Account Information The account balance and transaction history information may be limited to recent account information involving your accounts. Also, the availability of funds for transfer or withdrawal may be limited due to the processing time for any ATM deposit transactions and our Funds Availability Policy.
Special Account Instructions You may request that we facilitate certain trust, will, or court-ordered account arrangements. However, because we do not give legal advice, we cannot counsel you as to which account arrangement most appropriately meets the specific requirements of your trust, will, or court order. If you ask us to follow any instructions that we believe might expose us to claims, lawsuits, expenses, liabilities, or damages, whether directly or indirectly, we may refuse to follow your instructions or may require you to indemnify us or post a bond or provide us with other protection. We may require that account changes requested by you, or any account owner, such as adding or closing an account or service, be evidenced by a signed Account Change Card or other document which evidences a change to an account and accepted by us.