Administrator Responsibilities. Administrator shall ensure that the City Funds area utilized exclusively to fund the BFF Project within the City of Orlando.
Administrator Responsibilities. The Administrator shall have general day-to-day responsibility for managing the Centers, except with respect to matters over which the Medical Director has authority (as more fully described in Section 4.1 below). The Administrator will consult with the Medical Director of each Center regarding staffing, budgeting, purchasing of medical supplies and equipment, and other matters having clinical significance. The Administrator may perform other duties that DMN deems appropriate that do not interfere with the performance of the Administrator's duties under this Agreement.
Administrator Responsibilities. The employment of the Administrator includes the following provisions:
Administrator Responsibilities. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Administrator shall be excused from performing any obligation under this Agreement to the extent that the performance cannot be made because there is a Disbursement Account deficiency and the Company fails to fund the shortfall in accordance with Section 3.2.
Administrator Responsibilities. The Administrator shall have general day-to-day responsibility for managing the IRL. The Administrator will consult with the Medical Director and the Hospital regarding staffing, budgeting, purchasing of medical supplies and equipment, and other matters having clinical significance. The Administrator shall be located on-site at the IRL.
Administrator Responsibilities. It is agreed that administrators shall devote their time, labor, and attention to the fulfillment of their respective duties, provided however, the administrator, upon approval of the board, may undertake consultative work, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, collegiate study, or other professional duties and obligations. [TA]
Administrator Responsibilities. A. Administrator shall manage AKHMIS and provide oversight, training and technical assistance to Partner Agencies.
B. Administrator shall evaluate the compatibility of Agency’s computer network system.
C. Administrator shall provide introductory training to Agency staff on the use of the ServicePoint HMIS software.
D. Administrator shall provide supplemental training regularly to accommodate changes in Agency staff, and address modifications to the ServicePoint software when needed.
E. Administrator shall be available to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to Agency staff.
F. Administrator shall use only unidentified aggregate AKHMIS data for homeless policy and planning activities, in preparing federal, state or local applications for homelessness funding, to demonstrate the need for and effectiveness of programs and to obtain a system-wide view of program utilization in the State of Alaska.
G. Administrator may implement monitoring procedures to ensure compliance with the requisite client consent and data sharing procedures as defined by this Agreement.
X. Administrator will provide written notification to the Agency Executive Director within three (3) working days of a breach of system security or confidentiality.
I. Administrator may provide a period of probation and technical assistance for any Agency found to have a breach of system security and/or client confidentiality as required under HUD Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data and technical standards. Probation shall remain in effect until the Administrator has evaluated the Agency’s security and confidentiality measures and found them compliant with the policies stated in this Agreement and the AKHMIS User Policy, Responsibility Statement, and Code of Ethics. Subsequent violations of system security and/or client confidentiality may result in suspension or terminated from the system at the sole discretion of the Municipality.
J. Administrator will determine the parameters of probation with the Agency based on Municipality of Anchorage policies and procedures.
Administrator Responsibilities. The scope of services provided by the ADMINISTRATOR during the course of the project will consist of the following:
3.1 Prepare, and explain, as desired, the State of Kansas SPARK Taskforce Agreement between the GRANTEE and State of Kansas.
3.2 Assist in resolving obligation conditions with State of Kansas and submittal of said conditional documents to State of Kansas SPARK Taskforce.
3.3 If necessary, prepare an Environmental Review of the project according to SPARK requirements.
3.4 Prepare SPARK reports, requests for SPARK payment and cash disbursement reports for review by the GRANTEE, detailing all events of previous periods in sufficient fashion to inform
3.5 Assist the GRANTEE with the local record keeping according to the SPARK GRANTEE Handbook guidelines.
3.6 If necessary, prepare activated and documents related to Civil Rights Compliance.
3.7 Prepare and present the Closeout Documents upon completion of the project construction and monitoring by SPARK Taskforce.
3.8 As needed by the GRANTEE, assist with auditor procurement and auditor understanding of project activities.
Administrator Responsibilities. Any and all requests for overtime shall be routed through the PAOT Administrator or his/her designee. This allows for a single point of contact and control that allows for the most cost effective and efficient execution of the PAOT policy. The PAOT Administrator or his/her designee is responsible for assigning all PAOT.
Administrator Responsibilities. 7.1 If you are nominated as an Administrator by the Customer, you will be responsible for managing the licence of the Software and Documentation granted to the Customer, including:
7.1.1 enabling access to the Software by End Users of the Customer in accordance with this XXXX (including allocating use of the Software to up to the Maximum Number of Licences);
7.1.2 overseeing use of the Software by the Customer’s End Users; and
7.1.3 Installing Updates and (where applicable) purchasing and Installing Upgrades.
7.2 If you are an Administrator, you will ensure that:
7.2.1 the maximum number of End Users that you authorise to use the Software and/or (as applicable) hardware to which the Licence may be allocated, and the Software may be Installed for use by End Users, shall not exceed the Maximum Number of Licences;
7.2.2 you keep a secure password for access to the administrator version of the Portal and will keep such password confidential and not disclose it to any other End User or other person; and
7.2.3 no End Users under the age of 13 years will have access to the Software or Documentation.