效前收到有關要求,本公司可作出資產轉換,將該資產轉換至依本公司決定認為適當的其他資產,如同本公司已收到閣下要求如此行事一般,且任何該等資產轉換應為最終轉換,但本公司並無需對該等資產進行轉換的義務。
8. 海外賬戶稅收遵從法 (“FATCA”)
依據美國「海外賬戶稅收遵從法」或簡稱 FATCA,所有被廣泛定義為金融機構級別的非美國企業,皆被要求必須遵從該法要求之文件提供與通報制度,否則,自 2014 年 7 月 1 日起,當與美國有關之款項被認定歸屬於「可扣繳款項」時,將被課以 30%的預扣所得稅(自 2017 年起,30%的預扣所得稅款制也適用於從銷售資產總額中產生的可扣繳款項及國外中間機構轉付款項)。某些非美國法律實體之非金融機構,亦被要求需確認其客戶無實質美國利益所有權或當客戶為實質美國利益所有權人或具控制權者,且為被認定之美國人身份時,需披露特定資訊,否則自 2014 年 7 月 1 日起也同樣會被課以同上述的 30%的預扣所得稅。根據 FATCA 規定的通報義務,普遍地要求金融機構需取得或披露有關特定賬戶所有人之訊息予美國稅務局
在特定國家中,FATCA 對金融機構造成的衝擊,視美國與該國間之跨政府間協議(IGA),而有所不同。目前美國與xx群島間雖尚未簽署 IGA,但因安智為註冊之應報告 FATCA 的金融機構,因此有義務依規定的實質審查程序,申報客戶乃屬 “應報告美國籍賬戶” 或 “非認定賬戶”,並且提供有關 “非參與外國金融機構” 的特定資訊予美國稅務局。
閣下可能會被要求提供自我證明聲明書或其他文件予安智,以確認閣 下的稅務居民身份。再者,如果有任何情況發生,改變閣下的稅務居 民身份,或如安智合理的認為該自我證明聲明書是不正確或不可靠的,則將要求閣下提供新的自我證明聲明書和/或額外的文件。
為了遵守 FATCA 條款並按照任何本地或外國法律、法規或規章及/或達到安智應盡的申報義務,安智可收集、儲存、使用與處理任何提供給我們的個人信息,並向有關稅務機關進行批露與申報。
如果閣下不能提供任何安智認為必要的資料或未能在指定時間針對申請書或提供給x智的有關文件內的疑問進行說明,則我們有權依我們所認定的結果採取適當的處理。此外,我們保留終止閣下計劃的權利或將閣下的計劃歸類為「”不同意“ 或 ”非參與外國金融機構“」或是根據 FATCA 規則預扣稅款及作出申報。
9. 其他條文
10. 臨時受益人
10.1 計劃持有人有權在任何時間,不時以書面遞送通知xx,要指定另一人或多位人士擔任臨時財產受益人。計劃持有人如作了前述指定,則適用下列條款:
(a) 如發生破產或無力償債事件影響到計劃持有人,或任何外國政府,法院或第三方沒收或企圖沒收計劃持有人在本計劃中的實益權,則計劃持有人的實益權自動歸臨時財產受益人所有;或
(b) 如計劃持有人欲將其在本協議內的實益權轉讓、讓與或抵押設定給除外受益人,或計劃持有人因為身心喪失行為能力,而使其財產需由法令指定之監護人或管理人接管,或發生實益權將歸屬於或應付予另一人的情況,則xx(或任何繼任受託人)可按其決定權自行決定,宣告在此期間計劃持有人的實益權將授予臨時財產受益人;或
(c) 如計劃持有人以書面通知xx,其放棄任何可得的計劃權益,或聲明其為除外受益人,則xx(或任何繼任受託人)將依其絕對決定權,宣告在此期間計劃持有人的實益權將授予臨時財產受益人所有。
10.2 如xx認為(觸發前述作為)事件已消除,則安智可宣佈計劃持有人的實益權回歸計劃持有人所有。
10.3 如臨時財產受益人有多於一位,則任何實益權將依照計劃持有人,在指定臨時財產受益人通知內所訂立之方式與比例,授予臨時財產受益人們;如未規定方式或比例,則由臨時財產受益人平分。
11. 強制性條款
(a) 該行為人乃在被強制、脅迫或外力的影響下而行使或不行使;
(b) 受託人不認為本質上是出於自願的;
(c) 依法律程序而行使或類似之管轄機關;
(d) 因法院、法庭或行政機關、或破產管理受託人、官方受讓人或其他類似被任命者或人員的指令、命令、裁定或類似法令而發生;或
(e) 本質上非出於自願;
= 計劃條款及細則完 =
Regular Saving Plan and Trust Agreement – Smart
Terms and Conditions
Smart is a regular contribution investment-linked saving Plan provided by Metis International Limited. Metis International Limited will be dealing with and holding the investments in the capacity of a trustee under the International Trusts Act 1984 (Cook Islands), and as such will be the legal owner of the investments. You are the settlor of the trust hereby created and you, or any beneficiary named by you, will be the beneficial owner of the investments.
Metis International Limited is incorporated in the Cook Islands, and is a subsidiary of Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited, licensed as a trustee company under the Trustee Companies Act 2014 (Cook Islands). Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Metis Global Limited.
These Terms and Conditions together with the Application Form and the enclosed Plan Schedule and any future endorsements and, if applicable the Master Trust Deed (collectively the “Agreement”) constitute the entire agreement between you and us relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and supersede and extinguish all previous agreements between the parties relating to these transactions. In case of inconsistency, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail. In entering into this Agreement no party may rely on any representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance (except those set out in this Agreement) made by or on behalf of any other party before the signature of this Agreement and each of the parties waives all rights and remedies which, but for this provision, might otherwise be available to him in respect of any such representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance provided that nothing in this provision shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud, dishonesty or wilful concealment.
This Agreement does not cover the tax rules that apply to your Plan so you should speak to your financial adviser and obtain independent tax advice. Metis International Limited reserves the right to decline any application at its sole discretion.
Contact Details
Metis International Limited G/F Bermuda House, Tutakimoa Road,
Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Tel: (682) 25562
In these Terms and Conditions Clauses:
1.1 The following are meanings of words and expressions used in the Plan, unless otherwise stated:
Metis or we means Metis International Limited; and our and us
shall be construed accordingly.
You means the Plan Owner(s) and Your shall be construed accordingly.
Account Value/Investment Value/Plan Value means the sum of the total number of Notional Units in both Initial Account and Accumulation Account representing each Asset Choice multiplied by their applicable Bid Price.
Account Units means all the Initial Units and Accumulations Units.
Accumulation Account means the account containing the Accumulation Units.
Accumulation Units means the Units purchased by the Contributions after the end of the ICP.
Accumulation Account Value shows the notional value of your Accumulation Account and is equal to the number of Notional Units held in the Accumulation Account multiplied by the respective bid price of the Assets.
Act means the International Trusts Act 1984 and its amendments and references thereto include references to the corresponding references of any subsequent consolidation or re-enactment of that Act.
Additional Regular Contribution has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 5.3.
Agreement means these terms and conditions, the Application Form, the Master Trust and the enclosed Plan Schedule and any future endorsements.
Application Form means the application form completed by You in connection with this Plan.
Assets means the Underlying Fund or Underlying Product or Underlying Commodity or other investment.
Asset Choices means the Fund Choices or Product Choices or Commodity Choices.
Beneficiary means each Plan Owner and, in the circumstances outlined in clause 10 of this Agreement, shall include a Residual Beneficiary, provided that no person who is an Excluded Beneficiary shall be capable of being a beneficiary.
Bid Price means the price we use to sell Notional Units corresponding to your chosen Asset Choices in accordance with your instruction. It is the price used in calculating switches out or redemption of Asset Choices corresponding to Underlying Assets.
Commodity/Underlying Commodity means the commodity or goods traded on a commodity exchange including but not limited to gold, silver and any other precious metals, physical or forward.
Each of your Commodity Choice has a corresponding Underlying Commodity. Metis will purchase or sell Units in the Underlying Commodity corresponding to your Commodity Choice. Metis will review the commodity selections in the platform on a regular basis.
Commodity Choice means your choice of Commodity.
Contribution means an amount paid to Metis under and for the purpose of this Plan and includes Regular Contribution, Single Contribution and Additional Regular Contribution.
Contribution Currency means the currency in which the Contributions shall be made under the Plan and shall not be changed to another currency after the Plan Commencement Date without our approval in writing.
Contribution Payment Term or CPT means, in relation to Regular Contribution, the duration for which you agreed to pay Regular Contributions; and in relation to Additional Regular Contribution, the length of the remaining unpaid Contribution Payment Term of the Plan as at the date on which the clear funds of the Additional Regular Contribution are first received.
Encashment Value means the bid value of all the Account Units on the next Valuation Day, subject to the provisions set out in Clause 3.5.
Endorsement means a written document issued by Xxxxx to record and confirm amendments made to the terms of the Plan.
Event of Duress means:
(a) The receipt or attempted service of any communication by a court administrative tribunal or similar governmental or quasi-governmental agency in any jurisdiction, other than the jurisdiction of the governing law, under which any person seeks relief or remedy for himself or any person by means of:
(i) The assertion of a claim adverse to Metis (or any successor Trustee) over any property held in the Plan-Fund;
(ii) The request for an order or instruction to Metis (or any successor Trustee) or custodian of any property in the Plan-Fund in contravention to the provisions of this Agreement including the provisions allowing Metis to exercise any discretion; or
(iii) Any request for information concerning the origin, receipt, management, administration, investment, distribution, or encumbrance of property held in the Plan-Fund with a view to the assertion of a claim against or the establishments of a receivership or other like arrangement over the property of the Plan-Fund that is in any way materially adverse to the exercise of the powers of management, administration, investment and distribution of Metis under the provisions of this Agreement;
(b)The mandatory replacement of Metis or the placing of limitations on the powers of Metis other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
(c) The threat of or actual suspension or abrogation in whole or in part of this Plan, or any contract with a party involved in the Plan;
(d) The threat of or actual compulsion of the Trustee to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Plan-Fund assets in a manner inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.
Event of Jeopardy means the threat of or actual:
(a) War, invasion, military occupation or revolution;
(b) Confiscation, nationalization or expropriation of assets, or compulsory conversion of the Plan-Fund assets into the currency of the jurisdiction, by any government body, either with or without compensation;
(c) Termination of exchange control or tax laws favourable to the Plan or the Plan-Fund or the implementation of exchange control or tax laws unfavourable to the Plan or the Plan-Fund;
(d) Mandatory liquidation or dissolution of Metis;
(e) Devaluation or inconvertibility of the currency in which Plan-Fund assets are held;
(f) Serious governmental threat as determined by Metis to the ownership or free transfer of private property by citizens of the jurisdiction.
Excluded Beneficiary means any of the following list of excluded persons, and is to be interpreted in its broadest sense:
(a) Any court, administrative or judicial body or tribunal, including any government or quasi-government body or tribunal;
(b) Any creditor or claimant including any judgment creditor of Xxxxx, any Plan Owner or Beneficiary;
(c) Any Plan Owner who is designated as such pursuant to clause 10 of this Agreement;
(d) Any Plan Owner who is or becomes domiciled or ordinarily resident in the Cook Islands in terms of section 22 of the Act, during the period of such domiciliation or residence.
Extra Allocation shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 4.1.
Exit Charge has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 6.5.
FATCA means
(a) the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under Sections 1471 to 1474 of the Code or any associated treasury regulations, as amended or supplemented from time to time, or other official guidance;
(b) any treaty, law, regulation or other official guidance enacted in any other jurisdiction, or relating to an intergovernmental agreement between the U.S. and any other jurisdiction, which (in either case) facilitates the implementation of paragraph (a) above; or
(c) any agreement pursuant to the implementation of paragraphs (a) or (b) above with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the US government or any governmental or taxation authority in any other jurisdiction.
FATCA Withholding means a deduction or withholding from a payment under [the agreement] as required by FATCA.
FATCA Withholdable Payments include payments of interest (including original issue discount), dividends, and other items of fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains, profits, and income, in each case, from sources within the U.S., as well as gross proceeds from the sale of any property of a type which can produce interest or dividends from sources within the U.S. FATCA will also require withholding on the gross proceeds of such sales for payments made after December 31, 2016. Certain U.S. sourced financial payments in connection with lending transactions, investment advisory fees, custodial fees, bank or brokerage fees are also included.
Fund/Underlying Fund means an investment fund operated by a fund manager, each of your Fund Choices has a corresponding Underlying Fund. Metis will purchase or sell Units in the Underlying Fund corresponding to your Fund Choice. Metis will review the fund
selections in the platform on a regular basis.
Fund Choices means each of your Fund Choices has a corresponding Underlying Fund. A list of all corresponding Underlying Fund can be found in our International Asset Selection. Fund Closure Notice has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 7.9(b).
Holding Account means a non-interest bearing cash account in the currency of the desired Underlying Asset corresponding to your Asset Choice where a contribution allocation or switch proceeds may be held until the next available Valuation Day of the Underlying Asset which it represents.
Initial Contribution Period (“ICP”) means, in relation to Regular Contribution, the initial contribution period beginning from the Plan Commencement Date and continuing for the period specified in the Clause 5.5. The ICP will vary with the Contribution Payment Term; and in relation to Additional Regular Contribution, the contribution period begins from the date on which the clear funds of the Additional Regular Contribution are received and the length of such contribution period depends on the length of the remaining unpaid Contribution Payment Term of the Plan as at the date on which the clear funds of the Increase Regular Contribution are first received.
Initial Account means the accounts containing the Initial Units.
Initial Account Value shows the notional value of your Initial Account and is equal to the number of Notional Units held in the Initial Account multiplied by the respective bid price of the Assets.
Initial Units means the Units purchased by the Regular Contribution and each Additional Regular Contribution (if applicable) contributed during the relevant ICP including Extra Allocation (if any).
Initial Unit Charge means the charge we make by cancelling Units allocated to the Initial Account in accordance with the Clauses 6.2.
Loyalty Bonus means the bonus that may be allocated to the Accumulation Account under this Plan having a Contribution Payment Term of 10 years or more, according to the Clause 4.2.
Master Trust means the Master Trust (if any) referred to in the Application Form.
Minimum Contribution means the minimum contribution to be allocated to an Asset Choice.
Monthly Contribution means the monthly Regular Contribution or Additional Regular Contribution, or the average monthly figure of the Regular Contribution or Additional Regular Contribution (if it is paid at other regular interval).
Minimum Plan Value means USD10,000 or an equivalent amount, subject to any change from time to time which may take effect after one month notice.
Notional Units means the Units in the Underlying Assets that shall notionally be purchased without taking into account the cancellation of Units in payment of the charges imposed by Clause
6. The price of the Notional Units is set to be equal to the price of a Unit in the Underlying Asset. The Notional Units are used only for the purpose of calculating the value of your Plan.
Offer Price means the price at which Metis buys Units of the
Underlying Asset corresponding to your Asset Choices. It is the price used for investments or switches into Underlying Assets.
Partial Withdrawal has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 3.4(a).
Plan means a regular contribution investment-linked saving plan provided by Metis International Limited named “Smart” which terms and conditions are provided in this Agreement.
Plan Account means your account under the Plan containing the Account Units.
Plan Anniversary means the same day and month in each year as the Plan Commencement Date.
Plan Commencement Date means the commencement date of the Plan as shown in the Plan Schedule.
Plan Maturity Date means the date stated in the Plan Schedule as the Plan Maturity Date being the date the Contribution Payment Term ends and no Exit Charge for taking Encashment or Withdrawal from the Plan will apply.
Plan Month means a month starting from the same day in each month as the Plan Commencement Date.
Plan Owner means the applicant(s) of the Plan specified in the Plan Schedule or the successors in title or assignees of the applicant(s).
Plan Schedule means the document, issued at the Plan Commencement Date, or the latest revised version thereof, and any endorsements, which sets out specific details of your Plan.
Portfolio Manager appointed by You to decide the portfolio, redirection and asset or investment switching in the Plan.
Product Choices means your choice of Underlying Product.
Protector means Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited a company duly incorporated in Cook Islands together with any successor Protector appointed in accordance with Clause 3.8.
Registered Office means the registered office of Metis in Cook Islands at the relevant time.
Registration Fee means the fee payable in respect of the Plan pursuant to Clause 6.1.
Regular Contribution means the amount of Contribution shown in the Plan Schedule payable on a regular basis under this Plan.
Regular Withdrawal means a sequence of fix amount Withdrawals after the ICP, at your request, on a regular basis and in a pattern agreed with us, by completing the relevant form provided by us.
Reinstatement means the re-commencement of payments of Regular Contribution or Additional Regular Contribution after the Plan has lapsed. You may request a reinstatement of the Plan before the Plan has terminated in accordance with Clause 3.6.
Residual Beneficiary means any person designated as such by any Plan Owner pursuant to Clause 10 of this Agreement.
Single Contribution means a single amount paid by you on an ad hoc basis which is stated in an endorsement issued by us and does not include Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contribution.
Subsequent Initial Period means a period of the duration as the Initial Period but commencing on an Additional Regular Contributions.
Structured Product includes:
(a) an instrument under which some or all of the return or amount due (or both the return and the amount due) or the method of settlement is determined by reference to one or more of:
(i) changes in the price, value or level (or a range within the price, value or level) of any type or combination of types of securities, commodity, index, property, interest rate, currency exchange rate or futures contract;
(ii) changes in the price, value or level (or a range within the price, value or level) of any basket of more than one type, or any combination of types, of securities, commodity, index, property, interest rate, currency exchange rate or futures contract; or
(iii) the occurrence or non-occurrence of any specified event or events (excluding an event or events relating only to the issuer or guarantor of the instrument or to both the issuer and the guarantor);
(b) an agreement the purpose or effect, or pretended purpose or effect, of which is to provide, whether conditionally or unconditionally, to any party to the agreement a profit, income or other returns calculated by reference to changes in the value of any property; and
(c) any similar interests, rights or property.
Trust means the trust created by this Agreement.
Trustee means Metis or any successor trustee appointed by the Protector.
Underlying Asset means the Underlying Fund or Underlying Product or Underlying Commodity or other Underlying Asset.
Underlying Product means a Structured Product, each of your Product Choices has a corresponding Underlying Product. Metis will purchase or sell Units in the Underlying Product corresponding to your Product Choice. Metis will review the Product selections in the platform on a regular basis.
Unit means the portions or units into which a Fund or Underlying Product or Underlying Commodity is divided.
Unit Price in respect of a Fund, is the price per Unit of that Fund and in respect of a Structured Product, is the price per Unit of that Structured Product and in respect of a Commodity, is the price per Unit of that Commodity.
Valuation Currency means the currency specified by you in the Application Form for valuation of the Plan.
Valuation Day in respect of an Asset, means each day which is a Hong Kong Business Day and (if relevant) an Underlying Asset Business Day.
Withdrawal means a withdrawal from the Plan which will decrease the Plan Value.
1.2 In these Terms and Conditions, the singular includes the plural and the masculine includes the feminine and neuter gender, and in each case vice versa, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
1.3 Where the words “include(s)” or “including” are used in the Terms and Conditions, they are deemed to have the words “without limitation” following them and the words “other” and “otherwise” where used in the Terms and Conditions are illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding them.
1.4 References in these Terms and Conditions to a Clause or a sub-Clause are to a clause or sub-clause respectively of these Terms and Conditions and references in these Terms and Conditions to a Schedule are to a schedule to these Terms and Conditions.
2.1 The Agreement
The name of the Plan is “Smart”. The Plan will give you access to a variety of investment vehicles.
2.2 Cooling-Off Period
(a) You may cancel the Plan within 30 days after the issue date of the Plan Schedule. If you wish to cancel this Plan, your request (“Request”) to cancel must be in writing, signed by you and received directly by us at our Registered Office.
(b) After we receive your Request we will within 45 calendar days refund all Regular Contributions and Single Contributions received by us without interest, from which we will deduct an amount to cover any differences, loss, charges and costs resulting from or in connection with the Request or the realization of the assets acquired in the Plan.
2.3 Currency
(a) The Contributions shall be made in the Contribution Currency. The Asset Choices into which Contribution are to be allocated may be in different currencies from the Contribution Currency. When purchasing or selling Units in the Underlying Asset corresponding to your Asset Choice, the transaction will take place at the prevailing exchange rates of the Asset Choice currency and the Contribution Currency (as determined by us in our reasonable discretion) on the date when the payment is processed by us.
(b) You must specify the Contribution Currency and Valuation Currency in the Application Form. If no Valuation Currency is specified, the Contribution Currency will be used as the default Valuation Currency. The Valuation Currency of Plan can be in one of 6 currencies – US dollar (USD), Euro dollar (EUR), Australia dollar (AUD), Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY), Hong Kong dollar (HKD) or Japanese yen (JPY). We may accept other Valuation Currency in our absolute discretion.
(c) For the purposes of valuation, the value of Notional Units in your Plan will be aggregated on the valuation statements and valued both in their own currency and in the Valuation Currency. The Valuation Currency will be stated and adopted in the annual statements which will be sent to you to update you on the status of the investments made under the Plan. You will be deemed to accept the annual statements and all the contents therein if we do not receive any objections from you within one month after the same is sent to you.
(d) Any Encashment or Withdrawal must be calculated in the USD. However, we may, upon timely request in writing, pay out in a different currency at the prevailing exchange rate (as determined by us in our reasonable discretion).
(e) Generally, all Contribution figures quoted in any document relating to the Plan are in USD. To convert those figures to other currencies the following conversion rates should be used:
Currency | USD | EUR | AUD | CNY | HKD | JPY |
USD | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 110 |
If the market exchange rates of any of these currencies changes by more than 20% from [1st November 2016] we may by giving you not less than three months prior notice in writing amend the conversion rate or rates to reflect the then current market exchange rates.
(f) For the purpose of the Plan, we are entitled to convert such amounts insofar as the conversion is desirable or required. Whenever there is any conversion of currency, we may convert the amount at the rates stipulated in Clause 2.3(e) above or at the prevailing exchange rate (as determined by us in our reasonable discretion), subject to any applicable law relating to exchange control or any other restriction.
2.4 Communication
The Plan Owner must inform Xxxxx in writing about any changes to the Plan Owner’s address, country of residence, citizenship or domicile as soon as possible after any change.
(a) Any notice to be given under this Agreement will be sent by post to your latest correspondence address or email to your email address as notified to us, and will be deemed to have been received by you within 48 hours of posting or sending out.
(b) Any application or notice to us will be considered received by us only if the original copy of the application or notice was sent to our Registered Office, but we may at our discretion act on any application or notice received by facsimile, email or other electronic means. We reserve the right to require additional information or documents to be submitted by you before we act on the application or notice.
2.5 Termination
Subject to Clause 3.7, this Plan will automatically terminate on the earliest of the following:
(a) non-payment of the Regular Contribution during the ICP; or
(b) where the Plan Value is less than the Minimum Plan Value in effect after the ICP;
(i) as a result of any Withdrawal or Regular Withdrawal after the ICP, or
(ii) any time during Paid-up after deducted any relevant charge (except where the Plan Value is less than the Minimum Plan Value solely due to market movements), or
(c) the Plan is cancelled; or
(d) the Encashment Value is paid; or
(e) Metis receives your written instruction of full Withdrawal from the Plan after the Plan Maturity Date.
We may terminate this Plan at any time if in our opinion this Plan is likely to impose any regulatory or tax obligation on us that we would not otherwise be subject to.
The situations in (a), (b), (c) and (d) above will all be subject to applicable Exit Charge as set out in Clause 6.5. On termination, you will be entitled to receive the value realized from the disposal of the Account Units less any applicable fees and charges.
2.6 Rounding
We reserve the right to round off any figures in the decimal places in any of our calculations. Such calculations will include, but are not limited to, the determination of charges, Unit Prices as well as the creation, redemption and/or allocation of Units. Based on our current practice (i.e. subject to the dealing rule of the underlying assets), rounding off adjustments will result in:
(a) The Notional Unit of Assets allocated and cancelled to the nearest two, three or four decimal places; and
(b) The value of your Plan and the charges of your Plan to the nearest two, three or four decimal places.
Any Bid Price or Offer Price of Assets will not be rounded. Notwithstanding the above, we reserve the right to adjust the number of decimal places or rounding method for each calculation with not less than one month’s prior written notice or such other period of notice in compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements.
2.7 Portfolio Manager
(a) Subject to our agreement, you may appoint a Portfolio Manager to act on your behalf for the purpose of making asset switching decisions or Contribution redirection or otherwise for your Plan, on the express understanding that you bear full responsibility for the acts or omissions of your Portfolio Manager. Our agreement to your appointment of the Portfolio Manager does not constitute a recommendation nor any representation in respect of the Portfolio Manager. The Portfolio Manager is the agent of the Plan Owner not of Metis.
(b) For any appointment or termination of appointment of a Portfolio Manager, you must use our appropriate form and meet all specified requirements in effect at that time.
(c) We reserve the right to terminate an appointment or withhold consent to an appointment proposed by you at any time. Xxxxx will not be liable for any loss sustained arising from the appointment of the Portfolio Manager nor from any request or instruction from the Portfolio Manager which is accepted or acted upon by the Metis. We will not be accountable for any actual or prospective loss incurred as a result of or in connection with the appointment of the Portfolio Manager whatsoever.
2.8 Changed Circumstances
We are entitled to alter or modify this Agreement at any time by one month’s notice in writing if:
(a) there is a change in the law affecting the Plan;
(b) there is a change in the tax treatment affecting the Plan;
(c)it becomes impossible or impracticable to perform any provisions in this Agreement as a result of changes in the law or other circumstances beyond our control; Or
(d) the alteration or modification will be for the benefit of the Plan Owner, or will clarify any ambiguity contained in this Agreement or the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement, such matters to be determined by Metis in its sole discretion.
We also reserve the right to amend charging levels, the Minimum Contribution, Minimum Value for each Underlying Asset, Minimum Plan Value or any amount referred to in this Agreement from time to time by a reasonable amount to reflect the inflation and operation cost.
2.9 Taxation
We will not be responsible for any tax liability or issues that may arise as a result of or in connection with this Plan. You are advised
to seek independent tax advice in respect of this Plan from a professional tax adviser.
2.10 Law and Jurisdiction
(a) These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the Cook Islands, and in particular, the Act. The courts of the Cook Islands shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes and claims that arise out of, or in connection with, these Terms and Conditions.
(b) Metis (or any subsequent Trustee) may, with the consent of the Protector, or without the consent of the Protector when an Event of Duress or an Event of Jeopardy has occurred, by resolution and for the benefit or security of the Plan or the Plan-Fund, direct all or any part of the assets of the Plan-Fund to be moved from one jurisdiction to another or others, and change the situs of administration of this Plan from one jurisdiction to another or others.
(c) Metis (or any subsequent Trustee) may, with the consent of the Protector, or without the consent of the Protector when an Event of Duress or an Event of Jeopardy has occurred, but at all times for the benefit or security of the Plan-Fund, by resolution declare that this Plan shall, from the date of such resolution, take effect, either partly or wholly, in accordance with the law of some other jurisdiction or jurisdictions in accordance with section 13G(4) of the Act, and thereupon the governing law of this Plan and the trust thereby created shall be the law of that other jurisdiction or jurisdictions in respect of the aspects of the Plan expressed to be governed by the laws of that jurisdiction or jurisdictions.
(d) Where the governing law of this Plan is to be changed from that of one jurisdiction to that of another jurisdiction, Xxxxx may:
(i) vary the Plan Maturity Date so as not to infringe the law of that other jurisdiction; and
(ii) make such consequential changes to the provisions of this Plan as Metis shall consider necessary or desirable to give full force and effect to such changes of governing law.
2.11 Severability
Notwithstanding that the whole or any part of any provision of this Agreement may be held to be illegal or unenforceable, the other provisions and the remainder of the provision in question will remain in full force and effect.
2.12 Data protection
Metis respects data protection and will endeavor to keep any data provided to Metis by the Plan Owner confidential. However, you agree that Metis may for the purpose of the Plan or this Agreement share such data with any other person deemed appropriate by Metis and you agree that Metis may disclose such data if required to do so by regulator, court or by law. Also Metis may transfer your personal data to any place for any of the purposes set out above including data processing and storage.
2.13 Inconsistency
If there is any inconsistency between the English, Chinese or other language versions of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.
3.1 Plan Ownership
(a) The Plan Owner shall be the beneficial owner of this Plan and
shall be entitled to exercise all rights given to the Plan Owner under this Agreement. We hold the Plan-Fund on trust for and on behalf of the Plan Owner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Master Trust; and, following expiry of the cooling off period, the trust hereby created shall be irrevocable.
(b) You may change the owner of this Plan, such change is valid only if the notice is dated and signed by us during the lifetime of the Plan Owner while this Plan is in effect. We will not be responsible for any payment we make or other action we take before we date and sign the notice.
(c) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the provisions of the Master Trust, the provisions of the Master Trust shall prevail.
(d) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement Xxxxx, as trustee, shall have all powers, authorities and discretions which it could exercise if it were the absolute and beneficial owner of the Plan-Fund and all powers, authorities and discretions necessary to enable it to carry out the purposes of this Plan or otherwise to perform and comply with the obligations and duties under this Agreement.
(e) Metis may employ a custodian or custodians to hold the Plan-Fund (or any part thereof) on such terms as Metis may determine provided that no such appointment will absolve Metis from its obligations under this Agreement or at law. Metis shall cause any such custodian to comply with all the covenants and obligations of Metis under this Agreement. Any fees payable to the custodian will be determined on an arm’s length basis.
(f) Metis may delegate to any person at any time and or any period in any manner and upon any terms, all or any of the trusts, powers, duties, functions and discretions imposed or conferred upon Metis by this Agreement or at law, including, without limitation, to an investment manager, agent, custodian advisor or other professional or appropriately skilled person, subject only to the limitations contained in section 19B of the Act. Any fees payable to such persons will be determined on an arm’s length basis.
3.2 Where the Plan Owner is more than one individual (Joint Plan Owner):
(a) If there is more than one Plan Owner, the rights and obligations of the Plan Owners under this Agreement shall be joint and several.
(b) If there is more than one Plan Owner, we shall be entitled in our absolute discretion to treat any one of such Plan Owners as authorized to give us instructions and notices under this Agreement and to accept notices, receive payments and enjoy benefits under this Agreement on behalf of all such Plan Owners, and we shall be entitled in our absolute discretion to comply with the instructions of any one of such Plan Owners notwithstanding any inconsistency in such instructions with those of any of the other Plan Owners. We shall have no liability whatsoever for complying with the instructions or otherwise of any one of the Plan Owners. We shall not be required to confirm with all Plan Owners the legitimacy of any instructions given to us by any one Plan Owner or the authority of any one Plan Owner to act on behalf of all Plan Owners.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision herein, if there is more than one Plan Owner, the rights to the Plan belong to the Plan Owners as joint tenants with the right of survivorship.
3.3 Assignment
You may transfer your rights under this Plan to someone else. If you wish to assign your rights under this Plan, you must ensure that we
receive formal notice of your intention to do so via the submission of a completed form which you may request from us. This form must be sent to us and such change is valid only if the notice is dated and signed by us during the lifetime of the existing Plan Owners and while this Plan is in effect. We will not be responsible for any consequences, liability or loss arising from or in connection with any transfer or appointment hereunder or your failure to notify us in accordance with this Clause.
3.4 Withdrawal
You may make a Withdrawal or Regular Withdrawal from the Accumulation Units in accordance with the following Clauses:
(a) Partial Withdrawal of Accumulation Units (“Partial Withdrawal”) can be made at any time while the Plan is in force and no Exit Charge is payable on such Partial Withdrawal provided that the amount of each Partial Withdrawal must be equal to or more than the Minimum Partial Withdrawal amount as stated in the table below and further that after such Partial Withdrawal, the Plan Value remains equal to or more than the Minimum Plan Value.
If you wish to withdraw an amount in excess of the Maximum Partial Withdrawal, this will be regarded as an encashment under Clause 3.5 and therefore subject to the Exit Charge.
Plan Currency | USD/ EUR/AUD | CNY | HKD | JPY |
inimum Withdrawal per Payment | 5,000 | 35,000 | 40,000 | 550,000 |
Table 3.4: Minimum Withdrawal per Payment for different Plan Currencies
(b) Subject to (c) below, any Withdrawal can be drawn from the Accumulation Units and Initial Units. We will cancel Accumulation Units allocated to the Plan using the Bid Price equal to the aggregate value of the withdrawal sum after receipt of the written instructions.
(c) Partial Withdrawal of Initial Units can only be made after the ICP and after Accumulation Units have been withdrawn; and will be subject to the Exit Charge as stated in the Clause 6.5.
(d) For Withdrawal options, you may select:
(i) the Assets and the number of Units to be sold; or
(ii)the amount You wish to withdraw; unless otherwise specified Withdrawals will be deducted equally from all Assets held in the Accumulation Account, or in such manner as we absolutely think fit. Due to the market movement, even if specified, there may be a discrepancy of the withdrawal amount.
(e) Regular Withdrawals can be paid annually, bi-annually, quarterly or monthly. Regular Withdrawals will normally commence one month after we have received your written request.
3.5 Encashment
You may terminate and encash the Plan and obtain the Encashment Value at any time subject to the following provisions:
(a) Any Exit Charge due and any outstanding Plan charges (as imposed by Clause 6), will be deducted from the Plan Value, if Plan is encashed before the Plan Maturity Date.
(b) If the Plan is encashed within 60 months from the commencement date of such Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contributions (as the case may be), Metis reserves the right to cancel or deduct any Extra Allocation paid previously in respect such Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contributions (as the case may be) from the relevant Initial Account for nil consideration.
(c) All Account Units will be encashed using the Bid Price for the
corresponding Underlying Assets, after receipt by us of the proper written instructions and proof that you are the person legally entitled to the amounts payable under the Plan.
(d) Once the Encashment Value has been paid, we will not accept any further Contributions nor will we pay any further benefits and the Plan will terminate automatically. You will have no further rights to benefits or options under the Plan.
(e) We will pay out the Encashment Value or Withdrawal sum in USD or upon requested Currency (subject to our absolute discretion) by electronic transfer, within 60 calendar days after the Valuation Day provided we have received the settlement proceeds from the Manager, Issuer or Dealer of the relevant Underlying Asset.
(f) In exceptional circumstances, such as extreme stock market closure or to protect the interests of other Plan Owners, payments from a Plan may be delayed by Xxxxx. In the event that this happens, we will do our best to minimize the delay and keep you informed of the likely length of delay.
(g) As the Plan Owner, you must meet the cost of payment. No interest is payable in respect of Encashment Value whatsoever.
3.6 Reinstatement & Restart of Contribution
(a) If this Plan is no longer in effect (i.e. it has lapsed) because either You have not paid Regular Contribution and/or Additional Regular Contribution during the ICP (as contemplated in Clause 5.6) or, after the ICP, the Plan Value is insufficient to cover the relevant Plan charges (as contemplated in Clause 5.7), we may in our sole discretion permit the reinstatement of this Plan provided you apply to us to reinstate this Plan within one year after the date on which the Plan lapsed by using our appropriate application form and you meet all specified requirements in effect at that time.
(b) No reinstatement is allowed if your Plan has been terminated.
(c) Any Loyalty Bonus and Extra Allocation which were deducted previously will be reinstated to the Plan (if applicable) subject to payment of the amounts that should have been paid if the Plan has been in effect throughout and not lapsed.
(d) If you resume paying the Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contributions, the Paid-Up status of your Plan will cease.
3.7 Plan Maturity
After the Plan Maturity Date, you have following choices:
(a) Keep the Plan at Paid Up Status without paying any subsequent Contribution:
(i) The Plan will be kept in force as long as the Plan Value exceeds the Minimum Plan Value, otherwise the Plan will be terminated automatically and pay the Encashment Value to you, no reinstatement of the Plan will be allowed.
(ii) You cannot increase the Regular Contribution amount or pay any additional Single Contributions to the Plan;
(iii) All Exit Charges are waived, but Registration Fee and Administration Charge as set out in the Clause 6.1(b) and Clause 6.3 respectively will continue to apply. You can make a withdrawal or encash the Plan at any time.
(b) Encashment
You can elect to cancel your Plan for the Encashment Value. If we receive such written notice from you, we will pay you the Encashment Value of the Plan by selling all units in Plan Account under the Plan at the next Valuation Date after deducting any charges applicable in respect of the Plan and amounts owing to us.
(c) Withdrawal/Regular Withdrawal
See Clause “3.4 Withdrawal”.
3.8 Protector
(a) The Protector shall initially hold the office of protector of this Plan for the purposes of section 20 of the Act with the powers and functions set out in this Agreement.
(b) The Protector shall be entitled to appoint successor protectors which may be recorded by memorandum to be permanently annexed to this Agreement.
(c) In the event that the Protector becomes insolvent or subject to a winding up order, then that Protector shall be deemed to be removed as Protector and any successor Protector shall assume the role. If there is no successor Protector then the Trustee shall be entitled to appoint a new Protector.
(d) Any provision of this Agreement which requires the consent of the Protector shall require the Protector’s prior written consent on each occasion unless a general form of consent to future actions has been expressly granted.
(e) No person dealing with the Trustee shall be concerned to enquire as to the concurrence or otherwise of the Protector, or be affected by notice of the fact that the Protector may have not concurred.
(f) Notwithstanding the above, the Protector shall have the power to ratify any prior action or inaction of the Trustee in which case the Protector’s consent shall be deemed to have been given on the date of such action or inaction.
(g) Where any provision of this Agreement does not expressly require the consent of the Protector then no such requirement for consent shall be implied.
3.9 Removal and Appointment of Trustee
(a) The Protector may from time to time by notice in writing remove any Trustee. The Trustee may resign upon giving written notice to the Protector.
(b) The Protector may from time to time by notice in writing appoint any person or persons to be a Trustee, a successor Trustee, an additional Trustee or additional Trustees.
(c) A person may be appointed a Trustee hereof wherever domiciled, residing or having its place of business.
(d) Notwithstanding that a Trustee has resigned or been removed, that Trustee’s powers shall continue to the extent that it may be necessary for the proper vesting of the Plan-Fund in the new Trustee. Subject to Clause 3.11, an outgoing Trustee shall be immediately divested of title to the Plan-Fund which shall automatically vest in the continuing or new Trustee, who is or jointly as the case may be, thereupon irrevocably and automatically granted a power of attorney by the outgoing Trustee to effect the transfer of such property from the outgoing Trustee to the continuing or new Trustee as the case may be.
(e) A Trustee acting in good faith without actual knowledge of his removal shall be indemnified hereunder as a Trustee notwithstanding such removal, and no third party dealing with any Trustee in good faith, shall be bound to enquire as to whether any notice of the removal of that Trustee has been given as aforesaid.
(f) Subject to Clause 3.11 and notwithstanding Clause 3.9(d), the Trustee (and if more than one, each of them) irrevocably further grants the Protector its power of attorney for the purpose of executing any document transferring title of any asset belonging to the Plan-Fund to the new Trustee upon resignation or removal as a Trustee. Subject to Clause 3.11, such power may be exercised by the Protector without prior notice to the Trustee.
(g) On there being any change in Trustee, a memorandum shall be endorsed on or permanently affixed to this Agreement recording the name of the Trustee for the time being. The memorandum shall be signed by the Trustee so named. Anyone dealing with the Plan-Fund or this Agreement shall be entitled to rely upon such memorandum as sufficient evidence that the Trustee named in the memorandum is the duly constituted Trustee for the time being. In the case of there being more than one memorandum, anyone dealing with the Plan-Fund or this Agreement shall be entitled to rely upon the memorandum which is most recent in time.
(h) On the happening of an Event of Jeopardy, or an Event of Duress the Protector shall have the power to remove the Trustee and no power, authority, benefit or discretion granted to a Trustee so removed shall survive the removal. A Trustee removed from office under this clause shall be divested of title to any assets belonging to the Plan-Fund effective immediately on the removal, with such assets being vested in the new Trustee appointed by the Protector pursuant to clause 3.9(a). The determination of the Protector exercising this power as to whether or not an Event of Duress or an Event of Jeopardy has occurred shall be conclusive and binding on the Beneficiaries of this Trust.
3.10 Liabilities and duties of the Trustee
(a) Notwithstanding section 19A of the Act, the Trustee shall not be liable for any loss or liability to the Plan-Fund or its income, however caused, unless it results from actual fraud or wilful dishonesty by the Trustee, and in particular without limiting the generality of this provision:
(i) the Trustee shall not be liable for any loss or liability howsoever occurring resulting from any act or omission (whether wilfully fraudulent, or dishonest, negligent, in breach of trust or otherwise) of any solicitor, attorney, agent, banker, accountant, auditor, stockbroker, investment advisor, advisor or other agent or power of attorney employed or appointed in good faith by the Trustee, irrespective of whether such person is subsequently found to be unfit or unsuitable for the task appointed to him;
(ii) in the event that there is more than one Trustee, a co-Trustee shall not be liable for any losses or liabilities howsoever occurring resulting from any act or omission whether wilfully fraudulent, dishonest, negligent, in breach of trust or otherwise of any other co-Trustee;
(iii) a successor or additional Trustee shall not be liable or responsible for any act or default of any predecessor Trustee or for any loss or expense resulting from or occasioned by anything done or neglected to be done in the administration of the Plan-Fund prior to becoming a Trustee, nor shall any successor or additional Trustee be required to inquire into or take notice of the prior administration of the Plan-Fund;
(iv) the Trustee shall not be liable for any act or omission to act done with the Protector’s consent, or on the advice, or with the concurrence, of any advisor appointed to the Trust.
(b) The Trustee shall not be under any duty to enquire as to the means or needs of any Beneficiary, whether such Beneficiary is a minor or a person under some disability or otherwise. In the event the Trustee shall have knowledge of such special circumstances, the Trustee shall not be under any duty to take this into account when exercising or not exercising powers under this settlement;
(c) The Trustee shall not be under any duty to diversify the
investments of the Plan-Fund;
(d) In respect of any company (which term shall for the purpose of this clause include any type of corporate body or partnership entity, including any company, limited liability company, trust, association, limited partnership or any other incorporated or unincorporated body or entity) in which the Trustee holds shares, notes, stock or debentures, irrespective of the position under the applicable law, the Trustee must treat itself and be regarded as having no power to inquire into or intervene in the affairs of any such company, and shall have no duty to become a director or officer of any such company, nor to seek information about the affairs of such company (whatever the character of the business of such company and even though the business of such company may be of a speculative character), unless it comes to the Trustee’s actual knowledge that the affairs of the company are being run dishonestly or by a person suffering from mental incapacity, so that the Trustee is entitled and bound to assume that the affairs of the company are being run honestly and competently and by a person of full capacity until the contrary comes to the Trustee’s actual knowledge.
3.11 Indemnity
(a) The Trustee and any person who has ceased to be a Trustee shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Plan-Fund (and shall be entitled to a lien on the Plan-Fund for such indemnity) other than in relation to circumstances in which a Trustee or former Trustee is not protected by Clause 3.10 above. Specifically the Trustee shall be indemnified for any liability, including costs and expenses, incurred in the exercise or purported exercise of their duties and powers as trustee including but not limited to;
(i) any costs and expenses incurred, and remuneration or professional fees and charges payable as trustee, in defending or bringing any proceedings in any way related to the Plan-Fund, whether civil or criminal, including any proceedings brought against the Trustee personally or for breach of trust (other than in respect of any action for which the trustee is held liable for actual fraud or wilful dishonesty);
(ii) any claims, losses, death duties, taxes or other impositions arising in connection with the Plan-Fund or any part thereof;
(iii)any loss or liability arising from establishing and administering the Plan-Fund, accepting trusteeship of the Plan-Fund, or accepting any assets into the Plan-Fund, including without limitation, all reimbursement of costs and expenses, and remuneration as trustee at the agreed rates for all attendances; or
(iv)in respect of any loss or liability which the Trustee may sustain or incur by reason of their so carrying on any business or businesses on behalf of or for the benefit of the Plan-Fund.
(b) An outgoing Trustee shall forthwith upon his resignation or removal be entitled to receive an indemnity and release in a form satisfactory to the outgoing Trustee from continuing or new Trustees and where required by the outgoing Trustee, from any or all Beneficiaries, together with security therefor where the Trustee has exposure to taxes or like charges, together with payment of all remuneration and fees owing to the outgoing Trustee including those relating to the termination of the outgoing Trustee’s appointment.
(c) The Trustee shall have a lien on all documents relating to the Plan-Fund in its possession and shall not be required to give possession of these nor to take any other action until satisfaction is made of its entitlements under this clause.
(d) Where a claim against a Trustee or former Trustee arises from
circumstances where any asset included in the Plan-Fund is found not to have been properly transferred into the Plan-Fund, or if properly transferred such transfer is subsequently avoided and the Trustee has already exercised any of the powers set out in this Deed in relation to that property in favour of any Beneficiary, then the Trustee or former Trustee may require such Beneficiary to indemnify him to the extent of the value of the benefit received by such Beneficiary in accordance with the terms of Clause 3.11(a) in addition to or in substitution for any other rights of indemnification contained herein.
3.12 Transmission
(a) In the event of the death of a Plan Owner, the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint Plan Owner, or the executors or administrators of the deceased Plan Owner where he or she was a sole Plan Owner, shall be the only persons recognized by Xxxxx as having any beneficial title or interest under this Agreement.
(b) Any person becoming entitled to the beneficial interest of a deceased Plan Owner under this Agreement may, upon producing such evidence as Metis shall think (in its sole discretion) sufficient to establish that person’s entitlement, be registered as the Plan Owner.
(c) Upon registration of the new Plan Owner as noted above, all rights, benefits and obligations of the Plan Owner shall be deemed to be transferred to that new Plan Owner.
4.1 Extra Allocation during the ICP
(a) We may in our absolute discretion provide Extra Allocation during the ICP to the Plan from time to time. For details of the Extra Allocation, please refer to the Plan Schedule as attached to this Agreement. If we decide in our absolute discretion, while this Plan is in effect, extra Units (“Extra Allocation”) will be credited to this Plan upon our receipt of each payment in cleared funds of Regular Contribution during the relevant ICP.
(b) If there is Extra Allocation to the Plan, the Extra Allocation percentage varies with the Monthly Contribution and the Contribution Payment Term. After the ICP, 100% of all future contributions will be allocated to Accumulation Units.
(c) The Extra Allocation will be credited by notionally allocating additional Initial Units to this Plan based on the relevant Offer Price and in accordance with your latest Asset Choice selection.
(d) If the Regular Contribution or any Additional Regular Contribution is not punctually paid in full as it falls due for a continuous period of 3 months during the relevant ICP, this Plan will be deemed lapsed and the Extra Allocation paid previously in respect such Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contributions (as the case may be) will be cancelled or deducted from the relevant Initial Account for nil consideration.
4.2 Loyalty Bonus
A bonus as stated in the Plan Schedule (“Loyalty Bonus”) may be awarded in accordance with this Clause for any Plan with a Contribution Payment Term of 10 years or more.
Provided that the Plan remains in force, the Loyalty Bonus will be awarded every 5 years on the 10th Plan Anniversary and every 5th Plan Anniversary thereafter, until the expiry of the earlier of (i) 30 years immediately following the Plan Commencement Date (in which case 5 times of Loyalty Bonus will be awarded at most) and (ii) the Contribution Payment Term. For details of the rate of Loyalty
Bonus, you may refer to the attached Plan Schedule for your record.
The Loyalty Bonus will be awarded within one month after the relevant 5th Plan Anniversary, and it will be credited by notionally allocating additional Accumulation Units to this Plan based on the relevant Offer Price and in accordance with your latest Asset Choice selection.
The Loyalty Bonus will be forfeited if your Plan is cancelled or terminated before the Loyalty Bonus is awarded to your Plan. Awarded Loyalty Bonus will not be forfeited by reason of cancellation or termination your Plan.
The Loyalty Bonus does not apply to any Single Contribution, or Regular Contribution and/or Additional Regular Contribution with a Contribution Payment Term of less than 10 years.
4.3 Refund of Registration Fee
After the Plan Maturity Date, 100% of Registration Fee that you have paid during the whole Contribution Payment Term will be refunded for any Plan with a Contribution Payment Term of 15 years or more if:
(a) during first 15 consecutive Plan years:
(i) all Regular Contribution due has been fully paid (and there are no missing contributions); and
(ii) there has not been any Paid-up; and
(b) on the Plan Maturity Date, the Plan Value is not less than the Minimum Plan Value.
Notwithstanding anything herein contained, no Registration Fee will be refunded if your Plan is cancelled or terminated before the Plan Maturity Date.
Any Registration Fee to be refunded pursuant to this Clause 4.3 will be paid within one month after the Plan Maturity Date by notionally allocating additional Accumulation Units to this Plan based on the relevant Offer Price and in accordance with your latest Asset Choice selection.
Any Registration Fee collected after the Plan matures (according to Clause 6.1) will not be refunded.
The Regular Contribution, Additional Regular Contribution and Single Contribution (if any), together with the relevant Extra Allocation (if applicable), after the deduction of the charges imposed by Clause 6 (if applicable) will be used for the purchase of Units on the Valuation Day immediately following the day upon which (a) your Contributions are cleared and confirmed by our bank or (b) our internal processing of your Contributions is completed according to our latest record of your Asset Choice selection.
5.1 Regular Contribution
(a) All Regular Contributions are due at such times and in such Plan Currency as specified and agreed in the Plan Schedule from the Plan Commencement Date until the Plan Maturity Date. The minimum Regular Contribution by frequency and currency are shown in following table. At the moment, there is no upper limit on Regular Contribution but we reserve our right to prescribe a limit. All payments must be made into our Holding Account opened with a custodian bank. We reserve the right to change the minimum Regular Contribution amount from time to time to reflect the inflation and operation cost.
Table 5.1: Minimum Regular Contribution
Currency | USD/EUR/AUD | CNY | HKD | JPY |
Monthly | 800 | 5,600 | 6,400 | 88,000 |
Quarterly | 2,400 | 16,800 | 19,200 | 264,000 |
Half-Yearly | 4,800 | 33,600 | 38,400 | 528,000 |
Yearly | 9,600 | 67,200 | 76,800 | 1,056,000 |
Payment Term
Contribution Payment Term (CPT) | Initial Contribution Period (ICP) |
19 to 25 years | First 48 months |
26 to 30 years | First 60 months |
(b) Depending on the Contribution Currency, payment methods are determined by us at the time of processing and set out in our application documents provided to you. The cost of payment must be met by you.
5.2 Single Contribution
(a) Single Contributions can only be added to an existing Plan at any time when the Plan is in force but cannot be accepted as standalone plans. Single Contributions should be separated by you from any Regular Contributions and we should be notified before Single Contributions are made.
(b) Single Contributions can be paid by electronic transfer but cannot be paid by credit card.
(c) The minimum Single Contribution is USD10,000/ EUR10,000/ AUD 10,000/ CNY70,000/ HKD80,000/ JPY1,100,000.
(d) Single Contributions will be allocated to purchase Units in the same proportions as Regular Contributions, unless specific instructions are received from you.
5.3 Additional Regular Contribution
(a) You may increase your Contribution to the Plan by making additional Regular Contribution (“Additional Regular Contribution”). The Additional Regular Contribution must take effect from at least ten years before the Plan Maturity Date and be more than the minimum amount set out in the table below depending on the Plan Currency and the frequency of Contribution.
Table 5.3 Minimum Additional Regular Contribution Amount:
Currency | USD/EUR/AUD | CNY | HKD | JPY |
Monthly | 100 | 700 | 800 | 11,000 |
Quarterly | 300 | 2,100 | 2,400 | 33,000 |
Half-Yearly | 600 | 4,200 | 4,800 | 66,000 |
Yearly | 1,200 | 8,400 | 9,600 | 132,000 |
(b) Any Additional Regular Contribution shall not be made after the Plan Maturity Date.
5.4 Reducing Regular Contribution
(a) After the ICP, you may reduce your Regular Contribution once, provided that after any reduction your Regular Contribution shall be not less than the Minimum Regular Contribution as shown in Table 5.1.
(b) We may in our absolute discretion, accept any reduction in Regular Contribution during the ICP.
(c) You are not allowed to reduce the Additional Regular Contribution during the relevant ICP of the Additional Regular Contribution.
5.5 Contribution Payment Term (“CPT”) and ICP
(a) At the outset you select a Contribution Payment Term to match the financial objectives you have set yourself. The minimum Contribution Payment Term is ten years, and the maximum is thirty years, provided the Plan Owner’s age at the Plan Maturity date is not more than 85 on the next birthday after the Plan Maturity Date. You may be entitled to a Loyalty Bonus in accordance with Clause 4.2.
(b) The ICP is determined by the Contribution Payment Term of your Plan.
Table 5.5 Initial Contribution Period upon on Contribution
5.6 Plan Lapsed for non-payment of Contribution during ICP
During the ICP of Regular Contribution and/or any Additional Regular Contribution, if you do not pay the Regular Contribution for a continuous period of 3 months, the Plan will be deemed to be no longer in effect (i.e. lapsed). You will not make any Asset switching until the payment of all due or outstanding Contributions or other amounts has been made.
(a) After the Plan is no longer in effect for 12 months, we will terminate your Plan in accordance with Clause 2.5 and pay you the Encashment Value (if any). Upon such payment all of our obligations under this Plan shall cease.
(b) You may apply for Reinstatement of the Plan in accordance with Clause 3.6, before the Plan is terminated.
5.7 Paid-up for non-payment of Contribution after ICP After the ICP of your Regular Contribution and any Additional Regular Contributions, if you do not pay the Contributions in full within 30 calendar days of grace period from the date when they fall due:
(a) The Plan will be in Paid-up status automatically. This will not affect the remaining Contribution Payment Term.
(b) Your Plan will remain in Paid-up status until it is terminated or reinstated pursuant to Clause 3.6.
(c) While the Plan is in Paid-up status, any relevant charges as set out in Clause 6 will continue to be payable.
(d) If the Plan is insufficient to cover the Plan charges or the Encashment Value of the Plan is less than USD100/EUR100/ AUD100/CNY700/HKD800/JPY10,000, the Plan will be terminated without value and all benefits will cease.
5.8 Changing Contribution Frequency
Regular Contribution can be paid on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. The frequency of the Regular Contribution may be changed with our consent and subject to such conditions as we may wish to impose, with such change to take effect at the next anniversary of the Plan Commencement Date.
There are charges payable to us for us to provide and administer the Plan. These charges are paid by cancelling Units to be allocated equal in value to the charges that are required to be paid under this Plan. Units will be cancelled from the Underlying Asset of Asset Choices you have selected in proportion to the total bid value of the Units allocated.
6.1 Registration Fee
(a) The fee shall be paid in each Plan Month during and after the Contribution Payment Term. During the ICP, this fee shall be accrued and paid by cancelling the Units to be allocated for the Accumulation Account, or deducting the relevant amount in the contribution before the allocation of units (as the case may be); and after the ICP, this fee shall be paid by cancelling the Units to be allocated for the Accumulation Account or deducting the relevant amount in the contribution before the allocation of units
(as the case may be). If there is not enough unit for fee deduction, this fee will be accrued and then be collected when there is further contribution or the Contribution Payment Term matures whichever is applicable. Please refer to the Plan Schedule for the details of Registration Fee.
(b) This fee shall be paid if You decide to keep the Plan after maturity. This fee shall be paid by cancelling the Units in the Accumulation Account after the Plan matures.
(c) Metis reserves the right to adjust this fee with 3 months’ notice in advance to You.
6.2 Initial Unit Charge
(for Regular Contribution and Additional Regular Contribution only) The current Initial Unit Charge is charged on the Regular Contribution and any Additional Regular Contribution for the entire applicable ICP throughout the whole contribution payment term. This charge shall be paid in advance to us and will be deducted during its relevant Contribution Payment Term of the relevant Initial Account by cancelling the units to be allocated for the Initial Account.
6 | 32% | 16 | 57% | 26 | 83% |
7 | 35% | 17 | 60% | 27 | 85% |
8 | 38% | 18 | 63% | 28 | 87% |
9 | 41% | 19 | 65% | 29 | 90% |
10 | 44% | 20 | 68% | 30 | 93% |
(c) The Exit Charge shall be paid by cancelling the Units to be allocated for the Initial Account or the Accumulation Account (as the case may be).
6.6 Switching Fee
There is currently no switching fee for changing Asset Choices. However, we reserve the right to introduce and revise this from time to time. We will not impose a switching fee in the event of an involuntary investment switch where we close a relevant Fund or termination of a Structured Product.
6.7 Charges within the Underlying Asset
Underlying Asset charges are dependent on Asset Choice and
This charge will be accrued and deducted monthly. Please refer to the Plan Schedule for the details of the Initial Unit Charge.
6.3 Administration Charge
(a) The current administration charge is charged on the Regular Contribution and any Additional Regular Contribution for the entire applicable ICP during ICP and value of Accumulation Account as at the due date, and payable monthly throughout the term of the Plan. During ICP, the fee shall be paid in advance by cancelling the Units to be allocated for the Initial Account; and after ICP, the fee shall paid by cancelling the Units to be allocated for the Accumulation Account (as the case may be). This administration charge is payable until this Plan is terminated. Please refer to the Plan Schedule for the details of the Administration Charge.
(b) If the balance of Accumulation Account is insufficient to cover the Administration Charge due, then the remaining balance of the Administration Charge shall be deducted by canceling Units from the Initial Account.
6.4 Contribution Charge (for Single Contribution only)
The current charge for each Single Contribution is 5% of the Single Contribution made. This is one-off charge for each Single Contribution to the Plan, such charge is paid by cancelling in advance of the Units to be allocated to the Plan.
6.5 Exit Charge
(a) The Exit Charge is equal to (i) the applicable Exit Charge Rate (as shown below) multiplied by (ii) the Initial Account Value as at the date the Units are cancelled.
(b) Please refer to the table below for the applicable rate by referring to the number of years from the date of Encashment or Termination until the end of your chosen Contribution Payment Term (“CPT”), each incomplete year will be rounded up to a complete year:
Table 6.5 Exit Charge Rate
Remaining Year(s) to CPT | Exit Charge Rate | Remaining Year(s) to CPT | Exit Charge Rate | Remaining Year(s) to CPT | Exit Charge Rate |
1 | 7% | 11 | 47% | 21 | 71% |
2 | 12% | 12 | 49% | 22 | 73% |
3 | 18% | 13 | 51% | 23 | 76% |
4 | 24% | 14 | 53% | 24 | 79% |
5 | 29% | 15 | 55% | 25 | 81% |
corresponding Underlying Asset and based on the range of
Underlying Assets available in our International Asset Selection. For further information please refer to the individual Underlying Asset prospectus, published by the Fund Manager, Issuer (as the case may be) or Dealer available from your Financial Adviser.
6.7.1 Annual Management or Storage Charge
The charge is determined by the Underlying Fund Managers and Underlying Product Issuers and Underlying Commodity Dealers and may be varied from time to time. For Underlying Fund and Underlying Product, this charge is deducted by the Fund Manager and Product Issuer directly from the Underlying Asset and is reflected in the relevant Unit prices so you are not required to separately pay this charge. For Underlying Commodity, you may be required to pay this charge separately.
6.7.2 Bid-Offer Spread
The ‘offer price’ is the price you pay for a Unit to be allocated to your Plan. The ‘bid price’ is the price at which we cancel a Unit from your Plan. The difference between the offer price and bid price in a Fund or Structured Product or Commodity is the bid-offer spread which is effectively a charge which you pay to the Underlying Fund Manager or Underlying Product Issuer or the Underlying Commodity Dealer, the spread will vary among different Funds and Structured Products and Commodity.
(a) Currently for all Funds in the International Asset Selection the Bid-Offer spread is nil, details of each Underlying Fund under this Plan can be found from prospectus of the Underlying Fund. However, there may be Bid-Offer spread for the Structured Products and Commodity and the actual charges will be subject to the announcement of the product details of each Structured Product or Commodity Dealer.
(b) We reserve the right to charge a Bid-Offer Spread which reflects the redemption charge applied by the corresponding Underlying Fund Managers or Underlying Product Issuer or Underlying Commodity Dealer when they amend their charging structure.
6.7.3 Early Redemption Charge
The charge is determined by the Underlying Fund Managers or Underlying Product Issuer or Underlying Commodity Dealer and may be varied from different Funds or Structured Products or Commodity. The charge may be applied when you redeem the Underlying Assets earlier than the maturity or required holding period of the assets. Please refer to the fact sheet of product information of each Fund or Structured Product or Commodity
published by the Underlying Fund Managers, Underlying Product Issuer or Underlying Commodity Dealer or Metis for details.
6.8 Portfolio Management Fee (if Applicable)
(a) If you choose to appoint a portfolio manager there may be a portfolio management fee, this fee ranges from 0% to 2% per annum of the value of the Accumulation Account. The fee is optional and is to be agreed between you and your appointed third party Portfolio Manager. You will be responsible for the payment of this fee.
(b) If applicable it will be deducted on monthly basis from Accumulation Account by canceling the appropriate number of Accumulation Units at the available Bid Price on next Valuation Day of Plan Month in proportion to the value of the Funds.
Contribution | Quarterly | 300 | 2,100 | 2,400 | 33,000 |
Half-Yearly | 600 | 4,200 | 4,800 | 66,000 | |
Yearly | 1,200 | 8,400 | 9,600 | 132,000 | |
Single Contribution | 1,000 | 7,000 | 8,000 | 110,000 |
If any Asset is valued in a currency other than the Plan Currency, its value will be converted into the Plan Currency at a rate determined by Metis, based on those commercially available in the market.
7.1 Underlying Assets
Each of your Asset Choices has a corresponding Underlying Asset. Whilst we may provide information relating to the investment object, dealing day, intended investment and investment restrictions, duties
(c) The fee will be paid to the Portfolio Manager by the Metis on Your behalf.
6.9 Currency Exchange Charge (if Applicable) See Clause 2.3 above.
6.10 Other charges (if Applicable)
Any fees or transmission charges otherwise incurred as a result of or in respect of the Plan will be paid by cancellation of Initial Units or the Accumulation Units (as the case may be).
6.11 Revision of Charges
We reserve the right to vary the Plan fees and charges or impose new fees and charges by giving You not less than three months’ prior written notice, or such other period of notice in compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements.
7. Asset Clauses
Metis makes available a number of investment funds and Structured Products and Commodity for your Asset Choices. A list of the investment funds and Structured Products and Commodity currently available is shown in our International Asset Selection and such list is subject to amendment by us from time to time.
The risks relating to your investment decisions and any change in market value of the Plan are borne by You. You are advised to take due and careful consideration of those decisions and obtain the independent advice which you may consider necessary in entering into this Agreement and making decisions under the Plan.
If we provide you with any information that may be relevant to any of the funds and Structured Product and Commodity, such information is given on the basis that we will not be responsible for any loss that you may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with such information whatsoever.
You may have unlimited Asset Choices for your Plan and may also make partial asset switching. However, the amount to be allocated on each Contribution in relation to each Asset Choice within a Plan must be equal to or more than the minimum limit required by the Plan Currency concerned and such minimum limit for different Plan Currencies is shown in the following table:
Currency Frequency | USD/EUR/ AUD | CNY | HKD | JPY | |
Regular | Monthly | 100 | 700 | 800 | 11,000 |
Table: 7 Minimum Contribution for each Asset Choice Required for different Plan Currencies
and charges, we will not be responsible for any investment
Metis will purchase, hold or sell, or do so through a nominee, Units in your Plan Account as trustee for and on your behalf in compliance with your Asset Choice and it is agreed that Metis is acting as principal in this regard. You understand that the Units will be registered in the name of Metis or a nominee designated by Xxxxx. For the purpose of valuation of this Plan, the allocation of Units of an Asset to reflect the Asset Choices of this Plan is notional.
The return on your Asset Choice may be lower than the return on the Underlying Assets due to charges in respect of the Plan. Your individual Notional Unit holding can be separately identifiable under your Plan record on the Metis administration system. You can at any time request a valuation of these Notional Units, which will be based on the latest available Unit price provided by the manager of the Underlying Fund or the Issuer of the Structured Products or the Dealer of the Commodity.
7.2 Units
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, we shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure to purchase or dispose of any Units for the Plan if the failure or delay is due to or caused by events or circumstances beyond our control including, without limit, public holidays in the places in which our custodian Bank or any of the Funds or their fund managers or the Issuers of the Structured Products or the Dealers of the Commodity are based.
A transaction request received by Xxxxx at or before the cut-off time on a business day will be processed according to the Unit Prices of the Underlying Assets and Exchange Rates prevailing on the next appropriate Valuation Date following the date Metis accepts the request (T+1). Any transaction request received after the cut-off time on any day will be processed as if the transaction request was received by Metis on the next business day. We have the right to change the cut-off time at any time at our discretion.
7.2.1 Allocation of Units
The allocation of Initial Units and Accumulation Units to the Initial Account and Accumulation Account respectively in respect of Regular Contributions and Additional Contributions will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions herein. Except otherwise provided herein, any applicable charges arising from or in respect of the Plan will be paid from the Regular Contributions or Additional Contributions before allocation of the Units. The number of Units to be cancelled will be calculated at the Offer Price of the Underlying Asset at the next appropriate Valuation Day or by using the prices available to Metis and such Units will be allocated in accordance with your latest Asset Choices selection.
7.2.2 Cancellation of Units
The charges and amounts payable under this Plan are paid by cancelling Units to be allocated equal in value to the charges that are required to be paid under this Plan. Units will be cancelled from the Underlying Asset of Asset Choices you have selected in proportion to the total bid value of the Units allocated.
7.3 Asset Switch
While this Plan is in effect, you may apply to switch Units from any Underlying Asset on the Plan Account to another Underlying Asset listed in the International Asset Selection. You may only be permitted to switch out but not in Structured Products subject to the dealing rules of each series of Structured Products. Please refer to the dealing guidelines for Structured Products notified to You by Xxxxx from time to time. You may only be permitted to switch Commodity subject to the rules of the Dealers of the Commodity. Please refer to the dealing guidelines for Commodity notified to You by Xxxxx from time to time. You may make any number of switches provided that the amount to be allocated on each Contribution in relation to each Asset Choice within a Plan must be equal to or more than the minimum limit as shown in Table 7 above and following Clauses:
(a) We only accept for whole number of percentage for each switching instruction. In this event, the same proportion of both Initial Units and Accumulation Units will be cancelled.
(b) Following a switch, future Contributions will continue to be allocated corresponding to your original Asset Choices unless otherwise instructed.
(c) In the event that the Account Units representing one Asset Choice are switched to Units representing another Asset Choice, the relevant charge due to be paid by the old Units are paid by the newly created Units instead.
(d) If the Units to be sold are denominated in a different currency to the Units to be purchased, We will convert the sale proceeds into the currency of the Asset in which Units are to be purchased at the Exchange Rates prevailing at the time of conversion before purchasing the relevant Units.
(e) The Asset Choice switching will also be subject to any other administrative rules determined by the Metis from time to time.
(f) We may, upon giving You not less than three months’ notice or such shorter period of notice, impose a charge for Asset Switches and/or limit the number of Asset Switches. However, we will not impose this fee in the event of an involuntary Asset Switch where we close a relevant Fund or terminate or cease to subscribe for a Structured Product or cease to own a Commodity.
7.4 Holding Account
Metis maintains a Holding Account to hold monies temporarily where it is not possible to invest new Contributions and switch proceeds immediately into the target Asset Choice, due to dealing frequency or time lag between Asset switching. We will use reasonable endeavors to allocate the relevant Units to the Initial Account or Accumulation Account as soon as possible. The Holding Account is under custody by our custodian Bank.
7.5 Cash Account
Metis maintains a Cash Account to hold the excess contribution paid by the Plan Owner (or the payer of the contribution nominated by the Plan Owner) during the Contribution Payment Term. The excess contribution in Cash Account can only be withdrawn by the Plan Owner on Plan Termination. No interest will be credited in the Cash Account.
7.6 Redirection of Future Contribution
Future Contributions can be redirected to another Asset Choices, without the need to switch existing holdings.
(a) You may notify us at any time to redirect your future contribution to a new Asset Choices provided that the Minimum Value (Table 7 above) per Underlying Asset is met in respect of the new Asset Choices.
(b) To apply for the redirection, you must use our appropriate form or login online Redirection function via us (you would need to apply such online service in advance) website, each redirection instruction for Asset Choice must be 100% for total Asset Choice allocation, and we only accept for whole number of percentage for each asset allocation. The redirection will take effect at the date when we allocate the next Contribution.
7.7 Dividend
In the event that a dividend is paid out of an Asset, we may calculate the amount which you are entitled to and distribute the dividend to you in a way at our absolute discretion. Subject to the immediately preceding sentence, the dividend will normally be applied to the relevant Asset Choices within one month of declaration of the dividend amount.
However, if this Plan is terminated between the dividend declaration and payment dates, only dividends payments of more than USD100/EUR100/AUD100/CNY700/HKD800/JPY10,000 will be
paid to you.
7.8 Temporary Suspension of determination of unit price
Metis may at its sole discretion to suspend the purchase, sale or valuation of the Units under the following circumstances:
(a) when dealings in any Underlying Assets have been suspended;
(b) when any of the recognized stock exchanges or markets on which the Unit Prices are quoted is closed (other than during the normal closing hours or days) or has restricted dealings;
(c) when the Fund Manager managing any Fund or the Issuer of a Structured Product or the Dealer of Commodity is unable to repatriate money, or considers that any transfer of money for purposes of completing the purchase or sale of Units under the Plan is not possible at normal exchange rates;
(d) the remittance or repatriation of proceeds which will or may be involved in the realization of any investment or assets, or the cancellation of Units is delayed or cannot, in the opinion of the Metis, be carried out promptly at normal rates of exchange.
(e) when an instruction to purchase or sell is not given according to the terms of the Plan; and/or
(f) any other circumstances under which calculation of fair and accurate Unit Prices is not possible.
7.9 Asset Closure/Merge/Division
(a) We may at any time close or cease to offer an Asset or cease to effect the allocation of Units to any Assets or any Asset switch to any Asset, for example, if:
(i) the Asset ceases to be quoted on a recognized stock exchange or market or otherwise becomes closed to further investments; and/or
(ii) the Asset is closed, merged or divided by Underlying Fund Manager or Issuer or Dealer in his discretion due to any change in circumstances, laws, regulations, government policies, currency or capital controls, political developments, restrictions in foreign investments, or that the investment plan or objective of the Asset is hard to approach or the fund size
lower than the minimum required as shown in the prospectus; or
(iii) the Metis’s investment in any of the Asset falls below a level to make administration of such Asset economical. Before we take any action as permitted by Clause 7.9(a), we will give you not less than one months’ prior written notice or such other shorter period of notice (if we do not consider that it is practical to give one month notice). In such event, we may transfer all Units in an Asset to another Asset having the same or similar investment objectives (if possible) at our absolute discretion.
(b) Where an Asset is, or is to be, closed, merged or divided, we will notify you as soon as practicable by a notice in writing by post or relevant means chosen by you (“Closure Notice”). If the Units are redeemed before or upon we sending you the Closure Notice, the proceeds will be kept in the Holding Account. Upon receipt of the Closure Notice, you may provide written instruction to us within the period stated in the Closure Notice and on receiving such timely instruction from you, we will utilize the proceeds from redemption to purchase Units in other Assets in accordance with your written instructions.
(c) If you do not instruct us within the period stated in the Closure Notice, we may purchase Units in one or more alternative Assets which we will select on your behalf as specified in the notice. If the purchase of Units in one or more alternative Assets is not possible or is, in our opinion, to your disadvantage, we will keep the proceeds from redemption in the Holding Account.
(d) The purchase and sale of Units under will be based on the Unit Price of the respective Assets.
(e) If your existing instruction for the allocation of Asset Choices includes any allocation to an Asset which we have closed or shall close, when you make any Additional Regular Contribution or Single Contribution, you must change your instruction to exclude such an Asset; otherwise, we will allocate your Asset Choices to such other Assets as we consider, in our absolute discretion, appropriate.
(f) If any Asset under this Plan is, or is to be, closed, merged or divided or terminated, you may request an Asset Switch from that Asset to another Asset. If we do not receive such a request before the expiry of the Closure Notice in respect of that Asset, we may make an Asset Switch to such other Asset as we consider, in our absolute discretion, appropriate as if we had received your request to do so and any such Asset Switch shall be final but we shall not be obliged to make any such Asset Switch.
Under the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, all non-United States entities in a broadly defined class of financial institutions (FIs), are required to comply with an expansive documentation and reporting regime, or, beginning from July 1, 2014, be subject to a 30% United States withholding tax on certain
U.S. payments constituting "withholdable payments" (beginning in 2017, a 30% withholding tax applies to gross proceeds from the sale of assets which could produce withholdable payments and foreign passthru payments). Certain passive non-U.S. entities which are not FIs are required to either certify they have no substantial U.S. beneficial ownership or report certain information with respect to their substantial U.S. beneficial ownership, or, beginning from July 1, 2014, become subject to the same 30% U.S. withholding tax as described above. The reporting obligations imposed under FATCA generally require FIs to obtain and disclose information about
certain Customers to the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The impact of FATCA on FIs in a specific country may be modified by an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the United States and that country. The United States has not currently entered into an IGA with the Cook Islands. However, Metis has registered as reporting FI in respect to FATCA. Metis is obligated to apply prescribed due diligence procedures, and report “U.S. Accounts” and account information with respect to “Nonparticipating Foreign Financial Institutions (FFI)” to the IRS.
You may be requested to provide a self-certification or other documentation to Metis in order to establish your tax residence. Furthermore, if there is any change in circumstances that would affect your tax residence statuses or there is reason for us to know that the self-certification is incorrect or unreliable, a new self-certification and/or additional documentation may be required from you.
In order to comply with FATCA and in accordance with any local or foreign law, legislation or regulation and/or to satisfy the Metis’s Reporting Obligations, Metis may gather, store, use, process, disclose and report to any such Tax Authority any Personal Information that provides to us.
Metis reserves the right to request and you have the obligation to provide to us additional documentary evidence to validate the U.S. or non-U.S. status for FATCA purposes by us during the course of relationship.
If you fail to provide Metis with any of the necessary information or to take action as is specified by us in the Application Form or related documents provided by Metis within the time period specified, we shall be entitled to reach whatever conclusions we consider to be appropriate and we reserve the right to terminate the your Plan or classify the Plan as "non-consenting" or "non-participating FFI" or execute withholding and reporting under FATCA regulations.
It is agreed and appropriate for Metis or our subsidiaries/affiliates to collect any information related to the application and processing of this Plan. It is further agreed to the sharing of the above information, together with any other information collected by us in respect of this Plan, with its subsidiaries/affiliates and also with the relevant government/tax authorities, based on the relevant tax requirements and subject to all applicable laws and regulations. The above process together with the related data processes may involve a transfer of information outside the Cook Islands and may also involve the transfer of data through intermediaries, service providers, counterparties or government bodies/ authorities. If a payee or any third party information is involved in any of the transfer, you have to obtain all necessary consent from all such relevant parties in providing the above.
9. Other Provisions
Metis shall not be liable for losses of any kind which may be incurred by you as a result of or in respect of the provision of this Plan by Metis in accordance your instructions or this Agreement unless due to the negligence or willful default of Metis or any other person appointed or employed by it.
You shall indemnify Metis and any person appointed or employed by it against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses of any kind which may be incurred by any of them and all actions or
proceedings which may be brought by or against any of them in connection with the provision of this Plan and/ or as a result of any default by you in the performance of this Agreement unless due to the negligence or willful default of Metis or any other person appointed or employed by it; and this indemnity shall continue despite the termination of this Agreement.
Any information provided by Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited should not be construed as an offering or solicitation to sell in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an invitation or solicitation in such jurisdiction. Neither this Plan nor any information contained herein has been reviewed, approved by or registered with any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction.
You understand that Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited does not operate in Hong Kong although documents may be sent to the Hong Kong office of its related companies.
Eligibility for the participation in this Plan is subject to final determination and acceptance by us.
Materials on these pages are not intended for use by persons in jurisdictions which restrict the distribution of these materials. Persons accessing these pages are required to inform themselves about and observe any relevant restrictions. By entering into the Plan, you are representing and warranting that you are not resident in Cook Islands or Hong Kong and the applicable laws and regulations of your jurisdiction allow you to access the information and take part in the Plan.
Investment involves risk and the offering documents of the Funds should be read for further details. The price of units or shares and the income from them may go down as well as up and any past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance.
Any information provided by Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Persons accessing these pages are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice where necessary. We make no representation and accept no responsibility as to its accuracy or completeness and shall not be held liable for damages arising out of any person's reliance upon any information provided by us.
Any prices quoted are for reference only and are subject to change without notice.
Investment decision is yours. If you are not sure of the suitability and the investment objectives of the Plan, you should not subscribe to it.
Some of the Assets may involve derivatives. Do not invest in them unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with them.
In the worst case scenario, the value of the Assets may be worth substantially less than the original amount you invested (and in an extreme case could be worth nothing).
10. Residual Beneficiaries
10.1 A Plan Owner shall be entitled at any time, and from time to time, to nominate another person or persons as a Residual Beneficiary, by notice in writing delivered to Metis. In the event that such a nomination has been made then the following provisions shall apply:
(a) If an act of bankruptcy or insolvency event occurs which affects
the Plan Owner; or where any foreign government, court or third person expropriates or attempts to appropriate any beneficial interest of the Plan Owner under this Plan; then the beneficial interest of the Plan Owner shall automatically vest in the Residual Beneficiary; or
(b) If a Plan Owner purports to assign, alienate or charge his or her beneficial interest under this Agreement to an Excluded Beneficiary; or the Plan Owner becomes subject to an order appointing a guardian or administrator of his or her property (for any period and with any limited powers) on the basis of mental or physical ability; or circumstances occur where any beneficial interest would become vested in or payable to some other person; then Metis (or any successor Trustee) may declare the rights of a Plan Owner to be vested in the Residual Beneficiary for such time as Metis determines in its sole discretion; or
(c) If a Plan Owner, by notice in writing to Metis, disclaims any benefit available to him or her; or declares that he or she is an Excluded Beneficiary; then Metis (or any successor Trustee) may declare the rights of the Plan Owner to be vested in the Residual Beneficiary for such time as Metis determines in its sole discretion.
10.2 Where, in the opinion of Xxxxx, the event (which has triggered the actions specified above) has passed, Xxxxx may declare that the beneficial interest of the Plan Owner shall be restored to the Plan Owner.
10.3 Where there is more than one Residual Beneficiary then any vesting of the beneficial interest in the Residual Beneficiary shall be to those persons in the manner and proportions specified by the Plan Owner in the notice nominating the Residual Beneficiary, or if not specified, then pro rated in equal shares between all persons so stated.
11. Compulsion
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement in the event that any right, power or discretion vested in or reserved to any person is in the bona fide opinion of the Trustee holding office immediately prior to the exercise or purported exercise of such right, power or discretion:
(a) exercised or omitted to be exercised by that person under duress or influence of an outside force, or by compulsion;
(b) not in the Trustee’s opinion voluntary in nature;
(c) exercised by any legal process or like authority;
(d) instigated by any directive, order, ruling or like decree of any court, tribunal or administrative body, or by bankruptcy-in-trustee, official assignee, or any other similar appointee or person; or
(e) otherwise involuntary in nature;
and such exercise or failure thereof is not in the opinion of the Trustee for the benefit of the Plan Owner immediately prior to such exercise or failure to exercise, then such exercise or failure to exercise shall be deemed to be invalid and of no effect.
= End of Plan Terms and Conditions =