Advance Approval. Overtime work must be approved in advance by the Employer.
Advance Approval. (a) All overtime shall be approved by the President's office in advance in all circumstances.
(b) In emergency situations if overtime is required to be worked and it is not possible to receive prior approval then the overtime may be worked and the President's office advised as soon as practicable after the event.
Advance Approval. Prior to any use of any Trademarks, Licensee shall, at Licensee's expense, submit to Licensor, for Licensor's written approval, the following: (a) two (2) specimens of each Product on which the Trademarks is to appear (the "Specimens"); (b) all artwork which Licensee intends to use in connection with the Trademarks; and
Advance Approval. Prior to any use of any Trademark, Licensee shall, at Licensee's expense, submit to Licensor, for Licensor's written approval, the following: (a) two (2) specimens of each Product on which the Trademark is to appear (the "Specimens"); (b) all artwork which Licensee intends to use in connection with the Trademark; and (c) all packaging, advertising and promotional literature which Licensee intends to use in the marketing or merchandising of the Trademarked Product. Licensor shall give Licensee written notice of approval or disapproval within ten (10) business days from its receipt of the Specimens, and should Licensor disapprove, its written notice shall explain in detail the reasons for disapproval so that Licensee may prepare and submit new specimens and/or samples.
Advance Approval. A request for personal leave must be made in writing to the District Human Resources Director at least three (3) contractual days in advance, except in the case of emergency.
Advance Approval. 8 Advance approval is required. Requests are to be made on the appropriate 9 District form. Leave taken without approval shall be considered unauthorized 10 leave. Requests for leaves of absence for the following school year are 11 encouraged to be submitted by February 1. The District would still consider 12 requests submitted to the District Office prior to May 15.
Advance Approval. All overtime shall be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.
Advance Approval. The STATE must approve all new enrollment materials sent to Enrollees prior to their use. The MCO must revise its COC for all substantial changes in its Grievance and Appeals procedures, and its health care delivery systems, including changes in procedures to obtain access to or approval for health care services. All revisions to the COC must be approved in writing by the STATE in accordance with this section and issued to Enrollees prior to implementation of the change. Approvals by the STATE for these materials shall not be unreasonably withheld. The MCO must submit its documents in a final version prior to receiving an approval from the STATE. The STATE agrees to inform the MCO of its approval or denial of these documents within thirty (30) days of receipt of these documents from the MCO.
Advance Approval. No additional Improvements shall be installed or constructed upon the Leased Premises except with prior written approval of District in regard to the anticipated use, specific location, color, design and nature of the same (with the exception of the design of any current Improvements of the Leased Premises). It is intended that all the Facilities shall be reasonably compatible with the present and projected future uses contemplated by District for the Leased Premises.
Advance Approval. The Treasurer must give advance written approval to make a purchase whenever practical; all purchases greater than $500 or not included in the current budget must be approved. The cardholder’s purchase request should describe the purchase and cost.