Additional Medicare Tax Sample Clauses

Additional Medicare Tax. Certain U.S. holder that are individuals, estates, or trusts will be subject to a 3.8% tax on the lesser of (1) the U.S. holder’s "net investment income" for the relevant taxable year (undistributed net investment income in the case of an estate or trust) and (2) the excess of the U.S. Holder’s modified gross income (or, in the case of an estate or trust, adjusted gross income) for the taxable year over a certain threshold (which in the case of individuals will be between $125,000 and $250,000, depending on the individual’s circumstances). Net investment income generally includes passive income such as interest and capital gains. U.S. holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the applicability of the Medicare tax to their income and capital gains in respect of their investment in the Notes.
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Additional Medicare Tax. A taxable U.S. stockholder that is an individual, an estate or an enumerated trust and that has taxable income in excess of certain thresholds (currently $250,000 for married couples filing jointly, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, $200,000 for single filers and heads of household and $12,950 for estates and trusts) generally is subject to a 3.8% Medicare tax on dividends received from us and on gain from the sale of our stock.
Additional Medicare Tax. If an em- ployer files a return on which FICA tax or RRTA tax is required to be reported, and reports on the return less than the correct amount of Additional Medicare Tax required to be withheld with re- spect to a payment of wages or com- pensation, and if the employer ascer- tains the error after filing the return, the employer shall correct the error through an interest-free adjustment as provided in this section. An adjustment of Additional Medicare Tax may only be reported pursuant to this paragraph (b)(4) if the error is ascertained within the same calendar year that the wages or compensation were paid to the em- ployee, unless the underpayment is at- tributable to an administrative error (that is, an error involving the inac- curate reporting of the amount actu- ally withheld), section 3509 applies to determine the amount of the under- payment, or the adjustment is reported on a Form 2504 or Form 2504–WC. The employer shall adjust the under- payment of Additional Medicare Tax by reporting the additional amount due on an adjusted return for the return pe- riod in which the wages or compensa- tion were paid, accompanied by a de- tailed explanation of the amount being reported on the adjusted return and any other information as may be re- quired by this section and by the in- structions relating to the adjusted re- turn. The reporting of the under- payment on an adjusted return con- stitutes an adjustment within the meaning of this section only if the ad- justed return is filed within the period of limitations for assessment for the return period being corrected, and by the due date for filing the return for the return period in which the error is ascertained. For purposes of the pre- ceding sentence, the due date for filing the adjusted return is determined by reference to the return being corrected, without regard to the employer’s cur- rent filing requirements. For example, an employer with a current annual fil- ing requirement who is correcting an error on a previously filed quarterly re- turn must file the adjusted return by the due date for filing a quarterly re- turn for the quarter in which the error is ascertained. The amount of the un- derpayment adjusted in accordance with this section must be paid to the IRS by the time the adjusted return is filed. If an adjustment is reported pur- suant to this section, but the amount of the adjustment is not paid when due, interest accrues from that date (see section 6601).
Additional Medicare Tax. No re- fund or credit to the employer will be allowed for the amount of any overpay- ment of Additional Medicare Tax im- posed under section 3101(b)(2) or section 3201(a) (as calculated under section 3101(b)(2)), which the employer de- ducted or withheld from an employee.
Additional Medicare Tax. (i) If more than the correct amount of Additional Medicare Tax under section 3101(b)(2) or section 3201(a) (as calculated under section 3101(b)(2)), is collected by an employer from an employee and paid to the IRS, the employee may file a claim for refund of the overpayment and re- ceive a refund or credit if the over- collection cannot be corrected under § 31.3503–1 and if the employee has not received repayment or reimbursement from the employer in the context of an interest-free adjustment. The claim for refund shall be made on Form 1040, ‘‘U.S. Individual Income Tax Return,’’ by taking the overcollection into ac- count in claiming a credit against, or refund of, tax. The form to be used by residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the North- ern Mariana Islands is Form 1040–SS, ‘‘U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico).’’ The form to be used by resi- dents of Puerto Rico is either Form 1040–SS or Form 1040–PR, ‘‘Planilla para la Declaracio´ n de la Contribucio´ n Federal sobre el Trabajo por Cuenta Propia (Incluyendo el Cre´dito Tributario Adicional por Hijos para Residentes Bona Fide de Puerto Rico).’’ The employee may not authorize the employer to claim the credit or refund for the employee. See § 31.6402(a)– 2(a)(1)(iii).

Related to Additional Medicare Tax

  • How Are Distributions from a Xxxx XXX Taxed for Federal Income Tax Purposes Amounts distributed to you are generally excludable from your gross income if they (i) are paid after you attain age 59½, (ii) are made to your beneficiary after your death, (iii) are attributable to your becoming disabled, (iv) subject to various limits, the distribution is used to purchase a first home or, in limited cases, a second or subsequent home for you, your spouse, or you or your spouse’s grandchild or ancestor, or (v) are rolled over to another Xxxx XXX. Regardless of the foregoing, if you or your beneficiary receives a distribution within the five-taxable-year period starting with the beginning of the year to which your initial contribution to your Xxxx XXX applies, the earnings on your account are includable in taxable income. In addition, if you roll over (convert) funds to your Xxxx XXX from another individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA or another Xxxx XXX into which amounts were rolled from a Traditional IRA), the portion of a distribution attributable to rolled-over amounts which exceeds the amounts taxed in connection with the conversion to a Xxxx XXX is includable in income (and subject to penalty tax) if it is distributed prior to the end of the five-tax-year period beginning with the start of the tax year during which the rollover occurred. An amount taxed in connection with a rollover is subject to a 10% penalty tax if it is distributed before the end of the five-tax-year period. As noted above, the five-year holding period requirement is measured from the beginning of the five-taxable-year period beginning with the first taxable year for which you (or your spouse) made a contribution to a Xxxx XXX on your behalf. Previously, the law required that a separate five-year holding period apply to regular Xxxx XXX contributions and to amounts contributed to a Xxxx XXX as a result of the rollover or conversion of a Traditional IRA. Even though the holding period requirement has been simplified, it may still be advisable to keep regular Xxxx XXX contributions and rollover/ conversion Xxxx XXX contributions in separate accounts. This is because amounts withdrawn from a rollover/conversion Xxxx XXX within five years of the rollover/conversion may be subject to a 10% penalty tax. As noted above, a distribution from a Xxxx XXX that complies with all of the distribution and holding period requirements is excludable from your gross income. If you receive a distribution from a Xxxx XXX that does not comply with these rules, the part of the distribution that constitutes a return of your contributions will not be included in your taxable income, and the portion that represents earnings will be includable in your income. For this purpose, certain ordering rules apply. Amounts distributed to you are treated as coming first from your non-deductible contributions. The next portion of a distribution is treated as coming from amounts which have been rolled over (converted) from any non-Xxxx IRAs in the order such amounts were rolled over. Any remaining amounts (including all earnings) are distributed last. Any portion of your distribution which does not meet the criteria for exclusion from gross income may also be subject to a 10% penalty tax. Note that to the extent a distribution would be taxable to you, neither you nor anyone else can qualify for capital gains treatment for amounts distributed from your account. Similarly, you are not entitled to the special five- or ten- year averaging rule for lump-sum distributions that may be available to persons receiving distributions from certain other types of retirement plans. Rather, the taxable portion of any distribution is taxed to you as ordinary income. Your Xxxx XXX is not subject to taxes on excess distributions or on excess amounts remaining in your account as of your date of death. You must indicate on your distribution request whether federal income taxes should be withheld on a distribution from a Xxxx XXX. If you do not make a withholding election, we will not withhold federal or state income tax. Note that, for federal tax purposes (for example, for purposes of applying the ordering rules described above), Xxxx IRAs are considered separately from Traditional IRAs.

  • How Are Distributions From a Traditional IRA Taxed for Federal Income Tax Purposes Amounts distributed to you are generally includable in your gross income in the taxable year you receive them and are taxable as ordinary income. To the extent, however, that any part of a distribution constitutes a return of your nondeductible contributions, it will not be included in your income. The amount of any distribution excludable from income is the portion that bears the same ratio as your aggregate non-deductible contributions bear to the balance of your Traditional IRA at the end of the year (calculated after adding back distributions during the year). For this purpose, all of your Traditional IRAs are treated as a single Traditional IRA. Furthermore, all distributions from a Traditional IRA during a taxable year are to be treated as one distribution. The aggregate amount of distributions excludable from income for all years cannot exceed the aggregate non-deductible contributions for all calendar years. You must elect the withholding treatment of your distribution, as described in paragraph 22 below. No distribution to you or anyone else from a Traditional IRA can qualify for capital gains treatment under the federal income tax laws. Similarly, you are not entitled to the special five- or ten-year averaging rule for lump-sum distributions that may be available to persons receiving distributions from certain other types of retirement plans. Historically, so-called “excess distributions” to you as well as “excess accumulations” remaining in your account as of your date of death were subject to additional taxes. These additional taxes no longer apply. Any distribution that is properly rolled over will not be includable in your gross income.

  • How Are Distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Taxed For Federal Income Tax Purposes? Amounts distributed are generally excludable from gross income if they do not exceed the beneficiary’s “qualified higher education expenses” for the year or are rolled over to another Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4). “Qualified higher education expenses” generally include the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment for enrollment at (i) accredited post-secondary educational institutions offering credit toward a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, a graduate-level or professional degree or another recognized post-secondary credential and (ii) certain vocational schools. In addition, room and board may be covered if the beneficiary is at least a “half-time” student. This amount may be reduced or eliminated by certain scholarships, qualified state tuition programs, HOPE, Lifetime Learning tax credits, proceeds of certain savings bonds, and other amounts paid on the beneficiary’s behalf as well as by any other deductions or credits taken for the same expenses. The definition of “qualified education expenses” includes expenses more frequently and directly related to elementary and secondary school education, including the purchase of computer technology or equipment or Internet access and related services. To the extent payments during the year exceed such amounts, they are partially taxable and partially non-taxable similar to payments received from an annuity. Any taxable portion of a distribution is generally subject to a 10% penalty tax in addition to income tax unless the distribution is (i) due to the death or disability of the beneficiary, (ii) made on account of a scholarship received by the beneficiary, or (iii) is made in a year in which the beneficiary elects the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credit and waives the exclusion from income of the Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distribution. You may be allowed to take both the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credits while simultaneously taking distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts. However, you cannot claim a credit for the same educational expenses paid for through Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distributions. To the extent a distribution is taxable, capital gains treatment does not apply to amounts distributed from the account. Similarly, the special five- and ten-year averaging rules for lump-sum distributions do not apply to distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account. The taxable portion of any distribution is taxed as ordinary income. The IRS does not require withholding on distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts.

  • Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act A. To the extent the Reinsurer is subject to the deduction and withholding of premium payable hereon as set forth in the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Sections 1471-1474 of the Internal Revenue Code), the Reinsurer shall pay or allow such deduction and withholding from the premium payable under this Contract.

  • RELIEF FROM DOUBLE TAXATION 1. In accordance with the provisions and subject to the limitations of the law of the United States (as it may be amended from time to time without changing the general principle hereof), the United States shall allow to a resident or citizen of the United States as a credit against the United States tax on income:

  • CHILD AND DEPENDENT ADULT/ELDER ABUSE REPORTING CONTRACTOR shall establish a procedure acceptable to ADMINISTRATOR to ensure that all employees, agents, subcontractors, and all other individuals performing services under this Agreement report child abuse or neglect to one of the agencies specified in Penal Code Section 11165.9 and dependent adult or elder abuse as defined in Section 15610.07 of the WIC to one of the agencies specified in WIC Section 15630. CONTRACTOR shall require such employees, agents, subcontractors, and all other individuals performing services under this Agreement to sign a statement acknowledging the child abuse reporting requirements set forth in Sections 11166 and 11166.05 of the Penal Code and the dependent adult and elder abuse reporting requirements, as set forth in Section 15630 of the WIC, and shall comply with the provisions of these code sections, as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

  • Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts Lobbying Activities A. The CONSULTANT certifies, by signing and submitting this Contract, to the best of its knowledge and belief after diligent inquiry, and other than as disclosed in writing to the LPA prior to or contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Contract by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT has complied with Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code, and specifically, that:

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxx XXX Reported for Federal Tax Purposes You must file Form 5329 with the IRS to report and remit any penalties or excise taxes. In addition, certain contribution and distribution information must be reported to the IRS on Form 8606 (as an attachment to your federal income tax return.)

  • Income Tax During each taxation year, the participating employee's income tax liability shall be in accordance with the Income Tax Act and directives from Canada Revenue Agency. Similarly, the withholding tax deducted at source by the College shall be in accordance with the Income Tax Act and directives from Canada Revenue Agency.

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Reported for Federal Tax Purposes? Contributions to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account are reported on IRS Form 5498-ESA.

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