ADDITIONAL PARKING PRIVILEGES. At any time and from time to time after the date of this First Amendment, Tenant may by thirty (30) days prior written notice to Landlord elect to rent up to nineteen (19) additional Parking Privileges of which two (2) will be upper reserved spaces on all of the terms of the Lease except that the monthly parking charge for the upper reserved spaces from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005 will be the monthly parking charge for unreserved spaces, as it may change from time to time. Beginning April 1, 2005, the monthly parking charge for the upper reserved spaces as well as the other Parking Privileges will be Landlord's then-prevailing charge for such spaces (subject to change by Landlord from time to time in its sole discretion). Tenant may surrender some or all of its Parking Privileges from time to time by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to Landlord.
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ADDITIONAL PARKING PRIVILEGES. (a) As of the Effective Date, the parties agree that Tenant’s total “Number of Parking Privileges” is 723 parking privileges, 148 of which are located in the garage below the Building and 575 of which are located on the outdoor surface lot. As of the applicable commencement date for each Premises Component of the Expansion Premises set forth in Section 3 of this Fourth Amendment, Tenant shall have the right to additional parking privileges, subject to and in accordance with the terms of Article X of the Lease, and the definition of “Number of Parking Privileges” contained in Section 1.2 of the Lease shall be supplemented to include the parking privileges set forth below, and subject to adjustment, if applicable, pursuant to Exhibit F of this Fourth Amendment: Premises Component of Expansion Premises Date Additional Parking Privileges Available Number of Additional Parking Privileges Location of Additional Parking Privileges Phase I Expansion Premises From and after the Phase I Expansion Premises Commencement Date 70 parking privileges 14 of which are in the garage; 56 of which are in the outdoor surface lot Phase II Expansion Premises From and after the Phase II Expansion Premises Commencement Date 157 parking privileges 31 of which are in the garage; 126 of which are in the outdoor surface lot Phase III Expansion Premises From and after the Phase III Expansion Premises Commencement Date 160 parking privileges 32 of which are in the garage; 128 of which are in the outdoor surface lot Phase IV Expansion Premises From and after the Phase IV Expansion Premises Commencement Date 147 parking privileges 30 of which are in the garage; 117 of which are in the outdoor surface lot


  • Premises Parking and Common Areas 2.1 Letting Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor, the Premises, for the term, at the rental, and upon all of the terms covenants and conditions set forth in this Lease. Unless otherwise provided herein, any statement of square footage set forth in this Lease, or that may have been used in calculating rental and/or Common Area Operating Expenses, is an approximation which Lessor and Lessee agree is reasonable and the rental and Lessee's Share (as defined in Paragraph 1.6(b)) based thereon is not subject to revision whether or not the actual square footage is more or less.

  • Rights and Privileges On and after the Effective Date, all the rights, privileges, powers, franchises, facilities and immunities, as well as all the properties, real, personal and mixed, tangible and intangible, of Bank shall continue unaffected and unimpaired by the Merger. On and after the Effective Date, the Surviving National Bank shall without further transfer, possess all of the rights, privileges, powers, franchises, facilities, and immunities, as well as all the properties, real, personal and mixed, tangible and intangible, of Bank and Subsidiary.

  • Additional Powers The Trustees shall have the power and authority on behalf of the Trust:

  • Additional Space Commencing on May 1, 2001, Sublessor herein grants unto the Sublessee a Right of First Refusal on any space that shall be and/or becomes available in the building during the remaining Term of this Sublease. Prior to May 1, 2001 and thereafter prior to the first day of May of any calendar year during the remaining Term hereof, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee by written notice of the availability of any such space in the building. Should Sublessee desire to exercise its Right of First Refusal and sublease such available space, Sublessee must notify Sublessor in writing of its desire to sublease the available space within seven (7) calendar days of Sublessee's receipt of Landlord's notice of availability. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of Sublessee's notice exercising the right to sublease such available space, Sublessee and Sublessor shall enter into an amendment of this agreement setting forth the terms under which the additional space is subleased to Sublessee. The Base Rental shall be at a rental mutually agreed between Sublessee and Sublessor. Failure by Sublessee to exercise its Right of First Refusal within said seven (7) calendar day period, or if exercised, failure to enter into an amendment of this agreement within thirty (30) days of Sublessor's receipt of Sublessee's notice, shall be deemed a waiver of such right and Sublessor shall thereafter be free of any obligation under this Article 2.04 for a period of 12 months. Any exercise by Sublessee of this Right of First Refusal shall be for a minimum of 5,000 rental square feet.

  • APPURTENANT RIGHTS AND RESERVATIONS (a) Tenant shall have, as appurtenant to the Premises, the non-exclusive license to use, and permit its invitees to use in common with Landlord and others, (i) public or common lobbies, hallways, stairways and common walkways necessary for access to the Building and the Premises, and if the portion of the Premises on any floor includes less than the entire floor, the common toilets, corridors and lobbies of such floor, each as made available by Landlord from time to time for use in common by tenants of the Building; (ii) the access roads, driveways, parking areas, loading areas, pedestrian sidewalks, landscaped areas, trash enclosures; (iii) the autoclave and glasswasher installed as part of Landlord’s Work, as more particularly described in Exhibit C, and other areas or facilities, if any, which are located in or on the Property and designated by Landlord from time to time for the non-exclusive use of tenants and other occupants of the Property (the “Common Facilities”); but such rights shall always be subject to reasonable rules and regulations from time to time established by Landlord pursuant to Section 15.6 (the “Rules and Regulations”) and to the right of Landlord to designate and change from time to time such areas and facilities so to be used (provided that such changes do not materially adversely affect Tenant’s use of the Premises or Tenant’s parking rights and do not materially increase the obligations or materially decrease the rights of Tenant under this Lease). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Lease contained, Landlord has no obligation to allow any particular telecommunication service provider to have access to the Building or to the Premises. If Landlord permits such access, Landlord may condition such access upon the payment to Landlord by the service provider of fees assessed by Landlord in its sole discretion

  • Parking Throughout the Lease Term, Tenant shall have the exclusive right to use, free of charges, the number of parking spaces set forth in Section 12 of the Summary, which parking spaces constitute the entirety of the parking under the Building and the adjacent surface parking, being all of the parking in the Project. Tenant shall comply with the Parking Rules and Regulations which are in effect on the date hereof, as set forth in the attached Exhibit D and all reasonable modifications and additions thereto which are prescribed from time to time for the orderly operation and use of the Parking Areas by Landlord, and/or Landlord’s Parking Operator (as defined below); provided that such modifications or alterations do not effect Tenant’s use of or access to the Parking Areas. Landlord specifically reserve the right to change the size, configuration, design, layout, of the Parking Areas, and Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Landlord may, without incurring any liability to Tenant and without any abatement of Rent under this Lease, from time to time, temporarily close-off or restrict access to the Parking Areas, so long as Tenant retains access to the number of parking spaces set forth in Section 12 of the Summary. Landlord may delegate its responsibilities hereunder to a parking operator (the “Parking Operator”) in which case the Parking Operator shall have all the rights of control attributed hereby to Landlord. Any parking tax or other charges imposed by governmental authorities in connection with the use of such parking shall be paid directly by Tenant or the parking users, or, if directly imposed against Landlord, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all such taxes and/or charges within thirty (30) days after Landlord’s demand therefor. The parking rights provided to Tenant pursuant to this Article 23 are provided solely for use by Tenant’s own personnel visitors and invitees and such rights may not be transferred, assigned, subleased or otherwise alienated by Tenant without Landlord’s prior approval, except in connection with an assignment of this Lease or sublease of the Premises made in accordance with Article 14 above.

  • COMMON AREAS - LESSEE'S RIGHTS Lessor hereby grants to Lessee, for the benefit of Lessee and its employees, suppliers, shippers, contractors, customers and invitees, during the term of this Lease, the non-exclusive right to use, in common with others entitled to such use, the Common Areas as they exist from time to time, subject to any rights, powers, and privileges reserved by Lessor under the terms hereof or under the terms of any rules and regulations or restrictions governing the use of the Industrial Center. Under no circumstances shall the right herein granted to use the Common Areas be deemed to include the right to store any property, temporarily or permanently, in the Common Areas. Any such storage shall be permitted only by the prior written consent of Lessor or Lessor's designated agent, which consent may be revoked at any time. In the event that any unauthorized storage shall occur then Lessor shall have the right, without notice, in addition to such other rights and remedies that it may have, to remove the property and charge the cost to Lessee, which cost shall be immediately payable upon demand by Lessor.

  • Conversion Privileges The conversion privileges set forth in Article III shall remain in full force and effect immediately from the date hereof and until this Note is paid in full.

  • Ingress and Egress (a) Upon the Execution Date of a Site Agreement, BellSouth hereby grants to User, as well as User's contractors, subcontractors, agents, affiliates, or employees, subject to the limitations set forth herein or in the applicable Site Agreement, (i) the non-exclusive right to use the Tower, at locations mutually agreed upon by User and BellSouth, for the term hereof for ingress, egress, and access to the Tower Space adequate to service the Tower Facilities and (ii) if the term "Leased Space" as used in the Site Agreement includes Ground Space, a non-exclusive easement for the term hereof, for ingress, egress, and access to the Leased Space, on a twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week basis, across (aa) the Property in locations mutually agreed upon by BellSouth and User and (bb) if the Property is leased or licensed by BellSouth, across the property of the Master Landlord to the extent and in the locations of the Master Landlord-granted ingress, egress and access easements to BellSouth in the Master Lease/License. User or User's qualified, insured contractors under User's direct supervision, as well as SprintCom, Inc., a Kansas corporation ("SprintCom") shall have access to the Tower upon twenty- four (24) hours notice to BellSouth, which access shall be subject to the accompaniment, at BellSouth's option, of BellSouth's field personnel to provide an escort and/or supervision, and User shall reimburse BellSouth for BellSouth's actual, reasonable costs related thereto within thirty (30) days of BellSouth's delivery to User of a written invoice for such costs. The foregoing notwithstanding, User and SprintCom shall have access to the Leased Space and User's Facilities immediately and without notice in the event of an emergency, and User shall notify BellSouth as soon as practicable of User's access (SprintCom's) during such emergency. Other security measures required for a particular Site may be set forth in the Site Agreement. User shall be responsible to ensure that User's contractors, subcontractors, agents, affiliates, employees, as well as SprintCom, are adequately insured prior to gaining access to any Site. Without in any way limiting the scope of Section 18, User shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless BellSouth for any loss, claim, or damages resulting from access to any Site permitted in this paragraph.

  • Vehicle Parking Lessee shall be entitled to use the number of Unreserved Parking Spaces and Reserved Parking Spaces specified in Paragraph 1.2(b) on those portions of the Common Areas designated from time to time by Lessor for parking. Lessee shall not use more parking spaces than said number. Said parking spaces shall be used for parking by vehicles no larger than full-size passenger automobiles or pick-up trucks, herein called "Permitted Size Vehicles." Vehicles other than Permitted Size Vehicles shall be parked and loaded or unloaded as directed by Lessor in the Rules and Regulations (as defined in Paragraph 40) issued by Lessor. (Also see Paragraph 2.9.)

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