Access Standards Sample Clauses

Access Standards. The Contractor shall ensure that all covered services, that are required on an emergency basis are available to all its enrollees, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, either in the Contractor's own provider network or through arrangements approved by DMAHS. The Contractor shall maintain twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week on-call telephone coverage, including Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD)/Tech Telephone (TT) systems, to advise enrollees of procedures for emergency and urgent care and explain procedures for obtaining non-emergent/non-urgent care during regular business hours within the enrollment area as well as outside the enrollment area.
Access Standards. The CMHSP shall ensure timely access to supports and services in accordance with the following standards, shall report its performance on the standards in accordance with Attachment C, and shall locally monitor its performance and take action necessary to improve access for recipients.
Access Standards. The PIHP shall ensure timely access to supports and services in accordance with the Access Standards in Attachment 3.1.1 and the following timeliness standards, and report its performance on the standards in accordance with Attachment P, and shall locally monitor its performance and take action necessary to improve access for recipients.
Access Standards. P. Person-Centered Planning Practice Guideline P.3.4.4 Self Determination Practice Guideline
Access Standards. 1. The provider shall make available and accessible facilities, service sites, and personnel sufficient to provide the covered services (specifically non-hospital outpatient, emergency, and assessment services) throughout the geographic area, within thirty minutes typical travel time by public or private transportation of all enrolled recipients. (The typical travel time standard does not apply to waiting time for public transportation – it applies only to actual time in transit.) 2. The maximum amount of time between an enrollee’s request for mental health services and the first point of service shall be as follows (except when otherwise noted in specific sections of this document): a. For EMERGENCY mental health services, service shall be immediate. b. For persons initially perceived to need emergency mental health services, but upon assessment do not meet the criteria for emergency care, they are deemed to require URGENT crisis support, and services must be provided within twenty-three hours. c. For ROUTINE outpatient intake, an assessment shall be offered within seven calendar days. Follow-up services shall be offered within fourteen calendar days after the assessment. Requests for psychiatric medications and medication appointments shall be treated as a request for emergency services when a member is without necessary prescribed medications. Requests for appointments due to reports of non-emergent allergic reactions or serious side effects shall be treated as an urgent request for services. Routine medication appointments, such as for prescription renewals, shall be scheduled in a manner to avoid disruption in availability of necessary prescribed medications. Requests for medication appointments can be made by the member, the member’s responsible party, other mental health treatment providers, or persons coordinating care for the purpose of jail diversion or aftercare. 3. The provider shall operate, as part of its crisis support/emergency services, a 24-hour a day, 7 days a week, crisis emergency hot line to be available to all enrollees. 4. The provider shall provide a designated emergency service facility per county to ensure unrestricted access to emergency care on a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week basis. Such designated emergency service facility shall have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, registered nurse coverage and on-call coverage by a mental health professional, as defined in, Chapter 394, Part I, F.S.
Access Standards. 5.9.1. A request for services as defined in 2.8.1. in definitions may be made through a telephone call, walk-in, or written request from an Enrollee or those defined as authorized representative in this Agreement. The Contractor must verify eligibility for Title XIX prior to the provision of non-crisis services to an Enrollee. The Contractor must maintain documentation of all requests for service even if no service actually occurs. If no service occurs the Contractor must document the reason. This documentation must be provided to Great Rivers upon request. The Contractor must not refer a Washington Apple Health Enrollee to the Enrollee’s Washington Apple Health managed care plan for behavioral health services if the Enrollee is determined to be eligible based on Medical Necessity and the Access to Care Standards for BHOs.
Access Standards. Provider, as applicable, shall comply with the following access standards:
Access Standards. P. Person-Centered Planning Practice Guideline P.3.4.4 Self Determination Practice & Fiscal Intermediary Guideline P.3.4.10 Recovery Policy & Practice Advisory P.4.7.4 Technical Requirement for SED Children
Access Standards. NRVMLS will create an updated file of the Licensed Listings and photographs at least one (1) time every twenty-four (24) hours. Licensee may download the Licensed Listings no more frequently than one (1) time every twelve ( 12) hours if connecting to NRVMLS’ ftp server. Licensee’s initial download of the Licensed Listings shall be a full download. After the initial download, Licensee’s downloads of the Licensed Listings may be full or incremental as determined by NRVMLS in its sole discretion.
Access Standards. Group agrees to provide Members access to care in compliance with the Access Standards determined by The Plan as described in the Provider section of The Plan's website at under Quality Improvement.